Upcoming changes to benefits



  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 883 Championing

    Ibs is a b***h at the best of times - stress related ibs takes of whole other toll

    So many of the public think mental health such as anxiety, stress and depression is all in one’s head and to toughen up

    But for some with mental health issues it can get so bad it manifests/triggers into many possible physical health conditions (some of which are painful & uncomfortable)

    On paper it may be easy for some people to fake an invisible MH condition - but the physical knock on effects and ‘marks’ of having serious MH illnesses is a whole different story

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 407 Pioneering

    I agree , I would have rather they froze payments for pip and lcwra then they have them just take the benefits away . According to A different bias on YouTube they were planning on using the savings from stopping fraud to fill the black hole whatever that is . It seems like Starmer having no clue how to run the country decided to leave the disabled destitute to add to the defence budget , especially as in msm he was getting better press . Just my opinion for what it’s worth.

  • Maggie37
    Maggie37 Online Community Member Posts: 43 Empowering

    Sorry you’re feeling this way but I think it just means what it says.. they’re extending your award to gather more information. They won’t cut your money at all. Last year I had same wording sent.. a kind of’hold’ letter. It’s often because they’re experiencing a backlog of claims as well? The key to focus on in’extending your award’.. it’s going to continue until March 2026 for sure. Hope this helps they do send out these extension letters regularly.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 407 Pioneering

    yes but Starmer is all for the echr so if it went that high would he go against their ruling ? He couldn’t then refuse to go against them for other rulings so easily.

  • Jenwren
    Jenwren Online Community Member Posts: 23 Connected

    That is definately true and terrifying, but I think the one difference is (hopefully) an important one. Stammer is a former lawyer, he will very much want to - at least on the surface - project that he is very much obeying and upholding the law, becuase it's important to his labour branding and an attack line they can use on the Tories constantly (although this is less important with their majority). Yes Stammer will duck and dive and skirt around things - but if (and I really hope they do) charities and organisations take the govt to court (I'm thinking Disabilities At 2010?) it won't look good for Stammer personally since he likes to claim he upholds the law. The only hope is Stammer will want to avoid this. Part of this is about how Strammer wants to be seen. There are things that are important to every leader even tyrants and image is always one. Trump unfortunetely won partly because his lawlessness appeals to certain people. But I do completely see your point and it's a terrifying tread.

  • Summerlove
    Summerlove Online Community Member Posts: 145 Empowering

    So we have Diane Abbott agreeing with Ed Balls "it's not a Labour thing to do"

    I knew she would be very much on side because she and Corbyn are left and mayor Andy Burnham against the cuts especially in light of Rachel Reeves rejecting any chance of a wealth tax

    I must say there is something truly wrong with politics when we have multimillionaires like Sir starmer as a PM and multimillionaires like Rachel Reeves going after disability benefits.

    They both should get jobs that are in keeping with their millionaire status especially just after multimillionaire Sunak .

    They will always punch down when they are the wealthy and lead such luxiourious lives and mix with others that are millionaires.

    Politics just ends up looking like a millionaires club not compatible with decision making for the people.

    IIt looks like these multimillionaires are so far not backing down including a quote of Rachel Reeves as chancellor not for turning I think that's a wink to the late Baroness Thatcher .

    So I'm not expecting much watering down especially with Liz Kendall nothing I've read so far makes me think she is against cuts and throwing the sick and disabled into work.

  • Tumilty
    Tumilty Online Community Member Posts: 168 Empowering

    I've heard all the stuff about pip but nothing about ESA unless that is lcwra. Does anyone know what is happening with that?

    I get pip and esa for my anxiety and depression and am struggling with elderly family that I help look after so I'm not sure what to do.

  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 1,378 Trailblazing

    We will know more tommorow when the government make a statement.

  • apples
    apples Online Community Member Posts: 465 Empowering

    I’ve read that the disability cuts are to be watered down, hopefully this is for all benefits not just the pip freeze

  • Summerlove
    Summerlove Online Community Member Posts: 145 Empowering

    That would be good if that is the case especially with The Telegraph elitism saying that this Labour government has one thing on their side with cuts ~The Public!

    I guess that is the all of 20%

  • Santosha12
    Santosha12 Online Community Member Posts: 484 Empowering

    You are absolutely spot on 💯 %. When I got Covid in Nov 20 I had no temperature regulation it was 38 and 40 degrees for into 3 wks only coming down to 38 after taking round the clock paracetamol, I felt i was cooking and wondered what on earth is this doing to my body, that was when my bowel problems started and a total of 5 different diagnoses, I always forget one or two of them. I've had 36 good days since 17.11.20 no exaggeration it's heartbreaking really. I know people have worse illnesses but this makes me housebound which I've not coped well with and none of my medications work. Or diets, I eat every other day which is pretty miserable but that's more cos of cost but I'm not complaining as I've got my dogs so my choice and I don't want to lose them. They keep me sane or just about on the right side of sane mostly!

    There's a research professor at Derby Uni i wrote to in 2023, I emailed him this weekend as it was on the news last week that they've started anti viral drug trials (for Long Covid). He's agreed to put me on their database for possible inclusion next year when they're rolling it out wider. I've wanted that for so long but it's a bit scary prospect too. On the one hand it gives me hope and I think I couldn't be any worse but then on the other hand, it's drugs, I don't know what they are yet, so the risks could be too high. I've at least got time to think about it and hope they have results from the current trial/any adverse effects. And it depends where it takes place as I struggle to get anywhere.

    Sorry I do go off on a tangent 🙄😬 i think Liz Kendall is talking at 230pm but can't imagine she's got much to say yet.

    I hope you are OK, I love it when I see your posts, I keep saying thank god for Scope it is SO helpful a place to come. My MH issues mostly rears it's ugly head when I have other trauma or what I perceive as trauma, like lost my job, health, my home, my mum, then my next job, my sisters (estranged) in the last 3 yrs. I try to be grateful though, I adore my dogs who are my world and am working on building my courage and resilience. My epitaph will probably say 'she was a work in progress' 🤣 or worse, 'a piece of work' ha ha.

  • Tumilty
    Tumilty Online Community Member Posts: 168 Empowering

    Yes I hope that they are pressured. Most want a wealth tax which would be much fairer however there are so many near me taking the micky on expensive bikes selling drugs etc, they should be targeted first

  • michael57
    michael57 Online Community Member Posts: 1,107 Championing
  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 407 Pioneering

    if it’s about getting ppl too sick to work into work why are concentrating on pip which a lot of claimants get and work

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 774 Trailblazing

    Yes I emailed Timms nothing, yet I posted the link before of him visiting scope, and listening to them and making out he was supportive of disabled people, He's done Jack **** , he said the dwp needs replacing. Rachel reeves is useless, she needs replacing, can't stand her voice, if she says growth one more time I scream. There all on Facebook including starmer, putting out pictures of him talking to zelensky on zoom trying to be like Churchill, and failing miserably

  • apple85
    apple85 Online Community Member Posts: 883 Championing

    I think poppy is taking a break from the forum

    At the end of the day she is not a paid employee of scope and she has provided help and answers to other members posts from the goodness of her heart

    She hasn’t shared much of her personal life and I can’t remember many occasions she has asked other members for help & support in the same way she has given so many of us over the years

    If she is stepping back and concentrating in prioritising herself and her family whilst all these chaos is going on then I’m happy she is putting herself first

    once things calm down I hope she comes back, if only for daily life chit chats 💖

  • Andi66
    Andi66 Online Community Member Posts: 774 Trailblazing

    Honestly I'm scared my enhanced is for autism, mobility is standard even though I struggle to walk, even worse now, with my new conditions

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 407 Pioneering

    I also have ibs as secondary to my fibromyalgia. Migraine ( another fibromyalgia symptom) also triggers it. Any stress starts it off . Then I had Covid I believe 4 times. Always goes to my stomach which never recovers fully. I take probiotics which I think helps .