March 26th and Green Paper Mega Discussion (ITV leaks, etc)



  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 1,338 Trailblazing

    Unfortunately that is just not practical for a lot of us.

  • Verity123
    Verity123 Online Community Member Posts: 14 Connected

    Sorry for the double re-post, still finding my way around this forum!

    We need protest and can you imagine us doing what the farmers did with their tractors in London, only with our wheelchairs! Let's get 1,000 of us in wheelchairs slowing up the trafic in central London, can you imagine that and the turn in public sympathy would be huge!!

    C'mon I'm up for it, who else??

  • judie
    judie Online Community Member Posts: 277 Empowering

    Great in principle but unfortunately many of us can't get to the end of our street or even leave the house, let alone travel hundreds of miles to protest. If I could, I would probably be able to work. Instead I am so scared and don't know what to do.

  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 880 Championing

    Backbenchers setting up a support group to back incoming legislation from the government (in this case for welfare reforms proposed in disability green paper) is highly highly unusual

    Actually has it ever happened before?

    Also in the guardian piece I posted yesterday this popped out

    I don’t think I’ve in recent years seen a gov work so hard to gag backbenchers and get them to 100% conform to the official official position (if I could bet huge money on gov whips telling labours to keep in line and if one toenail steps out of place threaten them with loss of the whip)

    As I said I don’t even remember a time a past gov went so heavy trying to control their mps - a certain regime in history is more and more coming to mind each time I read a new paper piece on upcoming welfare forum

    Scope mods don’t like the W word but depending on contents of the disability green paper it may turn out to be the most accurate description

    this is technically the claim before the storm - those that are able to take a break from online news, social media and even scope media till the weekend or even one or 2 days please do so and look after yourself (I’m sure a member will provide a update summary of what you missed if you ask)

    Any opposition to gov plans is looking much harder today than a week to get results from and we need the disabled community to stay mentally in one piece (even if being held together with tape and glue) if we have a chance to navigating the future (crawling if need be - doesn’t need to be pretty , just driven by determination!)

  • Verity123
    Verity123 Online Community Member Posts: 14 Connected

    Then with the greatest of respect we're all f*cked and may as well start getting used to it!

    Maybe the Government right, we all need a kick up the ar*se!!

    Very sad, good bye everyone, this thread is just full of preachers preaching to the converted!!

  • FluffyCatMeow
    FluffyCatMeow Online Community Member Posts: 68 Contributor

    in this article it says,

    ‘Liz Kendall, the work and pensions secretary, is expected to set out plans next week that will abolish the highest level of disability benefit, under which jobseekers can double their income if they are signed off unfit for any work.’

    Is LCWRA being fully abolished? I thought it was being cut a bit rather than completely got rid of?

  • mangomungo
    mangomungo Online Community Member Posts: 158 Empowering

    It’ll be the backbenchers that lose their seats so they need to grow a back bone and speak up against it, if they lose the whip so be it then Starmer loses his majority.

    They were all against the Tories benefit cuts and imagine if this was Sunak announcing these plans it’d be a home run from Starmer and Rayner but suddenly it’s ok when they do it? They need to remember the last election wasnt a victory for labour it was a loss for the Tories and it was only the previous election to that with Johnson that the red wall crumbled in front of our very eyes. It’s not only cruel its politically illiterate they’re biting their nose to spite their face. Even David Cameron had to climb down from welfare cuts and didn’t get his full package through so god knows why a LABOUR government think it’s going to be so easy to whittle away what’s left of the welfare state after 14 years of conservatives.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 350 Pioneering

    can this legally be pushed through this quickly or can court proceedings delay it ? This must do against our human rights?

  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 1,338 Trailblazing

    Until an official announcement is made no one knows but nothing surprises me with this awful government.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,198 Championing

    There is one 26th March outside parliament I don't know what time does anyone else know

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,198 Championing

    I agree even if someone draws up a template email that thousands of us send every week to get the message through some people can't attend physically kimmy apples I know you have some ideas could you write a template for us all to send

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,198 Championing

    We need to find out what ellen Clifford's meeting said

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,198 Championing

    There's a protest 26th March outside parliament I don't know what time maybe somebody else knows ????

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,198 Championing

    Get someone who's clued up to write email template and we all send to all labour mps send same email every week till they get the message flood them with thousands emails that we all can do

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,198 Championing

    Why don't someone write an email template and we all email labour mps once a week same email saying same things outline everything out the lies they been putting in media and put facts in come on some very knowledgeable people on here look at it as a MR we are fighting for we have been victimised dehumanised bully put of our minds we can't keep saying on here day after day we have to do something and this is a good idea come on !!!!!@ cant keep relying on charities THIS IS OUR FUTURE stop sitting back waiting for it to happen alot of us housebound it's easy for us to send we need to do now

  • egister
    egister Posts: 790 Empowering

    Estonians saying: Töö on lollide ja hobuste jaoks - Work is for fools and horses.

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,198 Championing

    Apples write up a template email outlining everything from the human side of it to the lies send it to the group and everyone should send to all labour mps once a week same email flood them with come on we need ACTION NOW we know they don't care we need to get a back bone and do this at least it's like sitting waiting for a earthquake and not moving

  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 880 Championing

    I don’t think they can

    Right now charities like scope can get semi regular access to ministers such as Stephen timms and even Kendall herself

    If they say launched, say a lawsuit to the high courts then I think access to ministers would be axed

    (We have seen what is happening in America if someone publically questions/disagrees with trump - obviously the uk is nowhere near this level however many sources have told media that starmer is the most ruthless pm in recent history and there’s been a few things in the past few months that I didn’t think a uk gov was capable doing (such as significantly cutting foreign aid) and especially a labour gov but it’s clear that we are in unprecedented times and the rule book has been thrown out of the window)

    if we do need to persuade gov to u turn, water down things or change direction then we need to do so on multiple fronts

    So it’s important one of those fronts is charities talking directly to ministers as they are versed in ‘language’ we aren’t (individual anger would rub ministers up the wrong way and they’d shut off - charity like scope are better at diplomacy and controlling emotions

    Other fronts to ‘fight’ via include (but not limited to) writing to relevant figures, protests (in person and virtually), campaigns and legal cases (just a few)

    Members on the scope forum may be able to help each other with a few of the above - but disability charities may not be the most knowledgeable or well placed for other actions - and disability organisations (including known disability activists- both groups and individuals) are probably better placed to inform and help with other ideas

  • pinkrose
    pinkrose Online Community Member Posts: 93 Empowering

    There is no way i can work.…I'm now facing up to the very real possibility that I will be destitute and probably homeless in the near future.

    Feeling utterly lost and hopeless, but I'm not going down without a fight.

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