I was told DWP would stop paying my ESA if I notify them of a change of address. Is this correct?

dementia Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
i have been told if i change my address  the dwp  wont pay my esa dlaany more which i was awarded  for dementia is  this correct please any one thank you


  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    A change of address does not affect your ESA.

    However if you are claiming Housing Benefit you may only be able to transfer the HB claim if your new address is in the same local authority. If you are moving to a new local authority, in most cases, you will not be able to make a new HB claim. If that is the case and you want help with rent you would need to claim Universal Credit.

    The act of claiming UC would then end your income based ESA. If you have contribution based ESA entitlement that would continue alongside the UC.
  • dementia
    dementia Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    calcthoithanktti said:thankthnk
    A change of address does not affect your ESA.

    However if you are claiming Housing Benefit you may only be able to transfer the HB claim if your new address is in the same local authority. If you are moving to a new local authority, in most cases, you will not be able to make a new HB claim. If that is the case and you want help with rent you would need to claim Universal Credit.

    The act of claiming UC would then end your income based ESA. If you have contribution based ESA entitlement that would continue alongside the UC.

  • dementia
    dementia Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    thank you thats helped put  my mind at resti will stay away from uc has long has i can the horror storys i have heard in my area are scary trying to get  honest trying toget a s8 forwardanswer from the dwp is nigh on imposible