Pip Face to Face Assessment Agoraphobia
I have just received a text from PIP saying that I have to attend a face to face appointment in 7 days time. I suffer from Agoraphobia & was awarded LCWRA in June after having a video appointment. I didn't expect a face to face appointment with PIP and I don't think that I can go through with it. What usually happens when…
Need Motability car but been refused because standard rate
Hi guys , I have been refused a mobility car for taking my 38 year old daughter to all her appointments, she is unable to travel alone due to her learning disabilities, loss of hearing and understanding in conversations and vulnerability and memory. She has been sexually assaulted 3 times in her life and is now see a…
Uc child disabled element
hi just wondering if anyone can advise please? My sons been awarded HRC LRM on 12/07 backdated to 13/03 (new claim) I’ve added change of circumstance but no reply from uc yet I understand I will get the higher disabled child element. I gets uc on the 7th of every month, will I get the element added on my statement due…
Hi, yesterday I got my letter refusing my pip application, dated 27th June, I have been on holiday. Zero points across the board, it says because I drive I have upper and lower body movement and core strength. So I rang to start th MR, I thought that was for them to send me a form , no we went through all the questions on…
PIP Tribunal
Hi everyone, I hope someone can help me here please. I am in the process of PIP Tribunal, today I received a pack of documents from DWP as a response to my appeal, in the Conclusion it says " I oppose this appeal and ask the Tribunal to dismiss the appleal and confirm the Secretary of state's decision". Is this normal ??…
PIP telephone assessment
Hello I am looking for some advice please I have my PIP telephone assessment on Thursday and I am so worried about it. This is my first claim and I don’t know what they are going to ask me. I am autistic which was diagnosed in April and I also have Asthma OCD Anxiety Depression Panic Attacks. I said in the form that I am…
ADP Review Date Change?
Hello everyone, long time reader but first time poster. I've just finally gotten my decision letter after 13 months of a review and then the redetermination. It's been a long battle but I've finally made it. Unfortunately, the letter's review date wasn't changed to reflect this wait time and so I'm unable to access…
Hi, my name is Buggsy70! Why wont I get backpay after a PIP reassessment?
Hi my son as been on pip for few years but only got the low rate he as been waiting nearlly 2 years for is assessment we had phone call 8 weeks ago and today I called them and they said he as been awarded enhanced on both and he will get is payment on is next pip date so I asked the man will it not be back dated from when…
PIP/LCW assessment
Ok so I agree with doing just one assessment, great, we don't have to go over that anxiety and stress all over again. BUT I disagree with this new 'Health element' which will force people back in to work or be sanctioned etc. What I think is that they should just do one full assessment covering both criteria of PIP and LCW…
PIP update.
spoken to a decision maker today in relation to a family members claim - and he was lovely, he said 9/10 we do go off there report. as we are not medically trained. they got a paper based assessment and would you believe it …. Wait ….. he was only on Enhanced daily living - now has been awarded enhanced for mobility !!! as…
Possible Call and Text from DWP
I received 3 calls back to back in the same minute from an unknown number. A few minutes later I received a text message with “You've asked us to look at our recent PIP decision again. We will write to you once we've done this. As a guide you should hear from us within 15 weeks. You don't need to contact us unless any of…
PIP new award… will i get a back payment?
Hi everyone, I got a text today to say a decision had been made on my PIP so called and the automated response and it the amount has gone up. I wasn’t actually due a review until 2026 but my circumstances have worsened so I therefore sent new information & form. I actually submitted the form back in January & am curious as…
Pip mental health timeline
hi guys just thought I would share my pip timeline for mental health as it me help alleviate some stress anxiety for others I have severe social anxiety which leaves me virtually housebound anyway here is my timeline 7th may 2024 made pip claim via phone 7th may filled form in online 6th June recieved text saying a health…
We have not yet made a decision text
Hi all ive received the following text this morning “ We have not yet made a decision on your PIP claim. We will write to you when we have made a decision. You only need to contact us if your circumstances change.” how long after recieving this text did you hear if you’d be successful? thank you x
Tribunal wait time
Hi I was wondering what sort of wait time I'm to be expecting for a tribunal date? I applied for pip back in July 23 and requested tribunal January 2024. I'm in the North West if that helps. Many Thanks
How long is PIP MR taking?
hi everyone I’m new to this whole thing so forgive me if there are any mistakes. I applied for PIP in July 2023 and had my assessment in December. Unfortunately for me this was right after I’d just had 2 major emergency surgeries and a pip assessment was not at the front of my mind. I struggled with the assessment and got…
Hi, my name is Mark65! looking for someone who has info on pip appeals.
Hi all I'm new to this just trying to navigate around at moment looking for someone who has info on pip appeals
Driving a car
Good Day I currently receive standard living and mobility for 10 yrs from the lovely guys at DWP. I have relied on the use of a mobility scooter for around four years. My main transport is my mobility scooter but rarely drive a car if needed. My wife and son normally drive. My question is higher rate mobility and driving a…
Voucher System
IF, and I know it's a big if (hopefully) PIP is swapped to a voucher system, has there been any mention if they will change DLA to vouchers too? I haven't personally seen anything. Our middle son is 25 but still on DLA. He would get more money on PIP, but I'm not swapping him if it could mean payment in vouchers.
What to Expect After Sending a Mandatory Reconsideration
Will I get a text to say they are reconsidering it? Do I get a call from the next decision maker? Anyone know what the average waiting time for mandatory reconsideration is?