Upcoming changes to benefits



  • Moorgater
    Moorgater Online Community Member Posts: 57 Empowering

    'Loyalty' to Starmer will evaporate the minute the polls tank. Let's not lose heart, he's the Prime Minister now but he won't be forever. Johnson won a landslide for the other lot after they'd been in for almost a decade. They booted him out two and a half years later. I suspect loyalty to 'Sir Keir' within the party is pretty shallow. There's no doubt Streeting and Rayner would both like his job. They have (reportedly) both expressed unease about this.

  • Summerlove
    Summerlove Online Community Member Posts: 96 Empowering

    Yet according to Rachael Reeves she is delivering what the Labour Voters want

    POLITICAL SPEAK for lone ranger & Starmy smug

  • ElizaRose
    ElizaRose Online Community Member Posts: 279 Empowering

    I know, I saw a youtube video this morning saying about autism being discounted for PIP. I'm not sure if it meant for LCWRA too. It really is horrific. There has to be some backlash against it. We are definitely being dragged back into Victorian attitudes of being blamed and punished for being poor and ill. My son has autism too and now paranoid schizophrenia on top, so I am having to worry about how all these barbaric cuts will affect him as well as myself. His paranoia is already getting a lot worse because he keeps seeing and hearing things about all this.

    As I said, as a single Mum with no real support, I have been battling the system for him for years, banging my head against a brick wall and never getting anywhere whilst at the same time having to cope with some incredibly challenging behaviour from him and bringing up his younger brother. I was burnt out and running on empty for so long it has now affected my health. So now I have quite severe CFS plus PTSD, agoraphobia and terrible anxiety and now as I'm getting older other problems are appearing. Long term intense stress plays havoc with your body.

    My son has spent the last five years in and out of mental health hospitals. Twice he was discharged to street homelessness and is now about to be discharged again, at the same time as all these cuts are happening, plus my health is going downhill. I do sometimes wonder what the point is of living a life full of persecution, blame and what feels like abuse. Even so, there is still a tiny spark of defiance left in me somewhere. When I was younger and had ENERGY, I was always very indignant about injustices, and in a quiet way did help a few people along the way, but life has bashed it out of me and now I am often so exhausted and in pain I cannot even lift my head or arm. That is why I feel so despondent and sound so helpless. It does make me angry that had we got the proper support for my son when he was younger, neither of us may be as ill/disabled as we are now, so none of these politicians better come to my door and start talking about "duty".

    I have read some of your posts and really appreciate all your hard work and openness. I saw that you were talking about not wanting to get burnt out. I think you are very wise to listen to yourself like that. I knew how burnt out I was getting but just had to keep going as my boys only had me so I didn't have much choice. You do need to take care or yourself.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 288 Empowering

    question is how long will these changes take to go to the votes and then court if possible and needed . We need this delayed for as long as possible so he gets ousted

  • Moorgater
    Moorgater Online Community Member Posts: 57 Empowering

    I suspect Rachel's knowledge of the average Labour voter's concerns is about as great as her grasp of economics.

  • Summerlove
    Summerlove Online Community Member Posts: 96 Empowering

    Yes and then we have a choice of the other fascists Parties

    Still Public don't forget a betrayal from a Party they thought would be preferable to Tories.

    I voted Green anyway because knew the the leader and Rachael Reeves would be worse

  • Holly_Scope
    Holly_Scope Posts: 1,338 Scope Online Community Coordinator

    Hi @Kaliwax please look after yourself. If you need to take some time away from the news, I'd suggest it. Do you have some support around you? I'm going to pop you an email in a minute - please keep an eye out for it. 💛

  • Moorgater
    Moorgater Online Community Member Posts: 57 Empowering

    Struggling to post the screenshot but the important final paragraph is below. It also suggests to me that MPs opposed think it isn't going to happen immediately.

    Of course, the longer a government delays those cuts, the closer the bath is to overflowing and the less likely it is that those cuts will happen at all. Some of the MPs who are particularly opposed to the cuts also happen to be very annoyed with Starmer and Reeves, and quite hopeful that they may be able to remove the former. They won’t speak out because they are biding their time until that bath does overflow and there is a flood of resentment in the wider Labour party that they can then take advantage of. So don’t be deceived if the party seems relatively peaceful and united over the next few months. The tap is still dripping.

  • Summerlove
    Summerlove Online Community Member Posts: 96 Empowering

    Economics yeah Bank of England is the Government bank. Government literally can fill any black holes.

  • Santosha12
    Santosha12 Online Community Member Posts: 437 Empowering

    @tcellmutation thanks, think it must be the latter as just seen The Times' editorial/view including the comments that Reeves must be tough on welfare and that she should ignore Labour MPs or cabinet ministers about concerns over the cuts.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 288 Empowering

    oh wow I hope that’s true . How long could this take especially if it went to court ? Would court delay any changes ? Thank you this has given me a bit of hope .

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 757 Trailblazing

    What do they expect us to live on ? Have bills to pay. I can't walk hardly so need taxis or bus

    He has a Facebook page and it shows him being the big I am in meetings over zoom with zelensky. People are giving him what for. Same with kendall

  • Santosha12
    Santosha12 Online Community Member Posts: 437 Empowering

    @Moorgater when I watched PM Questions on Wednesday, I think it was Lucy Powell who was sat on Angela Rayners' right hand side and I thought her face looked peed off/not quite thunderous but could have been, all when Starmer was talking.

  • Summerlove
    Summerlove Online Community Member Posts: 96 Empowering

    It will take a long time. People with health issues need security and peace of mind they also have to have the assurance they can meet the basics in life shelter food etc

    Without that assurance from government it affects mental health and overall well being

    Which isn't rocket science really so that's why most just now want to know where they stand with the green paper...and do not like delays

  • Moorgater
    Moorgater Online Community Member Posts: 57 Empowering

    I think it's unlikely to be very soon. These things usually take a long time and their already fractious MPs would be incandescent if this was rushed in. The article suggests those opposed think this will be more marathon than sprint. But, we're guessing. Seems even Keir, Kendall and Rachel From Complaints aren't sure yet.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 288 Empowering

    I don’t think they’ve thought this through. One minute I read they’re reducing lcwra and increasing the basic rate. Then there’re stopping lcwra and we all need to engage . So would that mean we’d get more money again in the basic job seekers group. Then it would be constant sanctions as we can’t work . It can’t possibly be lawful to leave anyone without funds especially sick and disabled people. Then of course if they remove pip from so many ppl local councils will have to look after them as their carers are forced to work . Nothing makes sense to me but I think that’s because what msm states will happen doesn’t make sense.

  • Moorgater
    Moorgater Online Community Member Posts: 57 Empowering

    I believe Powell is opposed to the cuts also. Plus, it seems Streeting and Rayner both voiced concerns about this. As those two are the ones who most obviously want Starmer's job, it seems likely they feel opposition to this is either a) already popular with other MPs or b) soon will be popular when the inevitable car crash happens and the polls head south.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 288 Empowering

    Rachel needs to go back to the office , those phones won’t answer themselves

  • tcellmutation
    tcellmutation Online Community Member Posts: 292 Empowering

    Worth a read…


  • Loulou82xx
    Loulou82xx Online Community Member Posts: 20 Contributor

    The thing is we do know that a large amount of extra claimants have claimed especially for PIP since 2019 but I suspect most are people like my Mother and Father both late sixties both experiencing health problems in the past 8 years or so and with pushing the retirement age back you will have many more people in this age group who through no fault of their own are forced to claim benefits.

    My parents have never claimed a penny, have paid into the system their whole lives my Dad left school at 15 and has worked manual jobs his whole life and paid in for almost 50 years he had to claim at 63 for PIP due to a huge hernia in his groin, he was put on a waiting list and it took 18 months for his treatment. I think many people are in his situation, the NHS has too much pressure on its services so people who can be fixed through an operation are being forced to claim benefits whilst enduring a very long wait for treatment, as my Dad says had he been seen quickly he could have returned to work after recovery.

    They are noth now receiving state pension my Dads health is now good so he doesn't need attendance allowance and my Mums issues are also now sorted so she also just gets State pension, she is also a Waspi and disgusted with the treatment they have received but that is another discussion.

    The point I am making is they are not looking in depth at why there has been such a large increase in claims.

    I accept that there is an issue with 18-30 year olds being out of the workforce and that some of it is down to mental health but again there is not the support available for them to get better, the GP shoves anti depressants at them and that is it, the waiting list to talk to somebody is months long, which makes the depression and anxiety even worse. The jobs are not available for unskilled workers either, we have always had a working class in the UK and use to have well paying jobs available but we have shipped all of our manufactoring abroad and wonder why depression and issues have developed for the poorest people in our country, they have no hope, no investment in a country which lets them down again and again.

    We need well paying manual jobs to give people a chance to have a good standard of living, there is currently no way to get to the middle class for most people, it is a very depressing situation and is mirrored across western countries who have let the working classes of their countries down.