Hello I am currently on income related ESA and in the support group alongside housing benefit and PIP.
I'm planning to move soon from a different local authority/council and would have to claim UC anyway for my rent, would I be entitled to transitional protection or would I lose money if I moved without managed migration.
Sorry if it's confusing I just want to know where I stand.
Thank you.
If your ESA includes the Severe disability Premium and you still live a lone or treated as living alone when you move house your UC will include SDP transitional Protection element.
If it doesn't include the SDP then you will not be entitled to any TP. LCWRA for UC pays more than ESA Support Group in this case anyway.
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Hi Poppy, yes I do get the severe disability premium of ESA.. just wanted to make sure where I stood on things that's all. :)
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Hi Poppy, just following up on the ESA to UC. I am currently waiting to be migrated from ESA to UC through managed migration (haven't heard anything yet).
If I was to move out of the local authority to a different one.. would I be more financially worse off even though I get the severe disability premium on ESA and get PIP? I've been told by some of the job centre advisors that I would be financially worse off... thanks.
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If you moved to a different LA and needed to claim UC for help with your rent then yes you would likely be worse off. This is because Transitional Protection for SDP with natural migration is less than it would be when moving to UC through managed migration.