I want to go to the newspapers with my story of discrimination against my disability
Hi how are you all I want to disscuss discrimation against my disability
I have type 2 diabetes and ulnar nerve displacement in both arms. Is this classed as a disability?
Hi everyone my name is mike I am a 65year old male living on my own I have type 2 diabetes and have ulnar nerve displacement in both arms which has caused muscle wasting in both hands and fore arms and lack of strength in hands ie grip and holding objects and lack of strenght in both arms ie lifting carrying objects is…
Mental health
Has anyone experienced **** sevice from slam. Also are uou all aware all NHS staff have to abide by "Patient centred care. " it is something that has to be abided by all care staff and comes under dignity. Look into this it is a legal right that all care staff have to abide by
Hi to all. I don't feel as though the hospital protected me. Do I have a right to complain?
I went to visit my sister in the mental unit in hospital I got there for about just after 10am she was ok when I first went in she was chatting and asking about people in her family when I mentioned my other sister Julia she flipped and was very abusive to me verbally and I was sat on the chair nearest her she started…
Covid and a vulnerable mother
Morning. How are you?" Sorry I haven't been on here for a while. My Dad passed away a few months ago from stage 4 Melanoma which had mestatisised to his brain. My Mum,who I live with has inoperable and untreatable Endometrial cancer,Type 2 Diabetes,which she nearly died from back in December,Osteoarthritis of the back and…
Medical Negligence NHS
I wondered if anyone could give me any advice on whether this would class as malpractice. After recently speaking to a midwife who advised me that treatment I was given during labour was not normal and probably caused issues. When I went into labour (back waters had ruptured 24-36 hrs before hand and I didn’t know) my…
need some help and guidance
i was in possession of a mobility scooter for past 2 years i have had a about 7 claims due to damage and criminal damage to the scooter until eventually it was stolen and when i hoped after waiting the 21 days for the insurance company to right it off i was then told that i couldn't have another scooter on Motability…
Raising accessibility issues in the community
Hi there, I'm Neave and I'm a care worker from Norfolk. I have worked with many disabled people and recognising the struggle that is put on disabled people for accessibility in the community from going into shops or being in shops and being unable to move around the shop effectively and other issues that have occurred when…
ITV news; government has spent £443.5m fighting disabled people
“ ITV News Deputy Political Editor Anushka Asthana reports on the struggles disabled people face to get their disability benefits and the humiliation the assessors put them through” See https://www.itv.com/news/2022-04-04/government-spent-440m-fighting-12m-disability-claimants
Ask for help with energy costs
HiI am 57 years old. I have an old disease P.T.S.D which is due to war. I lived with this disease for years. I can not speak English due to forgetfulness. I get DWP. I am also under the supervision of WDP. I am under a lot of financial pressure. I want you to help me with my energy BILLS PLEASE. MOSTAFA [removed by…
I am a big believer in the disability campaign and it is very close to my heart, what I would like to be improved is getting people with disabilities into jobs and I would like to have a cafe or a meeting with people with disabilities so that they can come in and have a chat things
Social Care Reviews. Issue with new carers not wanting to perform tasks in Care Plan
I have a disabled sister with a Spinal Cord Injury. She is on Direct Payments and the Council pay towards her care and my sister contributes towards her care on a weekly basis. We were with a Care Agency for 13 years and recently changed to a new agency. We are having issues with the carers not wanting to perform certain…
Access to Hydrotherapy pools
Author Verite Reily Collins had polio when 15 and then she got cancer at 63. Today she talks to us about hydrotherapy pools and the NHS I was always keen on sports, especially swimming and I found this not only helpful when recovering from polio but also when treated for cancer. Today, many hospitals have hydrotherapy…
Stranger's comments for wearing a KAFO
Hello lovely people, I apologise if this is posted in the wrong place or has been covered before. I am a part-time wheelchair user (I use it when I am out and about but use crutches/zimmer at home) and I am about to get my KAFO for the first time. I have spoken to the orthotist about what to wear under the KAFO and he…
Another Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month poem
Another Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month poem We have shown much bravery and courage throughout our lives. We have defined the odds. Now we are gets nodes aproval Through our use of our craft. We put a positive light on people with cerebral palsy on social media stories getting likes, As our popularity grows and our talent…
Voice issues
Hi everyone. I'm Claire, new to scope. I have a chronic voice issue involving thinning and bowing vocal chords and muscle tension dysphonia. I have a job in the NHS but have been under review on and off for a long while because I work with the public and I'm not coping so well! I also have depression and anxiety. Anyway,…
Another Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month poem
Another Cerebral Palsy Awareness Month poem Cerebral Palsy can affect our movement. We may use different aids to get around. I am proud of living with Cerebral palsy There may be days that cerebral palsy may floor not me in a literal sense. I do not worry about things that are not my control. It's all about what I can do…
Medications mixup???
Good morning all. Hope you are all enjoying this sunshine. I was put on some new additional medication before xmas and very quickly started to feel worse. I have stuck with it as it helped in one way but the bad has far outweighed the good. I wont go into details but I have been very very unwell since the new meds were…
Can work & pensions take money out of pip
Hi all. A few years back me and my wife where on Universal Credits. Then my wife fou d work. Now Work & Pentions has sent me a bill for £1.200. They are going to take the money monthly out of my pip. Can they do this. I'm so stressed haven't got a clue what to do. Thanks
How do you feel about the government lifting coronavirus restrictions?
Are coronavirus restrictions being lifted? What are the Covid rules in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland? (BBC) In Wales, We want to hear from you Scope is here for you during this difficult time, and we want you
to know your voice is an important one and must be heard. Coronavirus has
drastically changed all…