Was stuck in bed all day after hoist broke, it finally got fixed 5pm

wandering_chris Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 104 Empowering

Luckily I had someone to help me get dressed when it got fixed, but I was stuck in bed til around 5pm after much passing around. Manufacturer said council had to pay an the council said me. After hours of back an forth it was finally fixed.

This then begs the questions:

  • Why was I not given a phone call or reminder before said warranty ended?
  • If the council installed it, why does it not remain the councils property?
  • Is not denial of movement and toileting by means of the commode a denial of my Human rights?


  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 61,666 Championing

    @wandering_chris that sounds an awful situation to be In. Was the equipment given by an OT? I don't see how your responsible for the costs of the hoist

  • wandering_chris
    wandering_chris Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 104 Empowering

    yep it was but they say like after a year its my responsibilty, well why didnt they tell the company too?

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 61,666 Championing

    Thats crazy I would get clarification on that by an OT

  • Bluebell21
    Bluebell21 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 8,764 Championing

    Hi @wandering_chris Are the council saying that after the warranty of twelve months ended you are responsible for the service and maintaining the hoist? Hoists should be serviced every six months, to make sure they are in good working order.

  • wandering_chris
    wandering_chris Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 104 Empowering
  • wandering_chris
    wandering_chris Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 104 Empowering

    the duty ot said that

  • Bluebell21
    Bluebell21 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 8,764 Championing

    It is a pity you were not reminded by them when the warranty was due to end. @wandering_chris Going forward at least you now know. Take care.

  • wandering_chris
    wandering_chris Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 104 Empowering

    what annoys me more is I was left for hours without access to toileting via a commode - surely thats a violation of my rights?

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 61,666 Championing

    I would put a complaint in Chris have a Google on line see if you can find someone to complain to

  • Bluebell21
    Bluebell21 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 8,764 Championing

    The problem is Chris the Council have said you were responsible for the service and maintenance of the sling once the 12 months warranty expired.

    Was the delay partly caused by the Company who did the service and maintenance not knowing who would pay for the repair needed? How quickly would you have expected them to come and do the repair? They did come the same day you reported there was a fault.

    I can understand how upsetting this was for you but who do you think violated your rights?

  • wandering_chris
    wandering_chris Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 104 Empowering

    *maintenence of the hoist, they came the same day but I had to fight like hell - I just feel that I wouldntve been treated by the council like this (the passing of responsibility, the distress of no time scale and no access toileting if I was able bodied an relying on any other council service.

  • Ostia
    Ostia Online Community Member Posts: 40 Contributor

    That sounds so awful, wandering Chris.

    it just seems so cold and insensitive….however I believe that councils frequently let down all sorts of people in need, elderly people waiting for carers to arrive, children awaiting assessments and people living in mouldy flats (there was a big section on the news about this today). I don't know if toilet access/assistance is listed as a human right….sadly elderly people can be left like this at home due to shortage of carers, and in hospitals too, in corridors for hours if there is no staff to assist. I don't think you are being targeted for neglect because of not being able bodied and that would be a horrible thing if there were not stories to suggest otherwise, as above.

    However you should have received clear written information about who was responsible for maintaing the hoist, how often, and who to call in an emergency. It would be shocking if you have not received this.

    If you want to look into it further you could try the Disability Law Service, they look at rights in relation to disability.

    All the best

  • Razr
    Razr Online Community Member Posts: 190 Empowering

    I used to be a care and support worker, if i received a call asking me to respond then i did, where is your comms?

    no matter where you are

  • Razr
    Razr Online Community Member Posts: 190 Empowering

    where is your panic button, if you are under a "duty of care" of someone or thing then you have one, if not then bring this up with them so it never happens again

    OH SO CRUEL are humans

  • Jellihead
    Jellihead Online Community Member Posts: 59 Empowering

    Ask the council and/or OT for written evidence of your responsibility for maintenance of the hoist. Not an online statement but the one they sent you and when. I found this in Age UK.
