ESA to UC prescription charges

FluffyCatMeow Online Community Member Posts: 60 Contributor

hi all,

I am confused about paying for a prescription during the few weeks between ESA and UC. Under ESA I got them for free, but I’ve read conflicting things for if I still get them for free before my first UC payment.

I’ve read that because UC is paid in arrears, I should change my prescription form from ESA to UC now (so, I’m guessing that means before the first assessment period is done) and it’ll be absolutely fine, but I’ve also read (such as on other benefit advice forums) that I can’t use UC for free prescriptions yet because -

"While you're waiting on your Universal Credit decision
-Until your first assessment period is complete, Universal Credit doesn't entitle you to help with NHS costs. If you need to pay for any NHS charges, for example, prescriptions or dental treatment, make sure you get a receipt and ask how you can claim a refund.If you pay for a prescription, ask for a refund receipt called an FP57 when you pay - you can't get one later."

Thank you for any advice!

I know I’m asking a whole load of questions but I really do appreciate you all helping me so much, so a big thank you!
