Upcoming changes to benefits



  • mangomungo
    mangomungo Online Community Member Posts: 163 Empowering

    I agree. People voted for change and he campaigned on that slogan, this wasn’t in the manifesto and in any other job if someone lied to get their position and then did the opposite of what they said they’d do they’d be sacked for fraud. Shouldn’t be any different for people in government

  • Ross1975
    Ross1975 Online Community Member Posts: 85 Empowering

    I wish Corbyn was still the leader of Liebour, I bet he'd sack Freeze Reeves and Killall.

  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 883 Championing

    when you mention ‘he’ you are referring to starmer, not timms right?

    The thing is for a huge amount of the population there are limited options on parties available to vote for next GE (I know reform are getting a lot of support as they aren’t the status quo of ToryVsLabour - but once people have regain some common sense they’ll release that’s not the answer either)…………..prehaps we’ll have a situation like France where a new party gets launched and gets into power 1st try (macrons party - though that precedent isn’t the best enforcement either)

    Look I’m personal open to both Lib Dem’s and greens increasing their vote share and being part of another coalition

    But for me the best thing would be for labour to ‘sort themselves out’ whether by this existing team or a total refresh of the top team and restart (and every option inbetween)

    look it’s been years since the PM job was the most powerful position in government- however to the public the buck stops with the pm and they are the ones facing the consequences if things backfire

    Starmer probably wasn’t the one behind all this welfare reform stuff and has most likely been advised (or bluntly told) what to endorse and defend - but he’s a smart guy who should know the difference between right and wrong and if something feels ethically wrong he should be pushing back against the relevant ministers and advisers (and remember he does have the power to replace them if they aren’t able to do their jobs without making a big mess of things

    And yes on paper starmer is one of the most qualified mp’s to be dealing with world issues

    But in terms of issues at home I’ve been deeply disappointed in some of starmers rents quotes on welfare and implied thoughts on vulnerable and disabled (and what they deserve/should contribute)

    There is still time for him to change his position and repair damage that is clearly happening every day as this controversy grows (firing Kendall and/or reeves would be a welcome olive branch)

    But I don’t know how long that door will remain open to him to do lasting repairs (not just for the disabled community)

    it’s fair too early in this 5 year term to even consider starmers position as pm being untenable - but he and his team do need to repair self inflicted damage before this labour first term reaches the midway point in January 2027 (and mps start worrying about their seats in the next ge)

    I’m tried my best to be as fair as possible with this post

  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 883 Championing

    People are more likely to ‘accept’ freezes over cuts

    (And certainly not both at the same time)

  • Moorgater
    Moorgater Online Community Member Posts: 63 Empowering
    edited March 14

    Telegraph reporting Number Ten 'slapped down' Reeves over her comments re Trump this morning. Rarely a sign of harmony in Downing Street.....

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 779 Trailblazing

    On BBC online reeves still going ahead with it evil woman

  • evelyncourtney
    evelyncourtney Online Community Member Posts: 64 Empowering

    Yep, AND lots of the population too.

    Why do so many people think they’re above us? What makes them so personally superior?
    Then they come out with: “well my mum’s cousin’s husband’s sister had xyz condition and SHE still managed to work!” as though every disability presents exactly the same in everyone

  • Zipz
    Zipz Online Community Member Posts: 1,739 Empowering

    @Ross1975 If Corbyn or anyone on his Front Bench were PM, Reeves and Kendall would not be in Cabinet.

  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 1,383 Trailblazing

    People said they voted for change well they got that alright and all of us have to suffer as a consequence.

    There's a saying that springs to mind

    "Be careful what you wish for"

    I didn't vote Liebour myself.

  • bench
    bench Online Community Member Posts: 89 Contributor

    That's me up s**t creek without a paddle, I Been in work related group for years ,don't know why as my doctor agreed, I cant work due to severe anxiety disorder, hadnt a WCA for about 12 years, tho filled out a ESA50 at the end of September, suppose my only hope is they put me in the support group,when re assessed, if I get to be reassessed before they scrap it ? 😢😢😢

  • charlie72
    charlie72 Online Community Member Posts: 96 Empowering

    I agree, if this goes through starmer is done, good riddance to him, vile man.

  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 883 Championing

    ‘the single disabled childless persons club’ member right here (the likes of musk furious that we dare to exist)

    (Watched Tyler Perry’s ‘The singles mom club’ film last night 😂)

  • Stellar
    Stellar Online Community Member Posts: 209 Empowering

    Lmao. You removed three short statements that stated Keir Starmer's track record that you can widely find with a simple google search, which supported my claim. That's not "uncivil" nor did I insult WhatThe.

    You're right that he had nothing to do with those cuts. But what he does next is on him. He spent more time fighting the left than anything benefiting disabled people.

    Also the disabled community didn't stop paying attention. If anything, the disability community have gotten more politically active in recent years.

  • Stellar
    Stellar Online Community Member Posts: 209 Empowering
  • JasonRA
    JasonRA Online Community Member Posts: 150 Empowering

    The key to the green paper to look out for is the word "engagement", they want everyone to engage is some way, shape or form.

    For example - (Peter who is out of work due to a disability) "has replied to a message from your work coach in your Universal Credit journal, you have fulfilled your commitments". The message would be a heads up, how you are, how you feel, voluntary offers of training would most likely be on the table, most likely online training courses, it will all be a box ticking exercise.

    Case and point if you can't work, you can't work, how many times does Starmer need to get that?

  • Ironside1990
    Ironside1990 Online Community Member Posts: 298 Empowering

    You know it's bad when even IDS of all people, say that the government are going too far with plans for cuts!

  • Ironside1990
    Ironside1990 Online Community Member Posts: 298 Empowering

    i'i've emailed my MP.

  • Ironside1990
    Ironside1990 Online Community Member Posts: 298 Empowering
This discussion has been closed.