March 26th and Green Paper Mega Discussion (ITV leaks, etc)



  • pinkrose
    pinkrose Online Community Member Posts: 92 Empowering

    Incompetence Is exactly what it is.

    We are all going to have to come together and 'push back' with peaceful marches etc.

    Many of us will attend in our wheelchairs etc.

    Yes it will be difficult, but we need to unite against this.

  • pinkrose
    pinkrose Online Community Member Posts: 92 Empowering

    Well said mac.



  • kelley1234
    kelley1234 Online Community Member Posts: 41 Empowering

    I agree , I fell ill an out of work 9 years ago and I'm so sick and tired of the amount off assessments I've had to go over the same thing .

    My conditions have only got worse and my last pip review I had the decision maker ask me if there was going to be anymore operations on my legs ? Which I replied to NO , he then told me my award and gave it for another 3 years bur yet they know nothing is going to change , it's mind boggling 🙄

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 217 Empowering

    Usually there’d be government opposition speaking out about this but where the disabled are concerned every main party seem united in their dislike of us . The fact labour haven’t spoken out about a possible government leak is strange to me unless they themselves leaked the information IMO

  • jbss07
    jbss07 Online Community Member Posts: 16 Contributor

    However it's been leaked, I'm glad because the response is overwhelmingly negative - as it should be.

    Like did they even read the judges response to Ellen Clifford's case? I mean to understand why that green paper failed is surely in the governments interest no? However they don't appear to have taken that into account, like AT ALL! 😬

    Isn't that a case of gross negligence? I mean a high court has told them the plan was unlawful yet here they are trying to steamroll ahead with potentially even MORE disastrous cuts regardless of the ruling AND without carrying out a risk assessment beforehand AGAIN!

    Honestly incompetence at this level of government has to be addressed. It's the equivalent of sticking your fingers in your ears and going ' la la la not listening' 😳

    Words actually fail me...

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 217 Empowering

    it really feels as though they’re making it up as they go along . Completely unprepared to govern . Fought the Tory while in opposition then steal their ideas that’s the way it looks to me

  • judie
    judie Online Community Member Posts: 269 Empowering

    I've said it before, 'work is good for you' is so close to 'work will set you free' that it is an abomination.

  • ased444
    ased444 Online Community Member Posts: 37 Listener

    Thank you kimmy87 for all the help and adivse

  • mac99
    mac99 Online Community Member Posts: 28 Contributor

    recent history shows us that things can be challenged in the courts and won.the tories changed dla to pip to make it harder to get and get the number of claims down but descriptors were challenged in court and changed with the dwp having to change the descriptors to make them lawful and back pay millions of people.this happened on at least 3 descriptors so pip numbers didn't go down they went up massively.we also have the most recent judgment on the tories proposals being unlawful and how are labours proposal any different?also they tried to get away with not giving people they're sdp when people were migration managed from esa to uc but lost that too and had to give these people transitional payment protection.the laws have not changed and labour are not above the law and will be held've also got the issue of labour supporters who have voted for labour for years,how will they feel that they're party is now unrecognizable from its roots and attacking the most vunerable in society.will this cost them a lot of votes?i would like to think so and labour are running the risk of losing a lot of they're voters just like the tories did in the last general election.

  • stressed76
    stressed76 Online Community Member Posts: 70 Empowering

    Its so degrading to hear them say that. I started work at about 10 years old selling programmes at the local football club for a packet of crisps a twix & a can of pop. Ive done yts, training programs, worked in offices, shops, pubs, holiday parks, warehouses, security took any job i could get. Then my youngest was born severe learning disabilities & autism with slight CP. Gave up a £23000 per year job as they wouldnt reduce my hours (was doing 50-60 per week) as had 3 kids 3 & under for the pitance they give you on benefits. Was told he would never talk, spent years getting him better only for covid to knock him back. Had every intention to return to work but now my health has gotten worse 10 years ago i could walk miles now i struggle to make it to the bathroom. I have always told my kids its better to work if you can & anyone who thinks your better off on benefits has either a)not worked or b) cheating the system.

    I now understand there are people who through no choice of their own will never have a option but to think that everyone is been tarred with the same brush over & over again that we are skivvers, lazy & putting it on, pisses me off.

    Benefits system was meant to be a safety net for when things went wrong & to support those in need, now it seems like a noose dragging you down scared of it been stopped or fighting tooth & nail & jumping through rings of fire fighting liars & a system designed to break you.

    It makes you question whats gone wrong that everyone bullies the disabled to make themselves feel better. End of rant.

  • stressed76
    stressed76 Online Community Member Posts: 70 Empowering

    Oh daft question number 2 for the day, carers are in the not required for work group will we also have our money reduced?

  • Loulou82xx
    Loulou82xx Online Community Member Posts: 16 Contributor

    The issue with transitional protection is that people were forced to migrate over from legacy benefits, in my case four months ago. I have just received LCWRA and had my transitional protection reduced by £416. When they reduce or scrap LCWRA they won't reinstate people's transitional protection. It looks as though everybody on legacy was forced to migrate, given TP and then LCWRA losing their transitional protection and they will come in and take the LCWRA effectively stealing our transitional protection. Nothing shocks me anymore. I never thought I would say it but the Tories were not even as harsh as this, they at least gave cost of living payments during COVID and didn't take the winter fuel allowance from the elderly. I think the Conservatives to an extent tread carefully so they are not called labelled cruel by opposition and media. I worry people are not going to call Labour out enough and the people who do, their voices will get lost.

    I don't like Tories or Labour but I didn't think Labour would go after the most vulnerable in society. All of us are one diagnosis or accident away from being disabled and when you are disabled, you feel vulnerable and helpless to an extent and already feel a burden on family and now we are being very publically made to feel a burden to society and targeted by the very people who should be protecting us.

  • judie
    judie Online Community Member Posts: 269 Empowering

    You are so right. I worked as much and as long as I could. It crippled my 'normal' life, even at school I was always an alien. Now, nearing pension age, I just want some peace. Not riches, not unending happiness - just peace

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 217 Empowering

    I’m confused regarding the migration. I’m on legacy esa and assumed I would get an increase when I transition over as I’m not able to claim severe disability premiums. Are you saying when you transition over you don’t really get the TP and lose over £400.

    I remember the relief when Tory’s were voted out but omg I’d give anything for them to come back into power. All main parties are against us with no opposition to their plans. The only think we can hope for is if this is delayed for as long as possible as they won’t get a second term surely.

  • Loulou82xx
    Loulou82xx Online Community Member Posts: 16 Contributor

    My situation is when I migrated over from legacy I was given £500 TP and as soon as I was awarded LCWRA my TP was reduced by £416 so now my TP is £84. If they reduce or scrap LCWRA and don't reinstate TP then I will be down £416 per month. It feels as if this is a way to get rid of TP which they didn't want to give to people in the first place. It feels very deliberate but maybe I am overthinking it and it won't be as bad as I think it will and maybe they will reinstate people's TP but I don't hold out much hope.

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