JSA to UC (Transitional payment protection) & more....

Hello, firstly apologies for yet another post about a migration post, but I simply can't use other forums as they simply are charging you or have disappeared.
I got my letter a few months ago and made the application for Universal Credit in the middle of December and can't understand why they do it in such months. I get the premiums linked with JSA as I am disabled. The weekly total of these are £235.35 and I do not get any housing element.
My first payment isn't due until 19 January (Sunday, paid on a Friday?) and I can't afford not to get the TPP as I am homeless and relying on people putting me up and getting paid the right amount is important so I can travel to the job centre and my living situation.
So my questions are:
- How likely is it that I am going to get paid the right amount (as basic UC is £393.45 and I should be due nearly £1000)?
- If there are problems with TPP how long would it check?
- I have been paid JSA after ending the claim, would that affect the UC payment amount?
- I am currently 100 miles away from the job centre at the moment, I want it to be a phone appointment, but they aren't replying to journal entries, what can I do?
- If I get £235.35 a week, am I right in thinking that I should be due a payment of over £1000?
Thank you for reading and would appreciate your help as this is really stressing me out.
1/ They don't always calculate TP in time for your first payment. If this happens they usually calculate it quite quickly and then recalculate your statement.
2/ Check your statement when you receive it and if it's included it will state on there.
3/ Income Related JSA continues for 2 weeks after your UC claim is submitted. This does not affect your first UC payment.
4/ When is your next appointment?
5/ Can't advise exactly how much TP you will receive but on point of migration you will not be worse off but this does erode overtime so when other elements increase or you become entitled to other elements, TP decreases by the same amount.
Have you reported your health condition and provided a fit note? assuming your health condition affects your ability to work.
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Thanks for the reply. I suppose am confused as to what will happen and why it won't all be sorted in time for the first payment because it will leave me in limbo. I have been reading on here that some people expect it to be the first payment, so I thought it would be the same. What would be the likely time in which to expect the TPP?
Would the statement be online? As I am currently not at my usual address at the moment.
My appointment is for THursday and is early morning too (I have asked for telephone r at the very least, it to be later on.
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If it's not calculated in time it's perfectly normal and it will be because the department that paid your previous benefits didn't send the figures to UC in time for your first payment. I don't know how long exactly it will take to recalculate your statement if this does happen but usually it's within a week.
If there's no TP showing on your statement you should put a message onto your journal under the payment section to tell them it's not included.
The statement will be uploaded onto your journal so you will need to log in to check it. When you log in look down the list and find "payments and advances" then click "payment" and your statement will be on there, if you click on the date and it will show you a full break down of elements included, TP and any deductions (if applicable)
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Thank you.
I am worried about this if I am honest because I really can't afford to go without in my current circumstances and I worry about how my previous JSA payments will affect payment as I have still received them inbetween application for UC.
I spoke with my coach and he said everything should be ok.
I have also had to change my address and also wonder how things will go after this change? As he said to change your address to get a closer office to visit, but somehow my current appointment has come forward.
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I'm going to say that more often than not Transitional Protection isn't calculated in time for your first statement so you may not see it on there. The statement is available about 4 or 5 days before your payment is due to paid into your bank.
Once you have that statement if there's no TP on there then you need to put a message on your journal under the payment section and tell them it's not include. They will then recalculate it usually within the next week.
How long it takes JSA to send your details across is beyond anyone's control unfortunately but hopefully it will all be sorted by the time your money goes into your bank.
The extra JSA payments. Once you submitted your claim for UC, JSA continues for 2 weeks. If you received any further payments after that then those will be deducted from your first UC payment because it will be an overpayment.
A change of address should not affect any payment that's due. What date is your first payment due?
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OK thank you.
In terms of JSA payments, I received one payment for the 2 week period an also received one further payment that equated to the other days that were due, around a week pay.
The first payment is due on 19 January which is a Sunday, I assume I would be paid on a Friday? Do the payments go in at a normal time? Also my statement shows that payments amount will show on 15th…..
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Yes you will be paid this Friday.
The statement is usually available 4-6 days before your payment date, so anytime from tomorrow until the 15th.
My statements are officially due on the 28th. But apart from once or twice, they are usually available to me on the 26th.
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I would expect payment to go in around the same time as your JSA. When you receive your statement it may say something like you payment will be made anytime up to 8pm. (but usually it will be when ever you bank processes the payment)
My daughter's money is usually in my bank in the early hours of the morning. That extra payment of JSA maybe deducted from your UC this month.
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This is so confusing as my JSA payments aren't anywhere near the date of the UC payments. I also am worried that if they take away any JSA payments from UC that I could be left with next to nothing if I get basic payment.
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JSA was paid fortnightly but UC is monthly. If you have problems managing your money because of a health condition you can request an Alternative Payment Arrangement. (APA) Payments would then be twice a month so not fortnightly exactly and could be between 14 and 16 days apart. Your monthly payment would be split into 2 equal parts.
Please be aware that if you request this and they agree it can be difficult to manage for the first month. This is because you would have been waiting a month for your money and then you'll only receive half the amount. Then your next payment between 14-16 days you will receive the other half. Please see link for further information.
Hopefully the TP will be calculated correctly. You'll receive your statement this week so not long to wait.
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I am worried this is going to go wrong and the calculators that I have used don't seem to be easy and understand the TP.
I have browsed the forums here to see if there are any good stories in which it all went smoothly = but it is horror stories.
I have no idea how the first payment will work in terms of any deduction from receiving payments of JSA either. If I have had to wait 5 weeks for UC and JSA is paid in arrears, I would have assumed that I would get a normal full payment.
It really is stressing me out and why they allow this to be a thing in these months is pretty poor going.
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The claimants who had a smooth transition probably don't post about it. We only hear the "horror stories"!
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JSA only continues for 2 weeks once a claim for UC is submitted.
That is so true!
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Well I suppose this is really good news! The statement came through earlier today and they are adding the TP and before deductions it is £1,019.85. I am glad about this and that it won't cause any problems soon.
Whilst I am glad about this, I still can't grasp if the figure is right - I think I assumed the full amount would be slightly higher? I think my full weekly amount from JSA after all premiums are added up is £235.35, so if you x5 (first payment) that makes £1,176.75? Perhaps that the amounts are due to the half payment I had from JSA? Although the period of assessment is 13 DEC-12Jan
Also due to my living situation, last week I was contacted by my work coach who told me that I need to change address and would get a closer office to visit. I didn't get this ad hope that it doesn't affect my payment. I contacted UC helpline who told me that it should all be OK though.
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£1089.85 is correct, UC is paid based on a calendar month of 30 days, not 35.
To convert a weekly benefit into monthly (there are 4.3 weeks in a month), you multiply by 52 then divide by 12.
£235.35 X 52 / 12 =£1019.85
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Ok thank you and thanks everyone who posted with help.
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UC is paid 1 month in arrears. Your assessment periods are 13th to 12th of every month and payment date is 19th of every month. That payment will be for the period 13th to 12th, which is 1 month. You also received a run on of your JSA which doesn't affect your first payment, so it's a win win situation. Glad your statement was correct.
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Ok thank you again.
Just on this - as I am currently homeless (staying in a spare room), I am wondering what my options are in regards to housing?
I have very little options and can't stay with family for much longer and it looks like private housing maybe the only option if I can find the money. What happens if let's say,I find a place to stay, it's £600pcm, would they just send the money to me? Because I know some private landlrods would be against anyone receiving housing benefit?
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You would be able to claim help with the rent through UC known as housing element if you have liability to pay rent to a landlord.
For privately rented your entitlement would be based on the local housing allowance in the area you live. As a single person you would be entitled to the 1 bedroom rate, which you can see here
However, as your UC includes Transitional Protection this will erode when the housing element is included, which may mean you may not be any better off financially.
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I am at such a loss to understand all of this and in such a bad place.
Let's say that I get the amount above on Friday and now have to pay a (potentially private) landlord, what would happen to the £1000?
There are so many people claiming the benefits along with the housing element/benefit, that I can't grasp this at all?