Feeling Dead Inside
Along with my Borderline Personality Disorder, Agoraphobia, and Cauda Equina Syndromes deep depression has truly set in. I feel so dead inside and have no where to turn to, after my latest appointment with my psychiatrist which was over the phone. Where I was told that they have discharged me from their care until my back…
Always tried on sertraline?
Since starting 50mg everyday all day I’m so so tried. Even though I’m getting 9 hours sleep a night. Is this normally?
Panic attacks
Hi,,my name is DKaveney1 and I suffer terribly with anxiety and panic attacks.As I explained when I first joined I lost my wife six years ago after 40 years of marriage and my son just before Christmas.I also started having fits just before Christmas and maybe this is part of the reason for the panic attacks,,,the thought…
Anxiety and depression
Hello, i have not been on here for some time now but feel I need to talk to someone. With the lockdown I feel my depression has worsened and always think the worst. I do abit of reading and gardening but sometimes it creeps up on me and than just feel low again.
I need to know I’m not crazy or alone with with anxiety symptoms
Good day all, I have been put on 50g Sertraline for anxiety attacks. But I need to know that what I feel there is someone else also having. Mines seems to happy at night and for no reason. My life is not stressful and I have nothing to be anxious about so I don’t understand. heres what happens and how I feel when anxiety…
Overcoming an eating disorder
Has anyone recovered from an eating disorder? I want to recover more than anything but I always end up giving in when I’m feeling any remotely negative emotion. What helped you to make the first steps? I have therapy and I’ve been an inpatient twice at a specialist eating disorders ward. It didn’t help me all that much…
The Truth
Hi all I live in a house that was owned by my father.The property was put in a Trust and since my father's death the house has been passed onto two Trustees,my brothers.My eldest brother raped me when I was three and this continued until I was 15.Because no criminal trial has taken place (it's my word against his) all a…
What the F,,,,,K do you want from ME! God has a plan/ we are here for.a reason is bs
ive lost half. My. life to depression an mental health issues for what dirty scum trash(they don't deserve to be called men) I'm trying to pick up the mess I've made because I didn't sort it when it started waiting to long to get to drs I've tried so hard to accept I've got to live in this town that I never planed to stay…
BPD and social isolation
Hi everyone :) I have a diagnosis that's best described as 'complex mental health needs'...i've been diagnosed with various mental health issues, but the main one is BPD, closely followed by schizo-affective disorder and PTSD. I really struggle with getting out of bed most days, let alone leaving the house. I had been…
Anger/Anxiety in CP children
I am having a lot of anger and anxiety issues with my daughter at the moment and wondering whether anyone else is going through the same thing. She is a child that will bottle everything up until she explodes and once she's done she can't remember any of it. Any help would be welcomed Thank you
zopiclone And sertraline
Hi my doc has given me zopiclone to help get to sleep at night while getting used to the sertraline. Has one one else used the 2 together? I’m afraid to take it incase it brings in a episode of anxiety attacks. ?
Sertraline and insomnia
Hello lovelies. I have now been in sertraline for 10 days so just over a week. apart from the nausea through the day I have kinda felt a bit better. But last night I had a episode, which has left me not feel great today. But also since being on the meds I can’t fall asleep even though I dog tried, I have tried the…
Guidance with understanding very difficult situation
Hello, I am a new member here. I have a mental disability and I need some guidance/help/understanding. I was sexually abused and assaulted as a child and almost taken away from my family. I have not sought help for this; neither have I sought help for my current situation because I do not know what it translates to and I…
Complex PTSD and no help available
I need some advice please. I have been under the mental health services for years after experiencing many traumatic events throughout my life. I recently had an assessment done by the local IAPT service who said they couldn't help as my problem was outside their expertise. They wrote to my GP who I went to see expecting to…
Ideas to boost your mental well-being in lockdown (and beyond)
Hope you like my latest article and can find some useful suggestions in it: https://disabilityhorizons.com/2020/05/7-ways-to-boost-your-mental-wellbeing-during-lockdown-and-beyond/
Mixed anexity and depressive disorder
Hi all went on my on line gp and I was diagnosed with mixed anxiety and depressive disorder.. I haven't heard of mixed? Any boby any light on this before I loose myself in the world off Google please
Citalopram and sleep problems
Hi My adult son has fragile x and has been suffering with anxiety for a long time. We've tried low dose anti psycotics but had to stop due to side effects. He's taking 10mg citalopram for 4 weeks. Bizzarely he has had a reverse sleep cycle . He typically will go to sleep between 3.4am and sleeps the next day until 3pm. Of…
Dissociation and Complex PTSD during Covid-19
Hi everyone. I hope you’re all doing okay right now. I admit I’m struggling. I have complex PTSD of which dissociation is one of the prominent symptoms. The world around us has changed so dramatically that I’m struggling to stay grounded, particularly in a world which everyone else feels is like a dream. I’m dissociating…
Mental health problems leading to other illness’s
Hi guys I’m 36 and been suffering with anxiety and depression for 20 years over the past 6 months things have been getting lots better with having different therapy’s And my family and friends been very supportive what I was wondering is I started with swallow problem a few months back witch have eased over time due to the…
Mental illness
Hi I'm john i suffer from multiple personality disorder and aspergers and anxiety and panic attacks with chronic depression lifes hard most days the lock down is driving me insane I need to reach out which is funny because my social anxiety usually makes me hate people but now I need some connection to someone that sounds…