Upcoming changes to benefits



  • Doglover2
    Doglover2 Online Community Member Posts: 153 Empowering

    @luvpink my pip is up for reassessment next year too.

    Wish they left dla as it was,I was on indefinite after five assessments. So I'm with you on the dread and horror of it. I'd a paper based esa assessment last yr,every three yrs like clockwork.. five f2f then the past while paperbased. I guess that'll change too.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 371 Pioneering

    even after what’s been written in the times ? It’s really seems unbelievable. It will leave ppl destitute. Surely we have rights . What are your thoughts on this now ? Can they really bring changes as fast as they say?

  • Wibbles
    Wibbles Online Community Member Posts: 2,425 Championing

    This potentially has far FAR greater effects than anyone would have thought possible.

    My sister is a professional paid carer - earning just over minimum wage - she has been told that her job is at risk, should the number of clients diminish due to lack of funds from reduced numbers entitled to benefits !!

  • johnnyy85
    johnnyy85 Online Community Member Posts: 59 Contributor

    does anyone know what will happen to transitional protection ?

  • Doglover2
    Doglover2 Online Community Member Posts: 153 Empowering

    My health's gone south, I've 14 conditions and yet again am having tests next week for another. I've lived an alcohol and cigarettes free life, vegetarian since I was 18,I'm almost 59 now,I was vegan for ten years also.

    I've fought for animal rights, gender rights,disability rights and the elderly.

    I've nothing left in me anymore. I honestly and truthfully feel like giving up.

    I can't even have multiple dogs in my life anymore,I've just the one boy. They were my very life's blood.

    My world, like most of you on here is getting smaller and dimmer.

    No body asks for a mere existence of illness and disability, These cuts will have a severe impact on whoever is at the recieving end of them. The deprivation that will come with them and desperate worry they are causing already is barbaric.

    How are we remotely meant to even start a journey of any form of wellness when we keep getting hit up the face with changes, assessments, and getting pushed tighter and tighter into a tiny box of worthlessness.

    Thank god I've a good family around me. And for my loving little doggo who means more to me than my own life.

    I never had any children so I guess I'm one of the weird childless women or was I just too damn unwell all my life to consider bringing a child in to a World of rancid ****. I don't know how we get out of this mire, but I'm grateful for those who fight for me and for us.

    Tare care all. Xx

  • Maggie37
    Maggie37 Online Community Member Posts: 35 Contributor

    Your point about carers is a good one, that’s just another sticking point that they will have to confront?

    Also the Scottish government does not support these cuts and will not implement changes to ADP( PIP equivalent).. which is paid for by Scotland? So will you have a two tier system. Ridiculous..?

    Also.. imagine a real scenario, you are forced to apply for a role you cannot physically or mentally do, the employer complains, you complain to the Job centre.Then you have the system clogging up with complaints that HAVE to be looked at… everything slows to at stop. I have rheumatoid arthritis, Lupus, mental health issues and bladder problems, am now being investigated for severe bowel issues. I worked for many years.. am in late middle age. Good luck with getting me employed.. some days I cannot open my laptop.🤔

  • Wibbles
    Wibbles Online Community Member Posts: 2,425 Championing

    I don't see how they can remove benefits from anyone who is receiving PIP payment for an "ongoing period" - because by definition - an ongoing period has no end date ??

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,198 Championing

    What are the 2015 reforms and what effect does it have

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,198 Championing

    So why have they sat on this for 9 years ?

  • Catherine21
    Catherine21 Posts: 4,198 Championing

    I remember when Jeremy hunt did a speech about cutting benefits his actual words was wouldn't cut for everyone that would be cruel yep I remember d

  • YogiBear
    YogiBear Online Community Member Posts: 57 Empowering

    I also claim (legacy) CB ESA and in the Support Group.

  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 1,351 Trailblazing
    edited March 15

    Same here yet they keep saying it pays to work but does it heck?

  • Nightcity
    Nightcity Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 3,334 Championing

    I'm not concerned about anything in that Paper, besides getting away with something is much harder than wanting to try it.

  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 1,351 Trailblazing

    So much speculation and scaremongering is going on.

    I'm off out later to watch the final of the six nations rugby.

    Try to have a nice day folks.

    Much love.


    Come on Ireland though I think the French will take the trophy!

  • Maggie37
    Maggie37 Online Community Member Posts: 35 Contributor

    This is my take on it exactly. In fact I’m at the stage of wanting them to try because it will be a hill they die on.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 371 Pioneering

    I really hope you are right . I’m so worried I’ve barely slept.why aren’t you worried ? Is it because you don’t think it’s true or that it won’t pass in court ? It seems from what the times piece wrote that it is all rushed. Same questions but different points . And now another so called leak . Is this Starmer trying to see the reaction this gets ?

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 371 Pioneering

    oh I hope you’re both right . There simply is no cure or treatment for fibromyalgia and ME. In fact exercise is dangerous for ME sufferers. Do you think this will be stopped in court as I’m sure it’ll pass in parliament.

  • Meredithshep
    Meredithshep Online Community Member Posts: 83 Empowering
    edited March 15

    They did when moved from DLA to PIP, everyone was reassessed eventually because the descriptors changed. I went from indefinate high rate DLA after many many assessments including plenty of evidence to PIP at a lower rate for a limited time with reassessment every few years. We were automatically given SDA without the need for forms or assessment because we'd already proven our disability for DLA. Now you have assessment for PIP and then assessment for ESA …… they would have saved a fortune if they'd left things as they were. All the paperwork and manpower that all these assessments take must be costing a small fortune. I remember when if one person in the household worked it was enough without having to claim benefits other than automatically getting child allowance. The economy is a mess when people working have to claim benefits just to survive, jobs are being lost everywhere because of the changes that labour are making.

  • Wibbles
    Wibbles Online Community Member Posts: 2,425 Championing
    edited March 15


    Primary Legislation needs to be passed by both houses and Lords will be much more difficult than Commons.

  • pinkrose
    pinkrose Online Community Member Posts: 93 Empowering

    Just want to say thank you to all of you wonderful people on here !!!!!!

    Without this forum, I would have lost my mind this past week !

    Feeling incredibly scared and stressed at the moment.

    Even though I'm on esa and pip due to physical disabilities, I am appalled at the rhetoric being spewed by labour with regards to mental health.

    I lost a relative last year to suicide, so I know how debilitating mh issues can be.

    Just really upset and disgusted at the way all of us disabled are being treated.

    Starmer and reeves only care about 'working people'.

    We all need to stick together and campaign against these cuts.

    Much love, appreciation and hugs to you all.
