Stuff Your Kindle Day!
We have lots of people who love to read in the community and I wondered how many knew about 'Stuff Your Kindle Day'? An event that happens for 4 days throughout the year and...It's Today!! Romance Book Worms has all the information you need, whether you have a Kindle, and iPad, an android tablet or even your phone! It is…
Poem called hope you all well
Poem called hope all well I just wanted ask how all my virtual scope scope online community family members are well You are all awesome in your own individual ways, it’s so beautiful how raising each other up that’s why our scope online community is so unique we are with so much love and kindness and support and respect on…
Relay UK (Text Phone Service)
Hi, I am just wondering if anyone here has had any experience of using this service for people with speech or hearing impairments? I have spent hours today trying to get this service to work. I have tried two different set ups with different apps, but when I try to start a call it just sounds like a fax machine for a while…
Share your garden
After reading that another member enjoys gardening it got me thinking and I decided to start this new thread :) I know many of our members garden and I would love for this to be a thread where members can share their photos, tips, tricks and maybe inspire some of us who never got that green thumb!
Hello guys, How are you?
Back in time
If you could go back in time to any period - when would it be and what would you do that would change the present?
What TV programmes are you watching at the moment?
Just wondered what tv programmes people are watching right now? I recently finished watching After Life on Netflix. Going to start a new show tomorrow.. probably something on iPlayer, The Woman in the Wall looks quite intriguing.
Poem called star light
Poem called star light The starlit skies were enchanting on my eyes. The stars glistened and sparkled away. I was so busy with trying to name each individual star but I couldn’t remember each one but it was a gorgeous sceptical for star gazer which is certainly not me but it’s so beautiful watching the stars glowing along…
Poem called your warm smile
Poem called your warm smile Every morning I see your warm smile bring fantastic warmth to my heart. Your and my hearts sing melodiously every time we see each other, I wake a find a dreams by this dream in reoccuring dream comes mind every night before I go to sleep. I am hoping this reoccuring dream comes for one day…
Hello when I try to respond to a comment on my posts I type the username in but it doesn’t work for me in terms of responding to individual comments left online community members. I would be interested to know if anyone else having this issue
Welcome poem Rosie_Scope
Welcome poem for Rosie_Scope It is fantastic to read that you joined scope. I hope you have enjoyed your time so far. I like to write a poem to welcome and say hello and I hope you can create some unforgettable memories with us here on the scope online community too
Tips to survive the heat
Since everyone has been complaining recently about the heat I thought I would make a thread on tips to survive the heat.
Electric car v petrol cars has anyone got one
I am trying to decide if to buy an electric car or not. Tobe honest the sales people are not much help. They are selling a few electric cars but do not seem to have enough information about them. I am being told that it costs around £15 to cover 250 miles. I pay in petrol £85 for 550 miles. My worry is, if you were to…
Royal Mail - truly abysmal service
In my area at least... I received a Hospital appointment letter this morning Posted 2 weeks ago for an appointment last Monday with orthotics!! Luckily they had emailed me too but this was unusual. Usually if a patient doesn't show up at an appointment they get black listed
Putin and Kim Jong Un
Q. What have these two got in common apart from an inbred hatred of the west ? A. They are both totally insane !
Welcome poem @ Albus_Scope
Albus_Scope welcome poem for Albus_Scope It is great that you have joined the scope I hope you have a wonderful time so far I hope you can create some special memories along the way I just want to say hello in own special way.
Good afternoon all 😊
Good afternoon all hope you have a lovely weekend and hope you have a great week ahead 😊
Can I use rental property income as proof of income for a mortgage?
Can I use rental property income as proof of income for a mortgage?
The Hippopotamus Conundrum
You know I love a scroll through TikTok. Well, I came across this video and I couldn't stop laughing. It's been added to my cheering up playlist. There are words that many of us find difficult to pronounce. I keep saying post-humorously when I mean to say posthumously... What do you find hard to pronounce?
Battle with a Spider
Just had a fight with a large spiderMy wife screamed - "HARRY" I rushed upstairs to see her pinned against the bedroom wall. Between her and the bedroom door was a MASSIVE spider - stretched out, it would have been 5 inches leg-tip to leg-tip"Help" she said "It has smelt blood"So I grabbed the rechargeable Dyson - and…