Upcoming changes to benefits



  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 472 Pioneering

    all 3 psychopaths . Starmer definitely. His behind this mr flip flop persona and ppl fell for it . Once in office the real him came out . No empathy or personality. The other two just joined the wrong party , guess the Tory’s didn’t want them .

  • Ross1975
    Ross1975 Online Community Member Posts: 92 Empowering

    It's like on the one hand they think mental health is important, and then on the other it's like they think mental health is nothing.

  • Middleton
    Middleton Online Community Member Posts: 172 Empowering
    edited March 17

    I have a UC claim review this Thursday via phone; you'll likely get one at some point.

    Had to send in 4 months of bank statements

  • ThirtySixteen
    ThirtySixteen Online Community Member Posts: 48 Contributor

    This is still green paper stage and whatever is announced tomorrow, no matter how watered down will need to go to white paper and consultation and then through legislation.
    This in itself could take months to years.

    THEN, I’m pretty sure there will be quite a few legal challenges which I highly suspect will see it either scrapped or watered down even further.

    I’m not saying I’m not worried, I AM!
    I have a wife on LCWRA and a son just about to go from DLA to PIP.
    This could affect my family severely and force us in to poverty.

    But there’s a part of me that’s able to relax because I really think that it won’t end up as bad as we are all fearing.

  • raspberrysorbet66
    raspberrysorbet66 Online Community Member Posts: 22 Connected

    I scored 2 points on all of the proposed description changes for pip, 8 for engagement - my review was sent off in spring last year, I got a letter saying that they were extending my reward until March 2026 because they were still collecting evidence or whatever it was - am I right in thinking that actually they have done this to wait for the changes to come into effect and take aaay my award completely? I haven’t eaten in days, I haven’t slept. I haven’t moved out of bed. I’ve lost hours of time dissociated I’ve done nothing but ruminate - I will not, will not be able to cope, I honestly feel like I may aswell just end it now and save myself the stress and the government their money so as to not be seen as a leech to society.

  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 1,413 Trailblazing
  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 883 Championing

    no your maths is exactly right

    Cutting lcwra award by 25% is more lucrative to the dwp than a pip freeze (though as I showed the saving for that improve with every consecutive year)

    However there’s one thing you haven’t stated

    (one thing I learnt this week - journalists and politicians suck at maths and statistics)

    A 1 year pip freeze would cost each claimant £3.50 a week (and it’s technically not reducing award amount)

    Cutting 25% from the lcwra would cost each claimant about £20 a week (and as I said a cut looks much worse on paper then a freeze)

    this is from the guardian polities live text

    ”a load shared is a load halved”

    The quickest and ‘fairest’ way for the treasury to get ‘quick money’ from incapacity benefits is a lcwra and/or pip freeze (if starmer/reeves/kendalls hadn’t verbally tried to throw the whole disabled community there may have been an option for the dwp via the uc journal to ask if those with any transactional protection would be open to a voluntary reduction of £10 to £50 a month dependant on what the claimant could of spared - I would of been open to it if the dwp were showing real signs of listening and working with disabled but I don’t feel inclined to help fill another one of labour leadership’s black hole and not really open to compromise until the disabled community get an apology from Kendall/reeves/starmer/dwp about (what is essentially) bullying, smearing and scapegoating this community has had to endure from minister quotes to the constant media pieces that gov insiders are very obviously feeding the far right papers)

    Fair welfare reforms that benefits not just the treasury financially longterm but also strengthens the financial safety net for disabled ppl is possible (and I truly believe that) but it’s going to take time, patience and open mindedness on the govs part (and politicians not seeing threatening disabled ppl lives as a reasonable cost for using welfare cuts as a ATM - as the ‘easy’ solution to their problems)

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 472 Pioneering
  • Stellar
    Stellar Online Community Member Posts: 210 Empowering

    The law dosen't matter if those in charge won't respect it. Look at what Donald Trump is doing in the US.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 472 Pioneering

    I think everyone has been having awards extended for quite some time due to the back log . I wouldn’t worry as nothing new has changed yet and I would assume they have to score according to the form you’ve already filled in . Mines due early next year so I should get a form any time soon. Unless any reforms are passed super quick I would think my review will be the same as last time. I’m no expert but just my opinion . I’m sure there will be ppl on here with more knowledge than me .

  • Zipz
    Zipz Online Community Member Posts: 1,747 Empowering

    Thank you. The more extreme the proposals the longer it will take for any changes to come about.

  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 883 Championing

    Ibs is a b***h at the best of times - stress related ibs takes of whole other toll

    So many of the public think mental health such as anxiety, stress and depression is all in one’s head and to toughen up

    But for some with mental health issues it can get so bad it manifests/triggers into many possible physical health conditions (some of which are painful & uncomfortable)

    On paper it may be easy for some people to fake an invisible MH condition - but the physical knock on effects and ‘marks’ of having serious MH illnesses is a whole different story

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 472 Pioneering

    I agree , I would have rather they froze payments for pip and lcwra then they have them just take the benefits away . According to A different bias on YouTube they were planning on using the savings from stopping fraud to fill the black hole whatever that is . It seems like Starmer having no clue how to run the country decided to leave the disabled destitute to add to the defence budget , especially as in msm he was getting better press . Just my opinion for what it’s worth.

  • Maggie37
    Maggie37 Online Community Member Posts: 44 Empowering

    Sorry you’re feeling this way but I think it just means what it says.. they’re extending your award to gather more information. They won’t cut your money at all. Last year I had same wording sent.. a kind of’hold’ letter. It’s often because they’re experiencing a backlog of claims as well? The key to focus on in’extending your award’.. it’s going to continue until March 2026 for sure. Hope this helps they do send out these extension letters regularly.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 472 Pioneering

    yes but Starmer is all for the echr so if it went that high would he go against their ruling ? He couldn’t then refuse to go against them for other rulings so easily.

  • Jenwren
    Jenwren Online Community Member Posts: 36 Empowering

    That is definately true and terrifying, but I think the one difference is (hopefully) an important one. Stammer is a former lawyer, he will very much want to - at least on the surface - project that he is very much obeying and upholding the law, becuase it's important to his labour branding and an attack line they can use on the Tories constantly (although this is less important with their majority). Yes Stammer will duck and dive and skirt around things - but if (and I really hope they do) charities and organisations take the govt to court (I'm thinking Disabilities At 2010?) it won't look good for Stammer personally since he likes to claim he upholds the law. The only hope is Stammer will want to avoid this. Part of this is about how Strammer wants to be seen. There are things that are important to every leader even tyrants and image is always one. Trump unfortunetely won partly because his lawlessness appeals to certain people. But I do completely see your point and it's a terrifying tread.

  • Summerlove
    Summerlove Online Community Member Posts: 165 Empowering

    So we have Diane Abbott agreeing with Ed Balls "it's not a Labour thing to do"

    I knew she would be very much on side because she and Corbyn are left and mayor Andy Burnham against the cuts especially in light of Rachel Reeves rejecting any chance of a wealth tax

    I must say there is something truly wrong with politics when we have multimillionaires like Sir starmer as a PM and multimillionaires like Rachel Reeves going after disability benefits.

    They both should get jobs that are in keeping with their millionaire status especially just after multimillionaire Sunak .

    They will always punch down when they are the wealthy and lead such luxiourious lives and mix with others that are millionaires.

    Politics just ends up looking like a millionaires club not compatible with decision making for the people.

    IIt looks like these multimillionaires are so far not backing down including a quote of Rachel Reeves as chancellor not for turning I think that's a wink to the late Baroness Thatcher .

    So I'm not expecting much watering down especially with Liz Kendall nothing I've read so far makes me think she is against cuts and throwing the sick and disabled into work.

  • Tumilty
    Tumilty Online Community Member Posts: 172 Empowering

    I've heard all the stuff about pip but nothing about ESA unless that is lcwra. Does anyone know what is happening with that?

    I get pip and esa for my anxiety and depression and am struggling with elderly family that I help look after so I'm not sure what to do.

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