Claiming housing benefit on esa

BonClay Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener

I was homeless for 2 years and have recently rented a room.
I was wondering if i can apply for housing benefit whilst being on esa and also what website do I have to apply for it on?



  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,683 Championing


    I'm afraid new claims for Housing Benefit are no longer possible unless in sheltered accommodation or above pension age.

    Housing Element within Universal Credit has replaced the old Housing Benefit now. You would have to make a claim for Universal Credit in order to access that.

    Assuming you're on income related ESA, everyone on that is being migrated to UC by the end of this year anyway, but you can choose to do it sooner in this case, which will allow you access to housing costs.

  • BonClay
    BonClay Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener

    I am on income related esa and I have been told that If I claim UC before I get a migration notice, I will get less money, is that true?

    And how do I apply for UC, will they take my disability into account and me being on ESA?

  • Kimmy87
    Kimmy87 Online Community Member Posts: 3,180 Championing

    Your ESA group will transfer to the UC equivalent.

    This can take a few weeks to confirm, there is supposed to be more automation now in confirming your ESA status quicker, but seems to be hit and miss. I still advise people to allow a few weeks.

  • BonClay
    BonClay Online Community Member Posts: 11 Listener

    @Kimmy87 thankyou for the clarification, greatly appreciated

  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,683 Championing

    That isn't generally true unless you had an SDP (severe disability premium) on top of the ESA.

    SDP is only paid to people who live alone and receive PIP (or similar) without a carer. As you were homeless, I don't think you'll have been entitled to SDP?

    For people who are in the Support Group of ESA, without any other benefits, they actually get more money in the LCWRA group of UC, not less.