Your PIP review is complete, DWP text



  • malannark18
    malannark18 Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener

    hello i recieved a text from dwp saying we have awarded your pip we have sent you a decision letter please allow 2 week
    but its got me worried as reading alot of comments i am still confused will i get any payment or will it say in the letter that i will not recieve it

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    That's a standard text sent to a lot of people waiting for review decisions. I received the exact same text on Wednesday. I rang them when they opened at 9am and asked what the decision was and she told me.

    It doesn't mean anything other than what it says. You can ring them on Monday morning to ask what the decision was and they will tell you.

  • malannark18
    malannark18 Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener

    i recieved my letter today pip have awarded me to many points what should i do i filled the questionairre right and explained my problems via the phone assement but they awarded me to many points on the communcation part

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    Do you fully understand the PIP descriptors and what they mean? Very few people do and it's very easy to underscore yourself when looking at those descriptors. I would say it's very highly unlikely that you were awarded too many points. More often than not, they award too few points.

    How many points did you score for that descriptor?

  • malannark18
    malannark18 Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener

    this is what i ticked on the box

    1. Needs communication support to be able to express or understand basic verbal information. 

      but the awarded me this

    2. Cannot express or understand verbal information at all even with communication support

    3. as i have problems hearing people with my hearing aids in and its even worse when its busy i have to move to a quite part
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    OK so you think it should be 4 points but you scored 12 points? As I advised, it's definitely not unusual for them to score more points that you think you're entitled to for that descriptor.

    Have a read of this link and scroll to "communicating verbally" and hopefully it will help answer the question for you.

    It's difficult to advise because I don't know how your conditions affect you.

    How many points in total did you score for the daily living part?

  • malannark18
    malannark18 Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener

    i got 16 points for the

    daily living part

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    Thanks. So if you had scored 4 points for this descriptor then that would have been standard daily living. If you're concerned then you can also get some expert advice from an agency near you.

  • malannark18
    malannark18 Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener

    i was just going to phone pip and say i think you awarded me wrong on the

    communicating verbally part

  • malannark18
    malannark18 Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener

    would it be best just to phone pip up and explain there is a problem on the

    communicating verbally part

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing

    No, not at all. When you ring any DWP department you are speaking to someone from a call centre and they are the last people you should ring for something like this.

    It's difficult to give any advice because I know nothing about your health condition and how they affect you. This is why I advised you to speak to an advice agency.

  • malannark18
    malannark18 Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener

    ok ty i shall ring citizen advice up monday morning

  • durhamjaide2001
    durhamjaide2001 Scope Member Posts: 13,341 Championing

    I would recommend phoning the Scope Disability helpline as they are best placed to support you. One of their expertise is benefits.

    As Poppy has said I wouldn't recommend phoning the DWP because they won't really help and I wouldn't recommend seeking support from Citizens Advice because they are not an expert on disability unless you want to see someone face to face. However Scope does and it supports you holistically looking at everything as well as helping with your claim.

    Let me know if you use it and it helps because I volunteer in the shops and I never get to know where the money we make goes to so it's nice to know that it's going to someone that needs support with PIP.

  • malannark18
    malannark18 Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener

    ok thank you will phone up monday

  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,685 Championing

    Hi @malannark18 - I've just read your post. You identified on your claim form that you need to use hearing aids. However your assessor, or the decision maker, or both, appreciated from what you'd said that you have difficulty hearing others even when you use your hearing aids, as so often there's too much background noise.

    You have filled in your form thinking that you ought to get so many points, but an assessor, who is a health professional, & a decision maker, who looks at everything, both obviously understood the difficulties you face, & thought that more points better reflected your actual problems; 2 people who fully understand how PIP works.

    Even if you had got 8 points for this part, you would still have been awarded the enhanced rate for the daily living component. This would have been half way between what you thought, & what you were actually awarded, so I can see no problem here. You received the correct award, & I wouldn't be concerned that anything was wrong. You're obviously a very honest person, who thankfully got the correct award.

  • malannark18
    malannark18 Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener

    i am still going to get in touch with scope monday as its free helpline to see what they say

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,699 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @malannark18 I can understand the confusion and wanting to set things straight. The way the assessors tick things can sometimes seem confusing, but if they feel you fell somewhere between what option you ticked and the next option up, they will choose the option up. So with your hearing, I'd say they've chosen the correct option, as the descriptor you chose is less than the help you actually need, so it has been upgraded to the next option up.

    I hope that makes some sense? It's a difficult one to describe, but basically I don't think you'd need to contact anyone about your award, as it sounds right to me.

  • malannark18
    malannark18 Online Community Member Posts: 10 Listener

    since i was born partly deaf in both ears so have to wear hearing aids and had speech therapy from a child until i was 16 and i still have problems pronouncing some words and i struggle to understand some words people say to me so i have to ask them again to say it diffrently so i can understand
    its like when i am with family and close friends its easier to commuicate as they know of my speech and hearing problems but sometimes i still have problems understanding
    thats why i ticked needs communication support to be able to express or understand basic verbal information

  • hopeful12
    hopeful12 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener

    hi am new to this forum but it looks like I may get an answer from someone please as no joy from DWP yet. I sent my PIP review form off in January this year and so far all i’ve had is the usual “ we still haven’t made a decision” txts I am getting increasingly anxious now as reach State pension age in a couple of months, I am aware you can’t get PIP once you reach 66 years old unless you are awarded it before that age. My question is will I still be entitled to it even if they don’t make a decision until after i’ve reached 66 ? As I mentioned it’s been since January that i’ve been waiting ,so was 65 at the point of review. I had a txt to say it’s been extended because of the backlog as it’s not been looked at yet. Does anyone know if they can turn around sometime at the point of finally making this decision and say ,, “oh you are 66 now so can’t have it “ or will they take it from the date I sent in the review ? Thanks in anticipation

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,699 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Heya @hopeful12 and welcome to the community!

    Unfortunately people are waiting around a year to get their reviews done currently, mine was 15 months and all I'd receive were the standard texts until my assessment, then more texts right up until they'd made a decision.

    I'm unsure how they would see your claim and age unfortunately, that's not something I've encountered before. But I'd be hoping they'd go from the date the review forms were sent back?