Do you think charities advertising is overkill?



  • duc7492003
    duc7492003 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Connected

    Some charities definitely overdo the advertising. It's a fine line, they need to raise funds, but aggressive tactics can backfire. I agree, the constant barrage on TV is exhausting. I'm more likely to donate to smaller, less visible charities because of it.

  • birdwatcher
    birdwatcher Online Community Member Posts: 108 Empowering

    I tend to be rather cynical. Especially of the big charities. My Dad always said there was money to be made out of charity and I agree with him. Not for the volunteers but the people at the top

    That said, I do donate to one specific dog rescue charity. It's only a small one and I know the dogs benefit from the money

  • jools62
    jools62 Online Community Member Posts: 14 Connected

    i truly believe, with the amount of charity ads on tv, it takes all responsibility away from the government, they must be rubbing their hands

  • jools62
    jools62 Online Community Member Posts: 14 Connected

    i only give to horses, and the elderly, absolutely no one else

  • whistles
    whistles Online Community Member Posts: 2,034 Championing

    I do wonder how much actual difference charities make abroad, if they are unable to make any changes to their lifestyle.

    I can recall Live Aid and Band Aid, these people are still starving and dying. We don't get those adverts anymore, it's different ones about clean water, education.

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,974 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Please remember you're talking about charities on a charities forum. 😆

  • jools62
    jools62 Online Community Member Posts: 14 Connected

    i think we all recognise what your saying, this is a charity forum, i get it, but surely we are all entitled to our opinion, weather you agree or not, if these posts prove anything, its that charities should take note of peoples’s opinions

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,974 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Oh no of course @jools62 opinions are allowed, of course. As long as people follow the house rules. 😊

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 8,974 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    We have replied to your email @Summerlove

  • jools62
    jools62 Online Community Member Posts: 14 Connected

    are we ever gonna have an end to all those charity ads, its almost every other ad now, absolutely rediculous, seriously, something needs to be done, every charity ad, i now turn the sound down, it really is beyond the pale now

  • JonnycJonny
    JonnycJonny Scope Member Posts: 232 Empowering

    No disrespect to animal lovers but when more is being asked for donkeys than the desperate homeless - with ads for Pure Cremation (big smiles about the free gift card ! ) thrown in for good measure - it is all a little bit Twilight Zone on afternoon TV. Yes - it is overkill on the box.

  • whistles
    whistles Online Community Member Posts: 2,034 Championing

    But scope isn't the one we are referring to in regards to the tv adverts.

    These are currently repeating themselves. Water Aid Salvation Army Centre Point and Crisis are on every night.

  • teuchterlass
    teuchterlass Online Community Member Posts: 51 Empowering
    edited November 2024

    I used to have a B&B on a Scottish island, these 2 guys stayed with me for a few days, they had a stall in a local supermarket (this store recently started opening on a Sunday!!) signing up monthly payments for a certain pet charity. These guys could not believe how many folk signed up for the payments of £ a month. Every one they signed up they were paid £90 each, this was a good few years ago (over 11 years ago) so think the amount they are paid will have increased, they were more than happy to pay visits to the island - folk were very trusting and not used to chuggers, the folk did not realise that most of the first years money went straight in the pockets of the guys - even if they cancelled straight away.

    I would not have these guys stay in my establishment again.

    Far too many pleas on television, in my post and everywhere you turn for money - I now ignore the lot other than my usual ones I donate.

  • jools62
    jools62 Online Community Member Posts: 14 Connected

    when oh when are we gonna stop being bombarded with charity ads, somewhere, somehow there must be a law against it, i am sick and tired of them every time i turn on my tv, im well past the stage of giving to these people who beg for my money, sick and tired of them, thats what happens when we’re bombarded with them, i truly hate them

  • Emilee
    Emilee Online Community Member Posts: 242 Empowering

    I much prefer charity adverts to those promoting products you do not need, simply to line the already bulging pockets of CEOs and stakeholders.

    It is sad that any country requires charity, as it reflects societal issues that are not being addressed. However, I would much rather give my money to good causes than to companies that prey on human nature, convincing us that what we have is not enough and we need more.

  • Jimm_Alumni
    Jimm_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,717 Championing

    I think Albus was not meaning to suggest people were referring to Scope or cannot share these opinions. I think he was more pointing out what he thought is perhaps a bit of irony? I'm glad we aren't among those who have been mentioned 😋

    I've found the topic interesting, because I so rarely watch tv anymore I don't tend to see these ads

  • egister
    egister Posts: 732 Empowering

    Knowing what people think about charity advertising should be valuable to them, especially since this information was obtained practically for free. 😉…

  • whistles
    whistles Online Community Member Posts: 2,034 Championing

    I think with the adverts they are going to be aimed at a certain market. So in the evenings it's most likely going to be working age busy people that probably only see the advert once. They can press a few buttons and feel they've done something. It's unfortunate that those of us replying to the thread regularly see the adverts as we are probably not the intended target.

    I mute all adverts as they are always louder than the programme. I use that time to do something else. Depending on what you watch some can be long enough to make a cuppa.

    Scope adverts pop up on fb. Fb is actually full of advertising, but I won't go ot as this about the tv advertising.

  • jools62
    jools62 Online Community Member Posts: 14 Connected

    really does annoy me the number of charity ads, absolutely rediculous, and i may say, very insulting, i dont care about kids starving in africa, i dont care about african kids not being able to blink, when charity ads first came on tv i was quite sypathetic, no more, hate them with a passion, i never give to these ads now, absolutely loathe them, every time they’re on, i turn the sound down

  • michael57
    michael57 Online Community Member Posts: 1,063 Championing

    what a nasty thing to say lets just hope this or future governments dont adopt this attitude for our own population most would not cope with half of what these 3rd world countries have to deal with