The way of the world

whistles Online Community Member Posts: 2,034 Championing

That was the comment I got this morning off someone when I was talking about changes I was having to make.

Is it right that everyone is just lumped into that "well that's how the world is. Fit in or lose out, go without"

It's bad enough that UC is online, that's how the world is. Paid every four weeks, that's how the world is.

How can you fit into a working world when you don't? There is my world and other people's.

You could argue that in 2024, everyone "should" fit in.

It's not helped by the fact I hate change.


  • Jellihead
    Jellihead Online Community Member Posts: 59 Empowering


    Your world has over 16 million people in it. 24% of the UK population. Also in your world are 6 million Unpaid Carers, trying to look after those who they love and care for as best they can. That would imply that over 20 million people in the UK are on some sort of benefit, and because of that are not part of the working population.

    To be honest I am glad I no longer have to go to work, it took a lot out of me. Retirement has some benefits, it means I am now able to look after my loved one full time, it means I have freedom to do what I like on the day that I like for as long as I can.

    Life is unfair. I am one of the WASPI women who were not informed of changes to our pensions, we have been fighting for almost a decade and even when the government, the PHSO and DWP admit that "maladministration" was to blame, we still have to wait.

    In that time over 300,000 women of WASPI age have died, saving over £4billion pounds for the government.

    Scope's website information states that

    "(Office for National Statistics) reveal disabled people's death rate involving Covid-19 is as much as 11 times higher than non-disabled people."

    The only way I get through tough times is to acknowledge that there is always someone worse off than me. I don't have to look very far to see how true that is.

  • JF7891
    JF7891 Scope Member Posts: 127 Empowering

    I have no problem with fitting in, as long as they make the hole I should fit into customized to my shape and features. This where most people's logic of those who say stuff that you mentioned of having to fit in, fails completely: They mistake equality with equity. It's almost inherent by the way we treat nature, those who force the fitting into a mould onto us, forget that every being on this planet is unique and deserves their space and deserves to be nurtured by their peers in equity. Their view is that everything man-made is a mandate, nature is far more nurturing than this delusion of grandeur ad infinitum and fascist interpretation of evolution.

  • bookrabbit
    bookrabbit Online Community Member Posts: 208 Empowering

    Life isn't fair. Simple as. I don't fit in and people don't like me. That's a fact. I have tried to fit in before and I only fall harder when it doesn't work.

    I can either get upset about it and feel aggrieved or I can get on with my life as best I can. I try to do as much of the latter as I possibly can although there are times I slip up and feel sorry for myself. Then I try to remind myself that things could always be worse and in fact have to been worse and I remind myself to breathe…

  • JF7891
    JF7891 Scope Member Posts: 127 Empowering

    While there are times to take stock and times to reflect, those forcing others to move on will only require the latter, for there is a limit to everything, the freedom of one ends where the freedom of another begins.

  • whistles
    whistles Online Community Member Posts: 2,034 Championing

    I think technology is taking over everything/has already. Even the phone call to the dwp started out with an AI bot talking to me. So we won't be getting rid of those things then!!

    I don't know where a member got that my world has 16 million people in it. Long term sick is only about 2 million.

  • JF7891
    JF7891 Scope Member Posts: 127 Empowering

    Ah I see you edited your text with some new paragraphs.
    While it is somewhat helpful to make yourself feel better by looking at others who are worse off (albeit that only being a temporary fix until the next crisis), I would like to say, I used to believe death is the ultimate sacrifice and had to learn this the very hard way: Such a life pales in comparison to living the life of a Iob (yes the one from the bible) but WITHOUT the happy end, as that is the ultimate sacrifice with both endless torturous suffering that culminates in death.
    Then only through a life constantly full of meaning, through a strong morality and a life lived to the fullest in every single second in hopes to leave the world behind just a little better is the only reward, not just in the end, but at every single step of degradation of said person's life.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,987 Championing

    Oh me to I'm awful online totally useless can't even do alphabet after 53 years I think we're on esa for a reason !

  • whistles
    whistles Online Community Member Posts: 2,034 Championing

    I love reading, I find that helps.

    But it's interesting that my handwriting is awful since I barely write these days.

    I post things regularly, that's about it.