Upcoming changes to benefits



  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 288 Empowering

    can this be challenged in court or will it be brought in quickly? Surely this goes against our human rights ? I’m really starting to wish rishi was still PM. Starmer and reeves are hateful.

  • Summerlove
    Summerlove Online Community Member Posts: 96 Empowering

    Yes it can prior.

    That's what Ellen clifford did with the Tories proposals it was only at The Green paper stage at the time she took it to court.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 288 Empowering

    so if this is a green paper does that mean it’s at consultation stage ? The Tory’s at least posted questionnaires for us to fill out . Can this be watered down or be delayed if it goes to court ? I’m some reports I’m reading a pip freeze would need to go to a vote but not changing pip or lcwra amounts. It’s all worse than the Tory’s plans and they were defeated in court . Can they really force sick ppl to work or they lose benefits?

  • Summerlove
    Summerlove Online Community Member Posts: 96 Empowering

    Consultation is misleading a Green Paper is first legislation white Paper another

    It will depend on how brutal the planned Cuts are and the specifics on what reactions will be .Public have had enough of austerity and the kind of austerity Reeves is talking about 6 billion a year of the poorest and most vulnerable if true would be historical amount and political sucide for the Party and no doubt would recieve backlash from public and the suspended Labour mps group and a few others like John Rowntree

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 288 Empowering

    so the green paper is what they’d hope to change but it could be watered down by the time it becomes a white paper? It seems so extreme could they get away with this ?

  • HollisMcBobbery
    HollisMcBobbery Online Community Member Posts: 18 Contributor

    He's my MP I've emailed him before and his office replied. My partners mum has met him and says he's lovely. I'm heartened to see he said something.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 288 Empowering
    edited March 15

    what about the echr surely we are protected there ? Do you think it will be this bad at the end of the day ? Literally leaving ppl destitute. Who do think will be caring for ppl , if we lose pip then carers have to work.

  • Summerlove
    Summerlove Online Community Member Posts: 96 Empowering

    Yes he is adorable most In àarticle were challenging everything but welfare including public sector pay rises and housebuilding but red Ed stuck his neck out despite Starmers record of toe the party line (Mine) or else

    He specifically in article disagreed with disability and sickness benefits being taken from the most porest and vulnerable.

    Most of left were purged so I hope Red ed will be okay.

    Most mps have warm homes good salaries and will not care as long as they are alright Jack

    Red ed isn't one of them of he'd have kept a very tight lip indeed

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 757 Trailblazing

    On sky news it said that they maybe combining esa and jobseekers so people have to look for work

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 288 Empowering

    so in effect denying we are sick or disabled . That can’t be legal surely

  • johnnyy85
    johnnyy85 Online Community Member Posts: 59 Contributor

    so how long are we looking at this all being processed in time ?

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 288 Empowering

    hi it was me who asked . Thank you for replying. How long does that usually take and if it goes to court how long could it be delayed for ? I’ve hardly slept with worry .

  • mangomungo
    mangomungo Online Community Member Posts: 158 Empowering

    this government make me feel sick. Can guarantee now my PIP MR will be rejected. Now I’m worried about losing my LCWRA which keeps me just about able to feed and clothe myself. Last time I went into the job centre for an ID appointment I cried because I couldn’t even handle that, let alone look or prepare for work and face sanctions, all whilst starving because they’ll take away the money I use to buy a food shop.
    It’s completely unforgivable I don’t even know what to say anymore I feel like giving up on life and I would have done a long time ago if I didn’t have children because what is the point in living a life when you’re constantly persecuted constantly pushed into having breakdowns, constantly judged, browbeaten and powerless. I hate this government they are complete irredeemable and evil

  • Maggie37
    Maggie37 Online Community Member Posts: 27 Contributor

    Thanks for that. I actually think they may have trouble getting it through the Lords too if we protest enough. I wouldn’t put too much stock in the Times article. Sadly they are clickbaiters now too.The real people behind these kind of cuts are Starmer’s advisors IMO.. reptile eyed Paddy McFadden and Morgan McSweeney. Loyalty to no party but themselves.

    Thing is, last week I spent 3 days trying to get a phone consultation from GP.. finally got one next week! How is a new changed round of assessments going to affect GP practises, how can you cut sickness benefits if the disabled cannot access a doctor quickly? Are we just going to drop in streets, be taken to A and E.. practically these changes don’t work. Labour think they are gaming the system when in fact their making it a logistical, walking through tar nightmare. Who are going to be the new super empathetic ‘local’work coaches? The existing DWP staff???? C’mon that’s laughable. Finally..most of us have been thoroughly assessed already by healthcare professionals for PIP/ LCWRA.. who is going to overturn these findings? It can’t just be a minion in a local job centre? At so many stages these ‘reforms’ don’t hold water.

  • evelyncourtney
    evelyncourtney Online Community Member Posts: 44 Empowering

    I can’t recall exactly off the top of my head, but I’ll look into it and get back to you!

    Sending you a hug.. is there anything you can do that might help you relax a little?

  • Wibbles
    Wibbles Online Community Member Posts: 2,424 Championing

    Does "legislation" even allow PIP rates to be frozen ?

    Has anybody with legal experience checked this fact ?

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 757 Trailblazing

    I did read , raynor, millaband, even kendell not happy.

    It's starmer and reeves because of their failings. I'm terrified because I don't know if it's true, daily mail, that even people with autism adhd will be targeted. The point where you are prompted or reminded, using a microwave would get no points. My pip is for a number of years to go , I be retired by then. But with the copd and my joints got worse ,I haven't said because I was scared they would take it away if I told them I was worse.

    This stress is causing my symptoms to get worse especially my copd, my coughing is bad at the moment

  • Zipz
    Zipz Online Community Member Posts: 1,703 Empowering
    edited March 15

    I just want to give up. I claim (legacy) CB ESA and PIP. If I lose the Support Group/LCWRA addition, I'll lose capacity to pay the most basic living expenses. I might as well die now and the savings I have that prevent me from claiming anything means-tested will go to worthwhile charities.