Upcoming changes to benefits



  • noonebelieves
    noonebelieves Online Community Member Posts: 138 Empowering

    @alex25 you have precisely summed up my feelings in this post . Utterly disgraceful!

  • Ranald
    Ranald Online Community Member Posts: 758 Championing

    I read that article too. He is one of my favourite satirical/political writers.

  • Ranald
    Ranald Online Community Member Posts: 758 Championing
    edited March 12

    @HollisMcBobbery - Prison places for all!

  • HollisMcBobbery
    HollisMcBobbery Online Community Member Posts: 18 Contributor

    I think you might have misunderstood my post. It's satire. I don't want anything that labour are doing…neither does that journalist so far as I know!

  • Ranald
    Ranald Online Community Member Posts: 758 Championing
    edited March 12

    I know it's satire. I've been reading The Guardian for many years.

    "You have my word, that that there will always be a prison place for everyone". It was included in the piece btw. What Shabana Mahmood said at the dispatch box.

  • HollisMcBobbery
    HollisMcBobbery Online Community Member Posts: 18 Contributor

    I forgot the ending! I'm glad we are both on the same page. 👍

  • Moorgater
    Moorgater Online Community Member Posts: 61 Empowering

    Both your own experiences and why you oppose cuts generally are perfectly good things to include. Be polite but firm. And if this is a Labour MP something along the line of "if these cruel and unjustified measures come into force, the devastation caused to your party will likely resemble that caused to the unfortunate individuals affected" would be a good way to finish.

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 768 Trailblazing

    Just emailed my mp, about the cuts , doubt he will reply he never does. I'm on esa and get pip . So does that mean when I do get uc it will cut to nothing. I'm so worried, about bills, and I have pets. I rather starve than see them go hungry. But I pay insurance on them . My conditions won't get better. Copd also effects your heart the stress probably make my heart give out. My other conditions is genetic so again won't get better. I am on antidepressants as it is . Have ptsd ,so all this is making things worse

  • stressed76
    stressed76 Online Community Member Posts: 70 Empowering

    I think i put something like this view of theirs (labour) on disabled people was similar to the view of the Nazi's & that they are pushing their own voters away. Think i ended it with be the Labour Party not Red Tories or Lie-bour.

    Might write again

  • snuggles65
    snuggles65 Online Community Member Posts: 56 Contributor

    I have been watching noah on you tube for a while now and for a while he had disappeared and I couldn't find him on any platform. I had is you tube come up last night and he explained the pip and UC cuts if that's what you want to call them. Please go and check him out. He does make sense. He really did put my mind at ease.

    Noah Bear Nyle Life on YouTube.

  • stressed76
    stressed76 Online Community Member Posts: 70 Empowering

    Ok wrote again but also apologised for writing again. I headed it as benefits & labour betrayal (god i need spellcheck)

    In it i pointed in our town her constiuents have been hit by WFA cut, 2 child cap, our farmers & now this. Have said its going to kill that its better to be a independent then lose her seat at the next GE. That i became disabled in my 40's had to give medicial evidence & in person assessment to get my pip & its got zero fraud.

    Also said its like the front bench want to destroy the party & that we voted for change & not more of tge same & there are already people planning the tatical votes to oust the 35mps who wrote the support letter.

    Think thats it.

  • stressed76
    stressed76 Online Community Member Posts: 70 Empowering

    Why are we infighting?

    I think its because of the few young idiots that film themselves saying look what i got making everyone else look bad & the fact people are scared.

    I have so called invisible disabilities, CFS, Fibro & F.N.D but also suffer with DDD, osteoarthritis of the spine, asthma, have constant disc bulges from prolasped discs, part of my spine has fussed togther, have cysts in my spine, have been advised to go to A&E straight away if i dont know ive pee'd as damage gone wrong way & could end up paraylsed, muscles going in my leg might be getting arthritis in my hands & waiting for adult autism diagnosis. Oh yeah depression NOS or something like that.

    So which catorgary to i fit in?

    According to labour the bin

  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 768 Trailblazing
    edited March 12

    I agree pretty much with everything you said, I too didnt sign the Scope form, as I feel there is no need for so much personal details to be given.
    Labour also have a history with deliberately misleading charities, charities were told one thing for ESA, and then another thing happened when it launched. Its difficult for a charity to recognise they are being duped I get that, but no charity should be publically approving things until they know its true, and that can only happen after the launch.
    Also agree the welfare changes are central to this Labour front bench, I have the opinion a lot of this was planned even before the election. But they are not as good at hiding this stuff as the Tories, what was revealed during that Labour meeting, Kendall having the confidence to let slip and so forth. Kendall also ghosted disabled constituents pre election. We also have one of the DWP ministers going on about how the Tories ignored the benefit spending cap with all the help they provided such as cost of living payments and increases linked to inflation, LHA increase etc. Its the female minister, cant remember her name. But she made it clear Labour think all of that was wrong to do. So of course now Labour are back in power LHA got frozen again immediately, PIP frozen in 2026 (and probably will be in successive years after), as well as cuts to LCWRA component on UC, which we dont yet know size although ITV say between 25-50%.
    Value of cuts in excess of double the Tory plans.
    Also Labour are talking the talk about getting back to work and barriers, yet they didnt copy the Tory idea of giving LCWRA immunity to assessments if they try to do a job. Under the Labour plans, that risk is back again.
    I tried to warn pre election, the appointment of Kendall, Reeves telling parliament her intentions, front bench made up of Tory lite ideologists, the horrific treatment of Corbyn, Labour's history on sickness benefits.

  • Vogue
    Vogue Online Community Member Posts: 53 Connected

    When they say cutting UC for people that can't work as I am claiming UC & LCWRA element will that be affected

  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 768 Trailblazing

    Its good he is making these comments, but needs to be doing it with intensity, as the government keep fuelling regular stories about these plans, to keep it fresh in peoples minds.

  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 768 Trailblazing

    Politics is dirty, these documentaries always happen around the time governments want to do a policy change, to soften up the public. Both the BBC and C4 can be leveraged.