How is your day going?



  • Schildpad
    Schildpad Online Community Member Posts: 246 Empowering

    Feels even colder today. Very depressing. Woke up rather bad. Another day . I can't wait to go bad to sleep tonight. Not feeling great. But I hope it will pass.

  • Amberpearl
    Amberpearl Online Community Member Posts: 1,962 Championing

    I've barely slept at all

    Got a headache

    Was worried all night re the uc review phone call tomorrow

    I googled it and read lots of horror stories how people were treated like criminals and were adked to show ebay amazon and PayPal accounts tk prove they not hiding money

    I have those accounts but don't use them. Nothing in them

    If they want bank statements Il have to take photos of them, all my bills are online, I don't have a printer and I'm. No. Good at odds so they would have to except photos

    It will show in comings outcoming s and what I have in account

    Hope they accept it if they do want them

    Has anyone had a review where it was just questions only and didn't waht to see anything

    Sorry I'm. A bag of nerves and rubbish at uploading things

  • Ranald
    Ranald Online Community Member Posts: 679 Championing

    Seriously, look up anything and you will read the 'horror stories". The majority who have no problems don't write about it!

    All the best with your phone call.

  • Amberpearl
    Amberpearl Online Community Member Posts: 1,962 Championing
  • Ranald
    Ranald Online Community Member Posts: 679 Championing

    Mate, it is just checking your savings, housing, childcare costs, self employment, earnings etc. You have nothing to worry about.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 3,855 Championing

    Ranald right ts a review and thousands people having them try not to worry

  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 61,643 Championing

    Morning everyone

  • ShadowyBramble
    ShadowyBramble Online Community Member Posts: 215 Empowering
  • Elvisdog
    Elvisdog Online Community Member Posts: 70 Contributor


    HI, ive just had a call for my son, from the job centre, about UC, as im his appointee. He is on UC. He has Neurodivergent's including Autism significant Dyspraxia, and high sensory difficulties. He also has Graves disease and sevear vitamin D deficiency.

    He had finished college last year. He wants to get on an apprenticeship or a job suitable for his needs. His gp has given him a sick note.

    The call was absolutely fine, I just told her where he was at and what he needs help with, going forward, i told her I would fill in the limited capability form. She has arranged an appointment for me to speak to a work coach, to let them know what he can and can't do and if they can offer him any courses.

    I hope your call goes as smoothly, they was very nice to me.

  • chronic_and_iconic
    chronic_and_iconic Online Community Member Posts: 23 Connected

    Cooooold over here too. But we have snow for probably the only time all winter, so trying to ignore the aches!

  • durhamjaide2001
    durhamjaide2001 Scope Member Posts: 13,411 Championing

    good afternoon everyone sorry I haven't been on in ages I passed out on Saturday and had to have the ambulance come to me at the nail salon. I also had a meltdown all day yesterday

  • Schildpad
    Schildpad Online Community Member Posts: 246 Empowering

    Afternoon.. very cold. I am watching telly under the blanket and it is ok. But very cold and humid like 10 degrees. It is depressing. Anyway will go to sleep in a few hours. Hope you are in a warmer place. Not great mentally but I hope it will ease.

  • ShadowyBramble
    ShadowyBramble Online Community Member Posts: 215 Empowering

    Oh gosh, I'm so sorry. Please don't apologise about not having been online. Sending you a hug. 🤗

  • ShadowyBramble
    ShadowyBramble Online Community Member Posts: 215 Empowering

    Hope you manage to get a bit warmer soon. Are you able to have a hot drink? We're here for you.

  • durhamjaide2001
    durhamjaide2001 Scope Member Posts: 13,411 Championing
  • Schildpad
    Schildpad Online Community Member Posts: 246 Empowering

    @durhamjaide2001 I hope you are ok. Keep warm and I hope you have a good recovery.

  • Schildpad
    Schildpad Online Community Member Posts: 246 Empowering

    @ShadowyBramble thank you. Having a warm camomile and had a warm shower. I hope tomorrow will be a better day.

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,681 Championing

    Hi @Amberpearl

    That phone call is to explain the process and to answer any questions that you have.

    UC are doing millions of these checks, I went through one in 2023 and loads of others on the forum have been through one. They are to make sure your payments are correct from a financial perspective.

    The standard information they ask for is ID and four months of bank account statements, for all accounts you have.

    They will create upload links via your Journal's To Do list.

    If you have online or app banking you can download pdf statements, and upload those.

    After you submit the information they are looking for, you will have a telephone interview.

    You'll be asked a series of scripted questions about other potential sources of money, ISA's, PayPal, property, premium bonds etc.

    Then questions about some of your banking transactions, which might not appear to make any sense (mine didn't).

    I myself (as capital was over £6k on paper) was then asked to submit individual bank statement pages showing my Cost of Living payments.

    I've seen others who were asked for PayPal account statements after the call.

    Then I had a journal message saying my review was complete and my payments were correct.

  • Amberpearl
    Amberpearl Online Community Member Posts: 1,962 Championing

    I can't do pdf I'm useless at technology. Will camera photos be acceptable