This petition has hit a million so far.



  • frozenpelvis
    frozenpelvis Online Community Member Posts: 57 Contributor

    Ironsides 1990 not sure what there’ll do but don’t forget there was a big backlash by all the charities in regards too the winter fuel payments being cut and Labour ignored them. Alas I feel we are in for a bumpy ride.

  • FeistyPigeon
    FeistyPigeon Online Community Member Posts: 274 Empowering

    We need to be really careful about doing this. This petition was set up by MPs and their associates on the right: Reform + Tories + backed by people like Elon Musk. They've a reason for doing this, to kick out Labour + get a new right-wing government in its place. Labour have been a kick in the teeth to us disabled people so far, but do we really want to get Tories / Reform in their place? They'll slash welfare + any other public spending in favour of tax cuts for the rich. Not a good way to go…

  • frozenpelvis
    frozenpelvis Online Community Member Posts: 57 Contributor
    edited December 2024

    IndignantPigeon hi I don’t think there is a chance of getting Labour out, it’s about getting them to review some of their policies that will and are having an impact on the vulnerable. Personally I don’t think any party will do any better not in this present financial crisis that is not just hitting this country but many countries around the world. No party was prepared for the pandemic or Brexit, there were no contingency plans in place and unfortunately it is always the poor and less fortunate that feel the brunt of the repercussions. It seems as though this country is continually in austerity and our politicians have no plan or strategy for getting us out of it. For years Labour have criticised the conservatives for getting into bed with the Chinese, United Arab nations and what are they doing now.

    We need to ensure that our MP’s work in our best interest and sometimes petitions can let them know we are not happy with the way things are going.

  • whistles
    whistles Online Community Member Posts: 2,034 Championing

    It's two million now and the government have responded to it.

  • frozenpelvis
    frozenpelvis Online Community Member Posts: 57 Contributor

    thank you Whistles

  • FeistyPigeon
    FeistyPigeon Online Community Member Posts: 274 Empowering

    Ah, you might be right Frozen Pelvis, that hadn't occurred to me. In which case I would've signed as they've certainly done a bad job so far. Looks like with 2 million signatures it'll be debated now, let's hope something comes of it.

    I don't think things are as fated as you say though, the real problem is all these parties are following the ethos of market capitalism, they're afraid to spend too much on welfare or raise taxes on those who really could afford it, in case investors scuttle off overseas and abandon the UK. It's the whole model that's at fault. While they're in the grip of hugely wealthy / multinational investors, with their tax havens and vast pools of overseas cheap labour if we don't comply, it'll remain like this.

    Having said that, I really think Labour could have been braver. Keeping the 2 child benefit cap is criminal, as is withholding the heating allowance from poorer pensioners (wealthy pensioners I'd have no problem with), targeting the disabled with "fraud" when multinationals get away with billions, etc etc. And the super-rich should have been targeted with tax rises, instead of leaving us to shiver + worry about where our next meal is coming from…

    Society has got much worse over the last few decades. I can remember back to the 60s, it was so much more equal then. And at the time the ruling elite were saying "never again can it be like this". They've peeled it right back, the disparity between rich and poor, and especially the vulnerable at the bottom of the pile, has never been wider. I can't see an end to it unless we get someone in with vision and the bravery to actually do something about it.

  • Dolly_Daydream333
    Dolly_Daydream333 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener

    I want to work but cannot, as my mobility is so poor. It hurts to sit too long, it hurts to stand too long. I can’t bend. I can’t raise my arms above shoulder height.

    I have today been awarded PIP Enhanced Mobility for 4 years.

    Can anyone of you lovely people signpost me to an Idiots Guide to ESA please, for those who desperately WANT TO but CANNOT work. 😑xxx

  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 5,200 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @Dolly_Daydream333, you might like to look on the Scope website, we have a little section about ESA:

    Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) | Disability charity Scope UK

    Citizens Advice can also be very helpful. There's some information online, or you could get in contact with them for some guidance:

    Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) - Citizens Advice

    A local benefits advisor might be another good shout to see if they can give you any support with your claims: Advicelocal have a directory you can search.

    You'd be more than welcome to make a new discussion on the community if you have any particular questions too. We've got lots of members who are very knowledgeable of the benefits system 😊

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,088 Championing

    I think I never personally noticed politics until the day sunak said sick note Britain and then I felt I'd be transported to The devils den day in day out looking through social media watching them in parliament god I was shocked watching them act like kids then I was raging phoning smaratians scope anyone who would listen out of my mind with terror definitely ignorance is bliss because when Tony Blair was mp I followed noting just got on with it social media is a killer

  • frozenpelvis
    frozenpelvis Online Community Member Posts: 57 Contributor
  • frozenpelvis
    frozenpelvis Online Community Member Posts: 57 Contributor

    I think it was Tony Blair 22 years ago that came up with this statement in a speech, sick note Britain, I think Sunack just hijacked the term.