Living with a partner & losing benefits?
Hi, I'm in bits honestly and can't understand what's happened. I started claiming ESA in 2017 and was entitled to contributory based ESA. I claimed this until my partner left last year in July. In July 2020 I was advised by my local DAB to try and a top-up on my benefits as I was struggling and need help at home. I was…
Esa and anxiety
Hi can anyone help me. I have lived with anxiety for years . It all started when my mum died unexpectedly from something she shouldn’t of died from and was very young. Seeing her body triggered some huge mess up in me and hasn’t ever healed and if anything anxieties have got worse in some areas or not improved. I try to…
esa have sent letter to my gp
Hi, I have recently filled out my review for esa, it was posted back on the 15may. My daughter rang them again on Thurs to ask if my claim has been dealt with yet. They told her a letter had been sent to my gp.? I am also in the middle of filling out a review of pip which needs to back 8th aug. This form is asking if…
Is overpayment recoverable if DWP knew about undeclared savings, but delayed in suspending benefits?
Good Morning, Can anyone please enlighten us if overpayment is recoverable in a situation where DWP fraud investigators knew about £20,000 in a claimant savings but delay (for 1 year) in suspending benefit because they were looking for more undeclared money.
Funding for garden modifications
Hi all - I have been researching funding for a little boy who has Cerebral Palsy, who wishes to get outside in the garden a bit more in his walker... a fantastic opportunity for him to be a bit more active and gain some independence. I came across the Disabled Facilities Grant but understand this to be for modifications to…
savings over £6000 due to compensation.
Hi, I'm hoping someone can help me because I was just told things I was unaware of before. I am on ESA, PiP and receive housing support. All at the higher rates. I have received a compensation payout of around £7k for a car accident recently. I wanted to pay back some debt but I thought I would ask here first as to what…
I currently work. We have a mortgage, but I also rent out a property. Would this affect ESA?
I currently work 35 hours but it's becoming harder and harder to continue. We have a mortgage on our home but I also own another property that I rent out. Would this affect any esa I'm entitled to.
Sdp and Enhanced disability premium
I'm in the support group esa and just got enhanced care for pip. I was getting sdp before on standard but now it's enhanced will I get both severe and enhanced disability premiums?
Inheriting a house
my brother is on income based esa (support group) and lives with my mother who owns the house. i live alone but also claim income based esa (support group) + housing benefit for council flat. my mother is leaving me the house but that my brother continues to live in it for the rest of his life. will i have to give up my…
What is the remedy?
Can someone advise of appropriate remedy and consequences in a situation where DWP mislead Tribunal, then admitted to lying after the matter was remitted by the Upper Tribunal?
DWP Response
Hooray, after many years of denial, DWP has now admitted they withheld evidence from the Tribunal in 2011 because they "felt" the documents are part of their fraud investigation and they did not have to disclose. For clarity, the withheld evidence shows DWP had knowledge of my clients capital above-limit before paying…
Late application to set aside
Is it possible to set aside FtT decision, out of time on the Ground where the decision Notice was not properly notified because the FtT failed to include the information on the rights to ask for the written reasons for decision and secondly, where FtT failed to give information on the rights of appeal. Thanks
Hi, my name is Nefer! Why aren't we informed if we'll get ESA late due to claim being rebuilt?
I was expecting an ESA payment today which didn't arrive, I called them to enquire as to what was happening...to be told that my claim was being rebuilt. I have read others complaints on this and the replies they received which has been a great help. My question is though, if they know this is happening, why don't they…
Hi everyone! if my son moved house and lives with his girlfriend will his benefits be impacted?
Hi everyone, i am trying to find out if my son moved house and lives with his girlfriend (who was his carer), if his ib esa support group will be affected as well as his housing benefit and ctax. she earns £1200 a year.
Moving in with partner
Hi Me and my partner are thinking of moving in together, however he works full time and I claim ESA, its income based and I'm in the support group, will my money stop when we move in together? I also get PIP but i dont really want to be that dependant on someone. Thanks
Pause in my ESA whilst abroad
I am claiming income based ESA. I am abroad receiving medical treatment for the condition that I am claiming ESA. For this reason I continue to receive the benefit. On the 5/07/2018 I would have been abroad (India) for 26 weeks. I am coming back to the UK on the 30/07/2018. Should my ESA be stopped or is it possible to…
ESA support group and UC
Hello all I did another discussion but it was all a bit jumbled up at the time in my head about a month ago anyway long story short yesterday morning I had a mandatory reconsideration from a December WCA as they had placed me in WRAG after about 5 minutes she stopped the interview as she had heard enough to put me in to…
ESA and permitted work
I have been on ESA for 3 years due to severe anxiety, agoraphobia and depersonalisation. I've been lucky that after 3 years of NHS mental health services and medicines failing, I was able to obtain a prescription from a private doctor for medical cannabis and I'm finally starting to get my head sorted. My question is... I…
Abroad more than 4 weeks.
I'm on income related ESA, SG. It's for mental health. I'm a grown man 30+, still living at home. The environment at home is very toxic (younger, adolescent siblings.) I was in Kraków, Poland for 11 days alone in 2020. I stayed in apartments. I've always dreamed of travelling. It was (relatively) great being out of that…
Hi, my name is Gracie22! My ESA was due Thursday but hasn't been paid
Hi I was just wondering if you could help me. I lost pip In Jan 2021. Due to a telephone assessment was reinstated on Wednesday both enhanced. Was so happy as we have been being fed by the community kitchen where I live. Thursday due my esa no been paid does anyone know why this is as going a bit crazy really feel they are…