Just here to vent
Hi, just head to vent so I don’t go insane. I get vistibular migraines where I mainly get really dizzy and can’t walk or even sit up for days at a time usually about 3-5 days every 8 weeks or so. But lately they’ve been coming more often and if I don’t express this somewhere I’m going to lose it at some poor unfortunate…
Mandatory reconsideration DLA
Hi does anyone no how successful MR is with DLA ? My son got refused there 2 reasons I’m waiting for the paper work to come but one of the reasons was because apparently children don’t get seen by SALT until the child is 3 years of age but I sent in evidence to show them my son has been under them since he was 15 months…
Cmht discharge being taken up by local mp
Just got the email, he is taking it up with my team. Have replied asking if the issue can be investigated nationwide as sure I'm not the only one and think this kind of treatment from people who are meant to be supporting and helping us is disgusting.
Anxious about outcome of my PIP phone call
Hello, I have been so anxious about my phone assessment as the more I think about it, it went really bad. I have been trying to keep busy and not think about it but kept waking up last night going over what I said. Nearer the end I just kept saying a simple yes or no to think (even though the lovely @chiarieds mentioned to…
I'm concerned about my therapist
Can I chat with the community about something concerning me and maybe you can reframe this for me in a positive light or give me some guidance? I'm currently having trauma therapy in an effort to improve my non-epileptic attacks / functional seizures but I'm concerned with my therapist. As soon as she knew I was gay, she…
Private GP but NHS for other services?
Is it permitted for an individual to have a private GP who deals with general health matters, blood tests, prescriptions and such, but be referred by this private GP to NHS services for more complex matters? My worry is that there is some sort of conflict of interest i.e. a private GP can only refer to other private…
Been diagnosed with EUPD, fed up
I've now also been diagnosed with EUPD without the psychiatrist on the NHS even seeing me. She wrote that I should be prescribed low-dose antipsychotic medication in periods of crises. I've just had enough.
Rethinks email on my cmht
I also emailed Rethink for help and advise after cmht discharged me with no reason given and didnt even tell me they'd discharged me First Rethink said I should have been told. Then they said 3 reasons they might discharge someone 1 the person no longer needs support 2 miscommunication 3 the person was abusive to a health…
Fed up
Hi im very new to this group and wanted to share how im feeling as don't know what to do anymore. Basically im completely fed up with life and im extremely down and always sad. Everyday I wake up and think to myself "here we go again" constantly feeling ill and always tired. I've recently been told I need to have a double…
@hannah_scope I have written to both as you suggested Hope they will take it up as not just happening to me, must be happening up a d down the country and put that in one of the emails So hope it might change attitudes long term Let you know what they say Thanks Hannah
I dont know what the initials stand for They are mental health people Does anyone have any experience of them Are they any good? Cmht seem to have discharged me without telling me after making my conditions worse through their lack of understanding and their 'one size fits all' mentality Over five years I have struggled…
Integrated Place Based Teams
Now I know what the initials stand for Looked online about them Lot of very impressive long words etc Like cmht I'm being referred to them now I think Hopefully they might be different and listen instead of just shoving their agenda again in this 'one size fits all' world they've invented
So just found out for sure in email from transforming care that cmht have discharged me Dont know when but not heard from them for six months so had guessed it No reason given, but I know it. Because I wouldn't do what they wanted me to do. They said 'if you dont take our advise we cant help you' I didnt like their advise.…
Depression hits me like a ton of bricks. Just when I think I'm doing OK, bang. My dreams are better than the real world. I've noticed the last few months my Depression getting worse. Was referred to the mental health team but that went nowhere because each time they call or set up an appointment I don't answer or turn up.…
Bereavement Counselling Information
To all the amazing and lovely Scope Online Community members reading this post, I hope you are all well, and feeling your best. I have not posted anything for a very long time, and hope things have been going well for you all! I have recently lost my beautiful cousin, who sadly committed suicide a couple of months ago.…
Mental health support groups
Hello, I hope you are all well. Could I ask if anyone knows of any support groups online for those who are suffering from anxiety and depression? Thank you
Cbt question
Hi I had a cat call today and the first question was how many kids under 18 their age dob address mums address well this took me by surprise I asked why and she said in case social services are involved I told her there not but she said she can’t carry on with my assessment unless I told her I said I don’t understand this…
Is anyone awake? No one answering Samaritan's number
I know it's late or early, but they're not answering the phone and I am struggling to slow my brain down
Hello, my story is more than 30 years old (first time I saw a psychiatrist, I was 23y.o.), so forgive me if I just give it in dribs & drabs. I'm so depressed right now, I don't have energy to write in a colourful way.
I'm so overwhelmed and stressed (LONG rant)
I just need to get all this off my chest :s Context: I'm disabled on ESA and PIP. I'm starting uni next week, and I'm stressing about the council tax and ESA bc they still haven't gotten back to me, and ESA said they will stop my income until they figure it out. :( I'm very pessimistic about the council & DWP and keep…