March 26th and Green Paper Mega Discussion (ITV leaks, etc)



  • George1993
    George1993 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    edited March 8

    will they be able to bring this into force straight away? Surely it must be unlawful to just cut the money you’re already getting? I just can’t see how they’ll get away with that? Or I’m I being naive here? Very worrying

  • carbow32
    carbow32 Online Community Member Posts: 219 Empowering
    edited March 8

    It would depend if your on PIP. Currently people on ESA and not PIP are better off on UC. So you may end up about the same (depending what the cut is). Nothing to lose by applying for it.

  • stephen6405
    stephen6405 Online Community Member Posts: 20 Connected
    edited March 8

    is lcwra being removed from contribution style esa also are they means testing pip very scared

  • carbow32
    carbow32 Online Community Member Posts: 219 Empowering
    edited March 8

    I am in England so things maybe different. Are people from Scotland having to move over to UC or can they stay on ESA?

  • mac99
    mac99 Online Community Member Posts: 28 Contributor
    edited March 8

    they haven't said that they will be taking people off pip straight away,surely it can only be done when you have your review.the tories changed dla to pip to get less people claiming it but we now know it actually increased and a lot of the descriptors were challenged and changed resulting in the dwp having to make back payments to millions.

  • A_Z1961
    A_Z1961 Online Community Member Posts: 39 Connected
    edited March 8

    I think it's very unfair to target new claims. I have had health issues for 26 years but worked or at times been unemployed but never claimed any type of sickness/disability. Since last year I have deteriorated and decided at the beginning of this year to go down the wca route (I'm on universal credit, unemployed and 63), hopefully lrwca . I have already had my first fit note and only two weeks left untill I get the 2nd. Will these cuts ruin any chance of getting lrwca (haven't tried for pip) if these cuts start with new claims. I haven't got it in me to job search, retrain, go on useless courses or work for another 3 and a half years until I get my state pension. Bad enough pension age has gone/going up to 67 next year, adding two years into my work life which started full-time age 15 in 1977. Adding two years after being in the workplace for 48 years (50 by 2028) is criminal. I've paid my dues to society, now I may not even get the chance to claim lrwca.

  • mac99
    mac99 Online Community Member Posts: 28 Contributor
    edited March 8

    i totally agree with you they should not be targeting anybody especially not sick and disabled people.ive worked for 20 years of my life until i couldn't work anymore because of my illness and if the safety net wasn't there i would have been in real trouble.hopefully these proposals will fall flat in the court rooms.

  • johnron
    johnron Online Community Member Posts: 59 Connected
    edited March 8

    details of the Government's welfare shake up. Over £6bn saved in total, 5 of which come from making it harder to get Personal Independence Payments, PIP will also be frozen next year so no rise with inflation & overhaul of out of work benefits as well 1/What criteria tighten PIP access?Do reforms match UN disability advice?134373271298K

    {link removed}·6hIve heard that the Govt is going to increase the basic rate of Universal Credit, but cut the rate for those judged as too unwell or disabled to work. Cost neutral according to sources, to incentivise work BUT 2/1811710540K

  • johnron
    johnron Online Community Member Posts: 59 Connected
    edited March 8

    so "we" are going to be punished for been disabled? looks like

  • johnron
    johnron Online Community Member Posts: 59 Connected
    edited March 8
  • ThirtySixteen
    ThirtySixteen Online Community Member Posts: 29 Connected
    edited March 8

    Can I just point a few things out please. :)

    Firstly, this article was apparently ‘leaked’ to ITV. And it’s ITV.
    We have no idea who accurate or even how true it is.

    Secondly, this will be a green paper and these things can take literally YEARS to implement.

    Unless laws have changed significantly in the last couple of years I don’t believe they can just take lawful benefits off of people.
    As far as I know it will have to go through many courts and have many consultations.

    Thirdly, I really don’t think it will be as bad as folk are fearing. I don’t think they will take LCWRA from everyone.
    I think they’ll be focussing more on the mental health side of things.

    When people were forced to migrate from Tax Credits to UC the law stated that they weren’t allowed to be worse off so the government were forced to implement the transition payment.

    They can’t just take money from families in need.
    It’ll need a LOT of legislation.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 233 Empowering
    edited March 8

    surely itv is a reputable source though ? I read somewhere they are also looking at invisible conditions such as fibromyalgia which I have . As though if it can’t be seen it doesn’t exist.

  • ThirtySixteen
    ThirtySixteen Online Community Member Posts: 29 Connected
    edited March 8

    Personally I don’t trust any of the mainstream media as far as I can throw them.
    And as I said, I’m pretty sure it’s going to take a hell of a long time for them to even get to the initial phase of implementation.

    And that’s if it even passes legislation.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 233 Empowering
    edited March 8

    I really hope you’re right but I can’t help thinking that this was leaked to see how it goes down with the public before it’s officially released.

  • ThirtySixteen
    ThirtySixteen Online Community Member Posts: 29 Connected
    edited March 8

    Of course it was. It was a reaction balloon to gauge the amount of outrage.
    These things rarely get ‘leaked’. It’s usually all an elaborate plan to see where the road will take them if they decide to follow through with it.

    No government will risk being the ones who took the livelihood away from disabled people and forced to in to poverty etc… even this bunch of sociopaths in charge now.

    Many green papers get written up but nowhere near as many even make it to the next stage.

  • ased444
    ased444 Online Community Member Posts: 37 Listener
    edited March 8


    So my friend has 2 property 1 is his main residence and if his daughter lives in another his property but his daughter is in full time college will he be able to get universal credit in that sitiuation ?

  • Danny123
    Danny123 Online Community Member Posts: 76 Contributor
    edited March 8

    I haven't heard anywhere they are cutting lcwra , everyone is getting well ahead of themselves....they said 5 billion from pip and a billion from UC where people are to sick to work , so yes this is lcwra , but this could be anything , it could be new claims , it could be not rising with inflation , no one knows how it will be done .…

  • evonneo
    evonneo Online Community Member Posts: 26 Contributor
    edited March 8

    FYI what the government IIS NOT legal and will be in CHALLENGED in court. Maybe someone st Scope can reassure people.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 233 Empowering
    edited March 8

    they said 5billion per year from pip and increase in job seekers allowance and cut in lcwra

  • evonneo
    evonneo Online Community Member Posts: 26 Contributor
    edited March 8

    What this government is doing is extremely stupid and dumb and there will be a BIG backlash.

This discussion has been closed.