Being discharged
Hello I have recently been discharged from the cmht. I am still in the position I was when I was with them and taking same medication, I do feel I have been brushed aside as they can focus on people who have severe mental health. I just need to know when eventually I am reviewed from dwp will me being discharged go against…
Feeling hollow
@MickConnon hi mick I'm feeling so hollow an confused after finally telling my dr how bad my depression had got and asked to go back on Prozac been on them for about 8weeks now my past was all spinning like a jigsaw in my head finally cleared up and I started seeing the mess I have made and thinking all my health problems…
Need help for depression
I'm new to this group. Before I use to never join or even scan through these sites but now after my accident I have learned a tough lesson. I've become more considerate and have started empathizing with people in difficult situations. Mine was a major accident with multiple injuries at my back and shoulder. I luckily…
Hi, my name is bazr!
Hello everyone, I hope that you are all as safe and as well as you can possibly be. Looking forward to making new friends and sharing experiences. Baz
Medication has stopped working for me
Hi Does anyone have any experience of having to take psychiatric meds as opposed to ones prescribed by their G.P? At the moment I am taking the full dose of Venlaflaxine for severe depression and I believe it has stopped working for me.I have resisted taking anything stronger, although I have talked this through with my…
Anxiety and mouth problems
Hi guys new to the forum and hopefully to find some answers from people who my have or been through what I’m going threw I started to have panic attacks 7 months ago after having an mri scan since then I have had a number of hospital visits because when I was having an panic attack I thought I was having a heart attack…
Hi, my name is Drummer!
I am receiving standard rate mobility allowance and daily living component. I am applying to my local council for help with a hoarding problem. I need to get decluttered. I cannot access my kitchen to cook. I have no choice but to eat at cafes or purchase sandwiches. The council will not take this into consideration. Any…
Feel very depressed at the moment living situation no future etc
Hello every one here we go again the ever ongoing saga of my heating. Boiler pressure going constantly only start of new year and already sick of this home. I often use this forum to offload and sorry to my friends who we text talk to. They know who they are did not want to bother you early morning you have your own lives.…
Complex PTSD.
Hi! Im just wanting to get some advise on complex PTSD. My partner was diagnosed with PTSD in 2013 due to something that happened to him when he was just a child. Ive been doing some research and I actually believe he has been mis-diagnosed. My reason for this is because he suffers with all the symptoms of cPTSD and the…
Found out the head teacher of my sons school said to the social exclusion worker. That I'm worried about Mrs greens ability to parent her son with mental health issues. Now don't you think that's discrimination on the schools part. But I am fit to look after him got told too. How could she say that about me
The Deathly Silence!
I wonder if I'm the only one (and, it feels like I am during every overnight period) who can almost here the deathly silence around them, as if silence almost had a sound of its own. Friends don't have a clue how to be friends. Family members have no idea how to be supportive, or how to even give a damn. If I could just…
Increasing anxiety
Hi I'm really new to this & really don't know to put this. Here goes...... I've suffered with depression and massive anxiety issues since having my 1st daughter 2010 but just lately my anxiety seems to be massively increasing and I see to think everyone is judging me & whispering behind my back usually at work & I really…
Hi I had an assessment with my primary mental health team and the assessor told me they may not be able to help me as my mental health is too complex and complicated. I'm really stunned at this. How can I access any support if this is the outcome?
Channel 4 - Losing It Mental Health Programme
Just wondered if anyone else has been watching this programme? And if so, what your thoughts were on it? I've been quite disappointed with it tbh. They don't seem to be 'treating' anyone, just trying to keep them going in the short term and hoping they'll sort themselves out basically. That has also been my own experience…
Hello . . I'm new here . . Is it welcomeMy name is Yassin from Algeria. . I work in the field of art. . Guitar player and drum. . A theater actor and theater director. . Tonic and children's clown. . And a circus player. . And a kung fu trainer. . And a lot of works and talents. . My life is very good. . But the problems…
Help me !
Hello . . My name is Yassin from Algeria. . I am 21 years old. . I am really young but I have a life and a mind very big . . I work in the field of art. . Guitar drum player. . A theater director and theater actor. . Activator, clown and magician for children. . Kung Fu Sports Coach. . Photographer and cinematographer. . I…
need advice
hi i have severe depression and anxiety and was also diagnosed with ptsd.i have a 5 yr old boy that gets dla .for microcepheley ..hypermobility developmental delay hes got lots of appointments coming up hes also on the waiting list for an assessment for autism..and physio he has problems with balance as his feet turn…
My daughter is 11 years old and receives DLA for her mental health. I am her Mother and I am also physically disabled and receive DLA. My daughters school are not understanding my daughters mental health issues and are trying to push things on her that are just making her worse to the point where I'm struggling to even get…
Does anyone here have bad anxiety that keeps you awake at night?
I've been struggling to sleep for nearly 2 weeks and I can never get to see a gp but I'm on lots of medication anyway including sleeping pills but I still don't manage to sleep, if it isn't because of pain it's now anxiety and worrying about things that may happen in the future.