UC Advice - payment timescales

Lyns1983 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener

Hello all,

Looking for some advice.

I have been signed off sick since September 2023. I have had papers for the entirety with no gaps.
At this time I was employed full time so was receiving full sick pay. When my pay was reduced I received UC. When my pay stopped I received new style ESA along with UC.

My employment ended June 2024 & I am in receipt of UC & ESA (until April) along with higher rate PIP.

I only received my ESA50 form in December & it was sent straight back once completed. I am yet to hear anything further.

I understand I will need to have a medical assessment but I’m wondering if anyone knows when (if assessed as LCWRA) I would get payments from? Would it be when my ESA stops in April or backdated to a different date?

I have looked but can’t seem to get a definitive answer 🤔 sorry for the long post 🙈


  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,918 Championing

    What date did you report a health condition to UC?

  • Lyns1983
    Lyns1983 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener

    I had received UC previously so already had an account.

    I reported to UC the same time I went off sick, September 5th 2023.

    I get paid UC the 7th of each month.

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,918 Championing

    That is a very long time to wait for them to send out the UC50.

    If you are certain Fit Notes have been provided without gaps, none that were backdated etc, any LCWRA should be backdated to after the waiting period (three full assessment periods).

    What date did you give UC the first Fit Note?

  • Lyns1983
    Lyns1983 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener

    September 5th when I received it.

    I asked in January 2024 about an assessment & was told as my warning were above the threshold I did not meet the criteria unless I was receiving PIP.
    I started getting PIP June 2024 & notified them which was around the same time my employment ended.

    I was on full pay from employer until Feb 2024, this then went down to half, then stopped in June 2024.

  • Lyns1983
    Lyns1983 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener

    • Earnings not warning sorry 🤦🏻‍♀️
  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,918 Championing

    I'm not an expert when it comes to no WCA due to earnings, but I believe the same standard waiting period applies.

    So my estimate would be:

    September/October AP 1

    (as you provided first Fit Note at the beginning of AP within 7 days of reporting the health condition)

    October/November AP 2

    November/December AP 3

    December/January: Eligible for LCWRA element.

    January 10th 2024: First LCWRA element paid.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    Yes, the same waiting period applies. If you also didn't have the work allowance before the decision was made, you will also be entitled to that. It will apply from the assessment period in which you provided your first fit note.

    It means some of the earnings either yourself of partner receives are ignored before deductions apply. If you claim for help with the rent it will be £404/month, if you don't it will be £673/month. If they owe you money for that it will also be paid as a separate payment. This is usually recalculated before the LCWRA element is done.

  • Lyns1983
    Lyns1983 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener

    Thank you both.

    Is it normal to take this long?

    I have been off sick & receiving UC since 09/23. I didn’t get a full UC payment until 07/08/24 as I was employed, so UC were just topping up after my earnings.

    I’m a single mum so no partner.

    Unemployed since 06/24 & receiving new style ESA since 04/24.
    Also Enhanced PIP since 06/24

    Reading through the posts it seems others have had the ESA50 a lot sooner?

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    The reason it's taken so long for you for UC was because they couldn't refer you due to your earnings being above 16 x NMW per week.

    As you claimed ESA since April 2024 then yes a referral should have been made at that point. Once the decision is made if found to have LCWRA then your ESA will increase to £138.20/week from the 14th week of your claim. You won't lose out on anything.

    For UC the 3 full assessment period waiting time will still apply..

  • Lyns1983
    Lyns1983 Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener

    Thank you ☺️