Upcoming changes to benefits



  • SM9346
    SM9346 Online Community Member Posts: 40 Connected

    I knew the Migraiton move was coming at some point this year. But now seeing the reports for new claims you won’t even get LCWRA or whatever it’s called it’s making me think what’s the point of moving over if it’s going affect new claims and I’m gonna get less money? I’d rather just save up my ESA over the 2 months and if I’m forced to work even though I can’t I’ll have to do it.

  • Summerlove
    Summerlove Online Community Member Posts: 145 Empowering

    That just sounds like everybody. MH, those with physical disabilities and everyone will have a reassessment due to ending legacy benefits.

    Another thing they backtracked on from Rachel Reeves saying they wouldn't touch PIP

    Code for will not have too

    When they said we will make sure safeguards for truly vulnerable

    Code for terminally I'll only

    We need to go French style if any of this is confirmed

  • BambiFalls
    BambiFalls Online Community Member Posts: 46 Contributor

    I agree with you. It makes me wonder how it took years to migrate then all of a sudden I got the letter late last year ?! Tbh I still don’t understand it that I get UC and “new style esa” I’d never heard of any of it and now it seems they’re taking that away 😩. If I was you I’d hold out to see what the hell is going on.

  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 883 Championing

    What were you expecting? That they’d shelf the green paper after a week of backlash (you underestimate politicans if you thought that)

    Of course the likes of Kendall and reeves are still full steam ahead - this is the start of what may be a very long ‘campaign’ on our part as changes will take time for gov to get through

    Far too early to lose one’s nerve and reassessments are part of the benefit system that you just have to deal with (it suck’s but I’m thankful the pandemic slowed things down a bit but it was always going to go back to every 12-24 months reassessments like clockwork)

    This is going to sound harsh but thick skin will really help in getting through the upcoming year or 2

  • Summerlove
    Summerlove Online Community Member Posts: 145 Empowering

    Workhouses would be a step up it would be the streets we'd have to all pitch in for a blue tent American style

  • HollisMcBobbery
    HollisMcBobbery Online Community Member Posts: 18 Contributor

    I'm beyond confused. If they abolish work capability assessments for Universal Credit then does that mean we all automatically go into intensive job searching conditions!? Is it going to just be 'work coach discretion' as to who decides who the few are that will be protected from those requirements.

    It doesn't inspire confidence that they keep pushing back the release of the green paper. Gives the impression they are fiddling with the details right up until the last minute. Which suggests a badly thought out and panicked approach to something which should be treated very carefully and with respect.

  • SM9346
    SM9346 Online Community Member Posts: 40 Connected

    I’m going to wait until the official announcement in the coming days then decide from there. If turns out to be true new claims even those who have to move over from ESA are going be affected and won’t be getting LWCRA. Then I won’t be moving over but if not I’ll move over.

  • HollisMcBobbery
    HollisMcBobbery Online Community Member Posts: 18 Contributor
  • BambiFalls
    BambiFalls Online Community Member Posts: 46 Contributor

    I don’t blame you @SM9346 I’d do the same if I’d have known what was coming. We should find out on Tuesday in England what their evil plans are 👿.
    Liebour may have me booked in for a lobotomy or a dystopian lifestyle but I’m just trying to stay positive 😑

  • Summerlove
    Summerlove Online Community Member Posts: 145 Empowering

    Exactly it's a social contract with government and premise for paying taxes and NI all your working life

    We have been conned if the government rips up this social contract.

    I've just had an email from a disability activist group saying they are going to fight this so that's a light in a dark tunnel

  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 883 Championing

    is @Kimmy87 around

    This guardian article is suggesting only the freeze on pip will require legislation


    ”They suggested any vote in parliament – only required for the Pip freeze – would lead to a significant rebellion and the threat of resignations.”

    ”The change most likely to trigger resignations would be freezing Pip, which would require primary legislation.”

    I am still right in thinking any other welfare cuts or tightening of criteria would also need to go through (most likely lengthy) legislation (though it was reported earlier in the week that ministers wanted to implement wca full reforms by this sept and after a 2 month consultation that would require legislation to be introduced and completed in 4 months to meet that sept 2025 target which sounds next to impossible unless legislation was never needed)

    I’m hoping the guardian either haven’t explained things well or they misunderstood the process (easy to understand- so much disinformation right now)

  • HollisMcBobbery
    HollisMcBobbery Online Community Member Posts: 18 Contributor

    Well atleast my MP had the decency to be concerned I guess. I've just read it again when posting and the eligibility tightening sounds particularly callous

  • Becky93
    Becky93 Online Community Member Posts: 67 Empowering

    One thing, not sure if this has happened to others, but I was due for re-assessment for PIP, but recently they automatically awarded my PIP for another year, basically delaying the re-assessment. The cynic might claim they are delaying it, until they can change the criteria to try and say you aren't eligible. Albeit, I don't believe for a second they will get these changes through within a year either.

    It's also a warning to any idea that it will only apply to new claimants, they will always come after existing claimants in the end, even if that's the initial announcement, so everyone has to oppose this, even if you think it won't apply to you right now.

  • SM9346
    SM9346 Online Community Member Posts: 40 Connected

    I’m now starting to think this was the plan all along. Get everyone off IR ESA for UC only to when you do move to UC you’ll lose it regardless.

  • ElizaRose
    ElizaRose Online Community Member Posts: 380 Empowering

    Well, I am afraid after fighting the system tooth and nail for my son for 25 years and now myself too, my thick skin has disappeared and I am at the end of my tether and totally exhausted. I am done with the whole thing now. There is no point anymore.

  • Ranald
    Ranald Online Community Member Posts: 760 Championing

    There's every reason to expect citizens to work, but there has to be genuine help available, not just rhetoric. They are very good at the latter, with nothing to back it up.

  • HollisMcBobbery
    HollisMcBobbery Online Community Member Posts: 18 Contributor

    So Reeves says ''Changing the fiscal rules would be breaking a promise to the people who voted Labour.''

    I would argue that it would be keeping a promise to the voters when they said they wouldn't return to austerity.

  • Ranald
    Ranald Online Community Member Posts: 760 Championing

    Jeremy Corbyn is an Independent MP, not Labour.

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