New government, new sactions, new stress.

RTX1 Community member Posts: 17 Contributor

Good morning all.

(I hope this is allowed)

I retired from working around 10 years ago, like many on here with mental health issues my head just caved in one day and thankfully my wife of 20+ years was there as a rock for me.

Without going into too much details again "Like many" poor souls my mental health comes from from the 70s when I was a child, abusive parents, broken bones and then something happened I cant even put on here, we "ALL" have a story so I think its not right for me to go into any further details but what happened to me for the first 22 years of my life basically set me path out for me and its not been a straight safe passage by any means, luckily I have not lived a life like my father was to us and my two kids have never seen anything more than a loud shout or an early night for being naughty (They are both adults now).

Again, unlike my father ive got no criminal background and under my circumstances I am proud to say that more so im a non smoker although my entire family do and never been into drugs, but thats where the good news ends, due to the way my life has been its made me incredibly fragile to stress and work commitments, I'd start a job and sometimes walkout that very same day or week, or id be talking to someone and id go so far off subject that id forget what we was talking about or people simply wouldn’t understand me and think I was weird.

Meeting my wife was by sheer chance whilst we both worked abroad, She doesn’t originate from England and shes 6 years younger than I am, the cultural differences were astounding to say the least and the effort we have put in to get to where we are today is incredible and I am so proud of my wife.

I didnt know what "PIP" was until around 7 years ago, it was by chance my doctor advised me to look into it after I broke down in his surgery one day, now im not the kind of person who breaks down all the time in fact up until then I could count how many times I had done on one hand and bearing in mind id lost 17 family/friends in just 17 years one of my best mates death was so tragic he was in the media like The Sun and Mirror newspapers, so some tears had been dropped.

When the "PIP" assessor arrived it was a friday evening around 16:30 and he had one foot in the house one foot outside ready to get gone cause he couldnt make it anymore obvious he wasnt interested in being there and was rushing everything, He asked me questions and before I finished talking he would start talking which my wife told him to go easy on me as im a very quiet natured person.

When he left I felt we had been honest and straight forwards to him, we got the results back a month or so later and to my shock I was awarded "0 points out of 12" I was like "WHAT", I read his reply or report and like many others have had from these assessors lies lies and more lies...

So I appealed and I unlocked some legal doors from my past to allow the DWP to look into my complete history like allowing them access to my medical records, the Social Services record which was pretty bad more so one of my sisters was taken from us due to the abuse back in the 70s plus other sanctions etc from them.

I explained to DWP how right from a child my life was shocking and kept nothing back as at that stage had nothing left to lose, I went into great details and I remember the reply I sent took my days to type up and then my wife grammar and spell checked it for me.

Feeling bad to whoever received that reply from me I profusely apologised cause I really did get graphic.

Some time later I received a reply from DWP and they had reviewed my claim and awarded me "12 points out of 12" which is nothing to "Song and dance about" but it does take a mass of pressure from me I mean who likes having no income eh? more so when I loved working but almost killed one of my mates in the machine I was in and it was at that stage I decided to retire.

Getting accepted for PIP makes my everyday need possible, it takes pressure from my partner and it means I can live a life as normal as can be and NOT like this and the previous government think where getting PIP gives me a life of holidays and luxuries!

So I've gone the very long way around to get to the point im trying to state here, Last week I read that starmer and co are going for the most vulnerable people in society, they’ve done the pensioners and now for us guys, the Disabled and they are after your PIP!.

You have to be a tad careful with the media and what they put in their rhetoric as they use wordings and claims to "Panic" people as it gets hits and more traffic on their sites, it should be outlawed but then again the government are so busy trying to starve us poor souls from the very basics in life whilst them themselves get showered in 100's of thousands of pound of gifts eh.

I see starmers trying to use the tories DWP PIP changes to use vouchers instead of money and to add insult to injury starmer is also looking at forcing tens of thousands if not more PIP Claimants back into work and you better believe it the man and his ilk will be brutal!

What I find ironic is there is claims that the PIP or benefits cost in 5 years (Not now) is going to hit £30Bln a year, but yet there is £23Bln of unclaimed benefits a year so how does that work?

We all know ways the government could save tens of billions dont we but he wont go that route and has his cannons aimed at us lot.

Politically, im on the fence! I dont see a single party in government who are genuinely in for the public, they are all on "The take" whilst trying to tell us we get too much, this and many previous governments have simply forgotten they are there to "SERVE THE PUBLIC" and not milk us.

Had it not been for Scope and other companies who are our voice when it comes to the government I think we would all be in trouble, but thankfully we do have a lot of support and whilst all these changes may or may not come in via stalin starmer remember the dates are 2028/29 and by then the labour party may not even be running the country, but will another party do any better..who knows...

Rant over...thanks.


  • luvpink
    luvpink Community member Posts: 374 Empowering

    Hi RTX1 and thank your personal story with us.

    We are all going through it with this awful cruel government.

    I cannot believe they have stayed so silent regarding their intentions regarding benefits.

    Whatever they decide good or bad, I hope they get voted out at the next G.E

    They are the most callous horrible out of touch bunch ever going and thats putting it lightly.

    Take care.

  • RTX1
    RTX1 Community member Posts: 17 Contributor

    Hello "Luvpink".

    Thanks for your reply, Yes this government seems hellbent on punishing the absolute most vulnerable dont they, but make no mistake it will be the end of starmers time in number ten if he doesnt lay off us because we are an army of people and we just want to be left alone instead of having to fight all the time against new or old governments, it simply need to stop! We are not easy targets for them…I too hope they get voted out…only question then is…who do we support? thanks and have a fantastic day.

  • luvpink
    luvpink Community member Posts: 374 Empowering

    @RTX1 yes I agree.

    I believe Comrade Stalin's days in power are numbered.

    He is one of the most disliked people in Britain and him and his party are making so many hugely unpopular decisions, not to mention Lord Ali and the freebies scandal.

    Maybe (hopefully) he will be ousted out but they are all as bad as one another.

  • Nightcity
    Nightcity Community member Posts: 1,146 Trailblazing

    About time they tipped their mps wages into this so called black hole and got their poisonous and crazy noses out of the lives of the vulnerable.

  • RTX1
    RTX1 Community member Posts: 17 Contributor

    Hi Nightcity.

    I fully agree! I also think its about time now the country is falling on its knees again that we have total transparency with wages/funding and expenses/gifts of MPs, I'd also like to see MUCH more consultation with the public over where our money is going and not some bent MPs or PM making such vast decisions on their own.

  • vikki66
    vikki66 Community member Posts: 864 Empowering

    Hi @RTX1

    Thanks for sharing your story. I didn’t think you took a long road in the telling, because your writing is interesting, and easy to read and understand.

    I’m sorry you had to be put through that disgraceful fight to have PIP awarded. I hope it’s much easier going forward.

    Can you please explain a bit more about what you meant re 2028-29, apologies, I’m very out of touch.
    Thank you

  • RTX1
    RTX1 Community member Posts: 17 Contributor

    Evening Vikki.

    Thank you for the reply. by the time I finished that long body of text I needed a break, sometimes I can type so much and go so off subject I get lost and time and time again i have posted statements online and then read it and had to correct or add text in vast amounts explaining myself or what im talking about as I miss key points.

    Thank you for your kind words! thats very sweet of you, when I stated the "2028-29" dates, what that meant was that any changes made by starmer wont come into force now but in 2028-29 so we have a grace period before he starts to push masses of PIP claimants back to work or as he has stated, by then and hopefully he will be gone, my only concern then is that whoever takes over, will they transfer starmers changes or move on from it? It seems every PM we get turns their barrels directly at pensioners and the disabled…

    This is where "Scope" and other supporting bodies are key cause they are our voices and whilst MPs seem not to listen, with charities etc they have a lot of swing and MPs cant hide from them.

    TC thanks again.

  • Nightcity
    Nightcity Community member Posts: 1,146 Trailblazing

    Agreed anything major announced in the budget will take a fair while, it has to follow the usual processes, then be trialled.

    If it's too controversial it'll also be bogged down with amendments and (hopefully) the Lords will hold it up another year.

  • RTX1
    RTX1 Community member Posts: 17 Contributor

    Totally agree "Nightcity".

    I think its worrying just how far this and previous governments are wanting what seems like punish the disabled? thanks.

  • Nightcity
    Nightcity Community member Posts: 1,146 Trailblazing

    I'm confident deep down it'll all backfire.

    We've had similar suggestions and rhetoric in 2008,2012,2016 and it never happens in the end it's a circle... Nasty ideas... Claimants ill with worry... Idea dropped, watered down or fails.. Business as usual.

    If most these rumours and hints did rate a mention in the budget they're almost all unworkable with a backlash, lawsuits and backing down eventually a certainty.

  • RTX1
    RTX1 Community member Posts: 17 Contributor

    I'll keep my fingers crossed "Nightcity" I'm diagnosed with a few conditions one is cptsd so when a government starts talking about culling benefits of the disabled naturally for myself and thousands of others it adds masses of worry and anxiety in fact the government in doing so create a worse scenario of people who need the help, thanks.

  • Ralph
    Ralph Community member Posts: 128 Empowering

    As Rachel Reeves once said “we are going to be more tougher on benefits than the Tories”. I think some in the Labour party are closet Tories and will soon be showing their true colours.

  • Nightcity
    Nightcity Community member Posts: 1,146 Trailblazing

    I think Reeves May get the shock if she keeps rocking the boat, not us.

  • Razr
    Razr Community member Posts: 86 Contributor

    @RTX1 Thank you for your story and for sharing it, I have read what you typed and I think it is brilliant, The Problem is I related to most if not all of what you have been through except my wife did a runner so I was alone, which is most of the cause for my mental health issues too, I tried to self medicate so not to be alone which added to my issues and made them worse in the long run, I am clean now except I still drink too much

    I feel for you, (we are not alone) and welcome I look forward to reading more

  • RTX1
    RTX1 Community member Posts: 17 Contributor

    Morning Razr.

    Thats very sad to hear your wife left you, more so when you needed her support so much.

    But its situations like that which make us stronger isnt it, before I met my wife ive had previous GFs leave me when ive been totally skint or in a rut, i've only been married once and thats to my wife now which has been for over 20 years, shes a tough ole girl sometimes but she's a real sweetie too.

    I also drink! ive gone off larger due to various reasons and only drink Guinness, its good to hear your health is improving or has got better!.

    The problem with Mental Health and suffering from it from my perspective is when you think deeply into things im kinda a "One man band" in that I find no one close to me can understand as they havent gone through what I have so with full respect to them they cant feel the emotions like I can, I feel suffering with what I do locks me a lot of time in the past and also locks me into christmastimes of the 70s and 80s…its a real odd scenario.

    Take care.