What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander?

WhatThe Community member, Scope Member Posts: 1,875 Championing
edited September 16 in Everyday life

Over to you Michael to explain what this means as I do remember hearing it 🙂

(see what I did there - took the Mickie out of another post so I could post my little joke which he's probably heard a million times by now 😆)



  • michael57
    michael57 Community member Posts: 460 Pioneering

    it means that one person or situation should be treated the same way that another persons situation is treated and as for taking the mickie i am very thick skinned and i do not take offence to anything 🤐is my dawnies responce to me haha

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Community member, Scope Member Posts: 1,875 Championing

    I haven't seen much of you lately. Is the new format harder for you to keep up with?

  • michael57
    michael57 Community member Posts: 460 Pioneering

    yes i am finding it a bit harder to be honest but it is what it is i will try to keep up

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Community member, Scope Member Posts: 1,875 Championing

    😄 I didn't mean it to sound like that! You are funny and that's what I miss 😊

  • vikki66
    vikki66 Posts: 199 Connected


    That’s not very kind, or smart, to admit to taking ‘the mickie out of another post(er)’ in order to have a cheap joke at another user’s expense, is it? Which post was it that you’re taking the mickie out of, if you don’t mind me asking?

    This looks very much like the, closed,‘Offended’ thread, as @michael57 was the person who made the goose gander 🤔 comment therein.

    That thread was closed, so when a big, new, box “What’s sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander?” appears within 24 hours, you can see why anybody could reasonably think that this is a couple of pathetic, immature, kids attempting to posture as smart-alecs by having a little joke at the expense of others.

    Keyboard warriors - I’ll bet neither of you would have the courage to say boo to a goose in real life.

    Moderators, please close this thread, as it has taken part of a closed thread, and its stated aim is to take the mickie out of another poster. That’s not in keeping with the ethos of support.

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Community member, Scope Member Posts: 1,875 Championing
    edited September 16


    The aim is to learn from one another and learn about each other. That's what I thought this forum was for.

    I don't mind if my thread is closed but I'm responsible for it not the other party.

    Scope, please delete this thread!

  • Jimm_Scope
    Jimm_Scope Posts: 4,363 Online Community Specialist

    I think, as can often happen with communication via text, there has been some miscommunication?

    Communication via text can be difficult to interpret, so these misunderstandings can be quite common! As tone is missing it can be hard to interpret the intention of the person writing. I can, logically, see how you came to your own interpretation Vikki, but I don't think WhatThe meant it this way. Given how malleable and interpretable the English language can be we cannot moderate every single potentially ambiguous sentence. It would be even harder to communicate then!

    We reviewed this thread and determined however that there was no ill-intention from WhatThe, it seems far more meant to be a bit of a joke. They were curious about the saying that Michael had said and also wanted to have a chat with them.

  • michael57
    michael57 Community member Posts: 460 Pioneering

    oh a question was asked i answered it took no offence from it in any way shape or form i learnt a long long time ago to listen to both sides of a debate nobody is always right and nobody is always wrong i respect other posters comments as they should do the same and i sure as hell am not going to fall out if someones point of view does not match mine

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Community member, Scope Member Posts: 1,875 Championing
    edited September 16

    Yes thanks Jimm but I can also see why it has upset vikki (and I don't want to) and I can make a new chat with old farmer michael another day.

    Signing off now. Break time.

  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Community member Posts: 16,360 Championing

    Oof @vikki66- what ails you? It really is a very time worn joke to say you're taking the 'mickie' out of someone, especially if their name happens to be Michael. Don't you see that several of us know each other fairly well, & that @WhatThe after asking what 'what's sauce for the goose…..' meant, asked him how he was getting on with the new format here.

    If you have a problem with a post you should report it, perhaps after pondering who you feel most likely to have got the 'Offended' post paused in the first place. The moderators will also decide whether this post needs closing; I think not, when it is completly harmless…..apart from yourself continuing to say untrue & unkind things about some of our lovely members. Perhaps try to get to know us all a little better before being so quick to judge, please.

  • michael57
    michael57 Community member Posts: 460 Pioneering

    key board warrior bless my screen is 50in and i type with one finger being almost blind and i have to say i would not ever say anything on a forum that i would not say to there face you have a good evening

  • vikki66
    vikki66 Posts: 199 Connected
    edited September 18

    @WhatThe - thank you for your kind reply saying you could see why I took it that way, I appreciate it. I really didn’t know it was meant to be a joke when I saw it in a big text box. Hope you have a nice evening, and a good sleep.
    @michael57 - I agree with what you say about nobody always being right or wrong, and hope you also have a nice evening. I had a look at large monitors recently, and was stunned at the price, so I hope your current one lasts a very long time.

    Could anybody tell me please why, when I’m trying to highlight someone’s name, the text boxes don’t appear which would allow me to do so with most people? I’m using a phone, would this affect it?

    @Jimm_Scope - yes, I agree with everything you said about the ambiguity of text communication: I don’t know anybody on this forum so, obviously, I don’t know anybody’s SOH (alleged or otherwise).

    [Removed by moderator - please keep in mind our house rules]

  • michael57
    michael57 Community member Posts: 460 Pioneering

    growing up i was always called micky if i was ever call michael i knew i had to duck much the same now 🤣

  • vikki66
    vikki66 Posts: 199 Connected

    My friend (who really didn’t want people to find him) instructed me that anybody who came asking for him was a no-no if they used any name other than Michael (despite the fact that practically everyone I met through him referred to him as Mickey). I didn’t ask any questions, because I didn’t want to know.

  • michael57
    michael57 Community member Posts: 460 Pioneering

    why on earth would i pay silly money for a monitor when i have the laptop connected to a large tv i have to say i cant see how or why you took the post how you did if your still here in say 2 years time and i am still alive my posts will be just the same as they are now i was lucky the brain cells and most eyesight lost due to the strokes bypassed my humour cell

  • michael57
    michael57 Community member Posts: 460 Pioneering

    ah see there you go the real you coming out and a nice short post for me to read easier 😀

  • vikki66
    vikki66 Posts: 199 Connected

    The monitor I was looking at was for a gaming PC for my son. He doesn’t have a tv in his room, and I don’t have tech skills to know how to connect things. I’ve only had a phone, so am a bit of a tech dinosaur. My son is only going to be getting a small screen to sit on his desk, as not only were the big ones mega-expensive but I would’ve needed to pay somebody to drill a tv bracket to put a big screen on the wall.

  • WhatThe
    WhatThe Community member, Scope Member Posts: 1,875 Championing

    vikki, I'm glad you stayed with us 🤗 I haven't digested all you've written yet!

    What sparked my curiosity was that you'd not heard the phrase or it wasn't in full and I hope we'll return to this idiom another time! I was careful to capitalise Mickie and it was just an excuse to say hi.

    (‘next-door to the autism spectrum’😮‍💨) I'd also like to return to this and a comment cantilip made about not fitting in on the forum so shall we start new threads?

    TV beckons! We Might Regret This 😁

  • michael57
    michael57 Community member Posts: 460 Pioneering

    being an old retired cowman i used to tell all the young heifers coming into be milked for the first time i will give you the first kick free the second one a warning and the third kick i would shoot you i never had to shoot one in 50 odd years see we can all get on 😁😁

  • vikki66
    vikki66 Posts: 199 Connected


    I have nothing against anybody, and hope everybody can get along. My dad was an old-style ruler who didn’t used to believe women could have an opinion (in a house of all girls), so I always hated anybody trying to tell anybody that their point of view wasn’t valid/valued. I only went on that Offended thread as I thought some people were trying to hush a woman who was obviously upset, and I don’t like anything like that. @michael57 said he doesn’t believe anybody is ever always right or wrong, I agree with that, and I also don't believe things are unsalvageable if people push through their own prejudices/ errors/ stumbles. Apologies that I thought you were actually taking the mickey, I don’t know you, so I see I was quick to jump. I had all those forum disputes still in my head, and assumed it was more of the same, but that’s not an excuse - I could’ve asked you before assuming.

    Happy viewing, I’m watching true crime as I only pay for one catch-up channel, watch that till I get bored then switch to another one. Prior to this I watched hospital dramas for so long that I became bored to an extent that it almost, but not quite, cured my insomnia 💤 💤