Upcoming changes to benefits



  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 428 Pioneering

    it’s a vicious circle. You can’t do anything cos of fatigue ( both physically and mentally) then the fibromyalgia pain is worse cos you haven’t done anything. You can’t win

  • Autistic_Superpower
    Autistic_Superpower Online Community Member Posts: 21 Contributor

    Sorry I find all these terms overwhelming, I’ve actually done a mandatory reconsideration already and I’m going to tribunal.

    I’m still at the ‘gathering evidence’ stage of my tribunal though and making sure I have further evidence, and I have someone acting on my behalf with all this as an Advocate due to my numerous issues (I’m going to call them up tomorrow actually)

    I thought the ‘4 points’ thing meant they were doing away with all things on the PIP application process that gives less than 4 points, as in they no longer counted?

    This is the problem that it’s all so unclear, I have a multitude of illnesses that will never get better and now I (like so many others) are worried this safety net has been ripped away from us all.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 428 Pioneering

    I know, I think lcwra or esa is the biggest worry as i physically cannot work . That’s where they hold the power imo

  • JonnycJonny
    JonnycJonny Scope Member Posts: 245 Empowering
    edited March 17

    A 'severe conditions category' has been around for a number of years - since 2016/2017 I believe. As I say, the letter would clearly state no further assessment required.

    It could be these severely impaired claimants who are spared a cut to their benefit.

    Speculation only - facts tomorrow.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 428 Pioneering

    imo whatever they put in the green paper will have no bearing on your tribunal . Hopefully you’ll get a long award so by the time you have a review things will be easier.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 428 Pioneering

    how often are esa reviews usually ? Or even lcwra

  • travis50
    travis50 Online Community Member Posts: 35 Empowering

    It's why they launched a campaign of hatred and smears against Jeremy Corbyn. A campaign which was Captained by Starmer as he wanted power and so kow towed to the Super Rich. Corbyn wanted to increase benefits for the sick and disabled and increase tax for the wealthiest and corporates. They were having none of that. Fat greedy swine sat at the table feasting, whilst the rest of us have taken away what crumbs we can gather under the table as we are strain on the economy. Starmer's wife recently spent 100 grand on a wardrobe of new coats. Sickening.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 428 Pioneering

    doesn’t she work for the nhs ? If she does how does she face them . I’d be so embarrassed if I were married to him .

  • geckobat
    geckobat Online Community Member Posts: 46 Contributor

    I feel so sick over everything, I can't cope with all this.

  • Summerlove
    Summerlove Online Community Member Posts: 147 Empowering
    edited March 17

    I'm OUTRAGED we voted out Tories lots due to austerity and threats to cut and hostility to the most vulnerable, only to all be going through another living hell . I sighed relief when Tories Lost had peace of mind for a short time then it all started up again . I honestly thought my MH couldn't get any worse but being carted off in an ambulance and unable to function showed me it can get worse much worse.

  • Summerlove
    Summerlove Online Community Member Posts: 147 Empowering
    edited March 17

    Even if it turns out tomorrow not to be as bad its still unforgiveable the effects its had for months on health

  • travis50
    travis50 Online Community Member Posts: 35 Empowering

    It was money from a donation Starmer spent on the coats.

    "The foreign secretary insists the prime minister is "seeking to comply with the rules" and an investigation into a Labour donor buying clothes for his wife is "not a transparency issue".

    Sir Keir Starmer is facing an investigation over a possible breach of parliamentary rules after failing to declare that some of his wife's high-end clothes were bought for her by his biggest personal donor, Lord Alli."

    Excuses for sheer greed. Rest of us worrying if we can afford to eat. 😡

  • Naz4
    Naz4 Online Community Member Posts: 24 Connected

    I have had long term health issues since the age of 22, after being more than functional. I have struggled with fatigue, then pain, then mobility over time more than aging process. I am on legacy ESA, and I have noted some on here have seemed to have to a bit of problem with that, and I empathise that the UC rates are ****, but then my ESA rates were already cut around 20% by austerity. I didn't claim any disability for 9 years after a head on crash with a drunk driver then a random assault on resulting in head injury… I'm not making that up it really was as sh**ty as that. I tried really hard to pretend nothing had happened I was already struggling at the back end of last year as I have zero support from services or friends. I then had a PIP assessment, and had a brief uptick when rightly in IMO opinion it was upped after all these years, but then realised the ESA to UC transition cuts more in the long term than the PIP increase. So I already had the worry of PIP assessment, then the ESA to UC, now they on about further cuts. I think as I have plenty of medical proof / exhausted all options I probably won't get affected in the short term (they probably make the banding really tight to shift people off) but the relentless media discussion over whether people are grifters and whether people deserve a bit more than subsistence income has emphasised how I can't deal with this. I am genuinely thinking now I may soon reach a stage of residential care, but I'm only 49. On top of the effects of the stuff in my 20's, I had the symptoms but not confirmed MS attack in 2019, which took 2 years recovery. Before my 'accidents' I did voluntary work in a school for severely disabled kids, and in a day centre for disabled young adults. I also have a friend who has severe Cerebral Palsy, and she manages a job and has bought her own house, so I'm not getting why I go 3 months without a bath, and not seeing / speaking to anyone for 4 days straight as recently. I have a bungalow, and a council garage a minute walk away, and decent benefits as now, and a lot of people would happily be in that situation. But as I feel now, and for months, I'm a disaster waiting to happen.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 428 Pioneering

    she’s as disgusting as him . I’m sure I read she works for nhs . Wanted to keep a low profile until he became PM .

  • travis50
    travis50 Online Community Member Posts: 35 Empowering

    I hope Starmer has had a dodgy curry and is up all night crapping through the eye of a needle.😠

  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 1,383 Trailblazing
  • evelyncourtney
    evelyncourtney Online Community Member Posts: 64 Empowering

    Its straight up bullying. Months and months of being treated like second-class citizens without even a shred of empathy. People have been driven to self-harm or suicidal ideation over this! I have no doubt that people have attempted… how can ANY of these politicians live with themselves?

  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 1,383 Trailblazing
  • luvpink
    luvpink Online Community Member Posts: 1,383 Trailblazing
    edited March 17

    Yes Starmer's wife is an nhs Doctor.

  • secretsquirrel1
    secretsquirrel1 Online Community Member Posts: 428 Pioneering

    I wasn’t aware that they review it regularly like pip .

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