
Charlie5 Online Community Member Posts: 140 Contributor

Hi,and I hope this does not sound like a stupid anxiety probelm,but its a issue for me and it is something that probably most people take for granted as its a something we all do in our daily lives.

I have massive anxiety over using my washing machine,I fear it will blow up,flood the kicthen,catch fire,or just clonk out.Dont get me wrong its not old,infact its less than 2 years old,My most pet hate is the sound of the final spin,I dread that noise.I think it started when my partner passed away,the dread of fear of something going wrong set in my mind set.

I live in a bungalow,so when the machine is on I sit in the bedroom and try draw/doodle while the machine is on,it helps a little but not much.My dog is in the bedroom as well then the machine is on also.

I hope this does not sound weird or strange,but just after some advice,or has anyone ever had anxiety as well over this.I have no family to help me with this matter.



  • Bluebell21
    Bluebell21 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 7,587 Championing

    Hi @Charlie5 it does not feel like a stupid problem at all. It is not something I worry about myself but must admit I sometime think the washing machine is going to take off on the final spin.

    Could you perhaps listen to some music when the washing machine is on so the noise level is not as bad.

    Please take care.

  • Charlie5
    Charlie5 Online Community Member Posts: 140 Contributor

    Thankyou for your reply.I have tried listening to music but found that made me more anxious as I needed to hear the machine was ok.sounds stupid I know,thats why I draw/doodle so my mind is semi occupied but I can still hear the machine is ok

  • Rosie_Scope
    Rosie_Scope Posts: 4,785 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @Charlie5, this isn't stupid or weird at all. Sorry to hear your partner passed away, that must have been really horrible to deal with and these kinds of life events can trigger off all sorts of other difficulties. The doodling sounds like a good idea to keep you distracted while the machine is running. Are there any other hobbies you could do to help you focus on something while it's happening?

    Have you ever spoken to anyone about your anxieties? Sometimes the GP can help refer you to specific therapies to help with these kinds of thoughts. I know that's not always the best thing for everyone, but it might be worth a try 😊

  • Charlie5
    Charlie5 Online Community Member Posts: 140 Contributor

    Thankyou for your reply.I am on the waiting list for talking therapy, also on the waiting list for austism. Drawing and doodle does help a little bit,but I can't think of anything else to help me at the moment.Losing my partner as you say has triggered loads of anxiety,bit I try to be strong as I know there are people out there worse off than me.Thankyou again,enjoy your day.

  • cupcake88
    cupcake88 Posts: 1,412 Trailblazing

    hi there this isn’t stupid at all I’m glad you have reached out for support . I suffer with mental illnesses my self one of them is anxiety and I have issues with the oven and the microwave so I know how you feel .

    I personally have a mental health team not sure if you have one . Maybe be get some therapy to help you feel better

  • Charlie5
    Charlie5 Online Community Member Posts: 140 Contributor

    Thankyou for your kind message,I am about to start intense talking therapy, which I hope will help as living in intense anxiety over this and other things is not living.i do have a mental health nurse that calls me every couple of weeks and her coping tactics don't really help much.I wish you all the best with your anxiety matters too.