private councilling

Charlie5 Community member Posts: 53 Contributor

Hi to all,My doctor has just informed me during a call on the telephone,I have so many issues going on in her opinion she feels it would help me if I spoke to a private councilor ,I am already in process of speaking to a mental health nurse,so this has been a complete shock to me.

I cannot afford to go private,so I feel that is a dead end.And what will a private coucilor do,? diagnose a health issue?,I am already on the waiting list for autism,I am so confused now.In the meantime my medication has been increased.

Pip tribunal later this month also,just feel everything in life is taking its toll on me.

Any advice I would be grateful.Thankyou


  • luvpink
    luvpink Community member Posts: 374 Empowering


    A private counselor would do the same as an nhs or ones gp's can recommend free of charge.

    They would most likely offer talking therapies, cbt and relaxation techniques.

    Your gp probably suggested going private because there are long waiting lists to see non private ones.

    I would suggest speaking to the mht and get their advise and if they can recommend a free one for you.

  • SaraC_Scope
    SaraC_Scope CP Network, Scope Posts: 124 Empowering

    Hi @Charlie5

    Have you considered contacting the charity Mind How to find a therapist This page will direct you to your local Mind organisation, that could offer free counselling.



  • longtallsally67
    longtallsally67 Community member Posts: 42 Connected

    hi @Charlie5

    I’m not sure what it is you need therapy for, that is private and I would never pry. 

    I’m currently having trauma based therapy via video link with this company (IESO)  and they are truly amazing. 

    Have a nosey on their website and see if it’s suitable for you and self refer 😊 

    I hope it’s of some help to you 

    ieso Online Therapy | Home

    NHS Taking Therapies - Self Referral

    There’s also a link here to see if you can self refer to a talking therapist local to you too. 

  • Charlie5
    Charlie5 Community member Posts: 53 Contributor

    Thankyou for your message,very kind of you.Yes my MH nurse is due to call me next week so I will ask her advice then,x

  • Charlie5
    Charlie5 Community member Posts: 53 Contributor

    hi and thankyou for your message very kind of you.I have been in touch with MIND today and they can offer councilling for around 10 pound per hour but for now they have suggested wait and see what my MH nurse suggest.

    Thankyou x

  • Charlie5
    Charlie5 Community member Posts: 53 Contributor

    Thankyou for your mesage,very kind of you.I was in touch with MIND today who did say they have councilling sessions for 10 per hour but for now have suggested I speak with my MH nurse(due next week) and see what she advices.

    Take care and thankyou x