Hi, my name is bujubritish48! I have stop working in 2020 due to an accident at work in which I ...

bujubritish48 Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
edited February 8 in Universal Credit (UC)

Hi I have stop working in 2020 due to an accident at work in which I have suffered damage to my shoulder and have ptsd, depression and anxiety been sending sick note to uc the condition is ongoing my work couches didn't send me a uc50 form it my friend who highlighted that I should receive uc50 after my first three sicknote so I contacted dwp for a form last year 2024 the form was sent out I filled it out sent it back and I received an appointment for assessment I've done the assessment and now I'm waiting on a decision would I be backdated from 2020?


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  • Drausus
    Drausus Online Community Member Posts: 42 Contributor

    Unfortunately, it's unlikely that your Universal Credit (UC) claim for LCWRA will be backdated to 2020. Here's why:

    • UC Claim Start Date: Universal Credit entitlements (lcwra) usually starts on the date you make your claim. While there are some limited exceptions for backdating, they generally don't extend beyond one month.
    • Backdating Circumstances: The circumstances where UC can be backdated are very specific. They include situations like:
      • You were getting a benefit that UC replaces, and the decision to end that benefit wasn't sent to you before it ended.
      • You have a disability that prevented you from claiming earlier.
      • You have medical evidence of an illness that stopped you from claiming.

    What Might Happen Now:

    • Assessment Decision: The decision you're waiting for will likely determine whether you have "limited capability for work" (LCW) or "limited capability for work and work-related activity" (LCWRA). This will affect the amount of UC you receive going forward.
    • Future Payments: If you're assessed as having LCW or LCWRA, you'll receive the appropriate level of UC payments from the date of your claim onwards.
      Important Notes:
    • Seek Advice: It's always a good idea to speak to a welfare rights advisor or Citizens Advice. They can review your specific circumstances and advise you on any potential options.
    • Medical Evidence: Make sure you have all the medical evidence related to your conditions. This will be important for any future assessments or appeals.

      In summary, while it's unlikely you'll get backdated payments to 2020, focus on getting the right assessment decision and support going forward.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    That's an awful long time to be waiting for a work capability assessment. Please can you answer the following questions.

    1/ What date exactly did you provide your first fit note?

    2/ What date do you usually receive your UC each month?

    3/ Have you continued to provide fit notes the whole time without any gaps?

    4/ Is this your first work capability assessment?

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    The advice in your first paragraph about backdating applies to new UC claims. It doesn't apply when someone goes through the work capability assessment process and is found to have LCWRA.

    For this there's a full 3 months assessment period waiting time and first payment starts from the 4th month after you provided your first fit note, it's then paid from the end of that 4th month. You must have continued to provide fit notes the whole time, without any gaps.

    I've advised many people on here who have waited years for a decision on a WCA for one reason or another and have received everything they are owed from the 4th month.

  • bujubritish48
    bujubritish48 Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener

    My first sicknote was on 15-4-20 I received my universal credit on the 22 of each month and from I start sending sicknote I've never had any gap and yes this is my first assessment

  • bujubritish48
    bujubritish48 Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener

    OK so will they backdated me since I've been getting universal credit from 2020 and put in my sicknote without any gap a friend of mine told me about uc50 hence I wouldn't have gotten an assessment because my work coach didn't mention it I'm entitled to it from the third sicknote

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    That's a very long time to be sending fit notes. I'm surprised you haven't been referred by now because they should refer you from day 29 after providing your first fit note, unless you were receiving earnings of more than 16 x NMW per week, which would prevent them referring you unless you claim either PIP or DLA.

    If found to have LCWRA then you will be entitled to extra money from August 2020. Unless you're claiming UC with a partner that already receives this element on your claim.

  • Jimm_Alumni
    Jimm_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,717 Championing

    If there has been no gap in your sick notes then it should be backdated yes. Your work coach really should have started this process after a month of you handing in sick notes however. I'm not sure if you'd like to complain about that but it feels like they've been a tad negligent with it.

  • bujubritish48
    bujubritish48 Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener

    I was given the basic universal credit payments and I wasn't claiming with a partner I live by myself I've just uploaded my fit note few minutes ago i still have to do a to do list I can't hardly use my left arm that was damaged in the accident and yes sir I will make a formal complaint against them

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