Novel Situation

Jon80 Community member Posts: 5 Listener

(I wasn’t sure if I had posted this in the correct place so have posted it here just in case):

Hi all, I can’t seem to find a similar situation online as I’m guessing that the following is rare.

I have Autism and nonverbal learning disability, extreme social anxiety and depression, for the last 13 years I have been in the ESA support group so am deemed not fit to work and I receive the higher rate in PIP for the mental side of things and the lower rate with regards to the mobility element.

for a multiple of reasons I would like to come off the ESA, I am fortunate that I have a family member who is prepared to send me each month what I get from ESA, this family member will in-fact be sending more than what I currently get from ESA as I will in effect be self employed so will have to cover certain costs myself plus I will obviously then be liable for paying my stamp, national insurance etc.

I am wondering if I went down this route would it potentially impact my PIP? Would I have to inform PIP? (I have a 10 year award) even though I’m not working and my condition hasn’t changed? the only thing that would have changed is that a benefactor would be giving me the money that I would usually would be receiving from the ESA.

I described this as a novel situation as I’m not sure if anyone has willingly given up being in the ESA support group as they no longer require the payment for the next 20-30 years.

The reasons why I would like to come off the ESA is due to it being very restrictive in that you can’t really inherit anything, can’t have over £6,000 in savings, my mum is my appointee and she gets very stressed every time it comes to the reassessments, It would just be mentally better for all of us to not be on the ESA benefit.

Thank you for taking the time to read the above, happy to elaborate on anything, if there is a more suitable forum where I should post this then please let me know.

