Employment Tribunal Help
Any advice would be gratefully received on this. I don't want to go into too much detail but I am currently going through an employment tribunal claim and the preliminary hearing is in January - I'm not sure what to expect and am representing myself. I have just had a response from 1 of the 3 respondents (its a bit…
Employer asking for my medical records
I've been off sick for 4 weeks due to 'stress' basically my job is not what they said it would be - they are piling silly little jobs onto me until I can do no more. I asked for adjustments lots of times and nothing happens. This time I said please could we firm up my job description so I know what is peripheral to my role…
Starting up a business from scratch
Hi I have always wanted to work although it hasn't been an easy journey and has unfortunately been unsuccessful in achieving this how ever i would like to start a business selling fan art and I was wondering if you could help me get started?
Should I put my disability on my CV?
The jobcentre advise it, but I think it will turn people off me.
Worried bout my future
Hi every one I’m in my early 30s me and my partner rent our flat we have just extended our tenancy for another year so we are staying in the same area . I do worry bout the future me and my partner want to own property but there’s only one income comming in as I can’t work . I do worry that I will never be able to work…
Looking to start work
Flexible Working Request refused - advice please?
I am supporting a friend of mine who has submitted a flexible work request to her Manager and had it refused. She has a long standing mental health condition and an eating disorder for which she has had treatment for many years. She is a productive member of staff, she very rarely takes time off sick and her work rate is…
Government extends Access to Work scheme to support disabled people during pandemic – This
You can read the full article here: Government extends Access to Work scheme to support disabled people during pandemic – This Has your job changed due to the pandemic? Do you need extra support to return to the workplace? Let us know in the comments below!
Disciplinary Hearing via Phone / internet
Hi I have been asked by my employer to take part in a disciplinary hearing via phone / internet. I am waiting for a OH appointment to discuss reasonable adjustments. I am profoundly deaf and would really like face to face meeting. Can I request that the discipline meeting is postponed till such times this virus goes away…
Hi, my name is SamanthaFord. Am I eligible for the employment support programme?
I'm a new member here and I'm looking for a little help & advice. I’m 45 years old and
I've had type 1 diabetes for 44 years, I was diagnosed when I was 15 months old. I’ve never really thought as myself having a disability, but I’m now having some issues with my hands which
involve painful, stiff joints in my thumbs and…
'It almost feels as though I’ll struggle to find work again despite my best efforts'
In a recent blog post on Scope's website, Tom spoke of his fears about struggling to find another job: Are you worried about finding a job? Has the coronavirus pandemic made you more worried about finding a job?
Dont know where to start! Advice please
Hi Would be grateful for some advice on where to start please. My DH has an undiagnosed neurological problem. The neurologist said its progressive and untreatable so why do we want a name ? ( gulp that hit hard). We need to start planning his retirement. He was furloughed over the 1st lockdown and was improved in that his…
Transition from jobless to working status
Thank you everyone here and the Scope Helpdesk about information on step by step filling of the PIP Form. It helped me fill out the form upto some extent. However, it made me reflect on my current situation and the plan changed. I do not wish to be sitting home begging for benefits by answering intruding questions that…
Campaigning for reasonable adjustments
I’m living with Parkinson’s and have just been dismissed from my professional career of choice. I would like to hear from others who have experience with campaigning for Reasonable Adjustments.,
Does anyone know an employment agency in London that supports disabled people?
This discussion was created from comments split from: Are you looking for a new job or fancying a career change?.
Is there anyone who's in the Support Group and became self-employed?
Hi, all. Hope you are well. I have complex conditions, ME, type 2 diabetes, PTSD, depression, IBS due to past domestic abuse. I love making art, design, comic drawing, life writing and watch films, reading. Also love cats. I find SCOPE do info on Self-employment. (When I checked a couple of years ago, wasn't. But for…
I just want to get a paid job and a job I'm comfortable in
I am new here my name is James if u want t get t me know me message or comment
Hi everyone I have heard back from OH which is great got the support. From work I have been provided with a phone, to use at home. 6 weeks it took to find out that I can use my personal earphones and take calls. No one ever told me that while your headset on it’s way, use your personal headphones. I had to hear it from the…
Hi, my name is Lindaj1973!
What resonable adjustments have people had when working in retail?
Persistent pain and language disorder
Hi, I joined last week but didn’t properly introduce myself at the time as I was feeling quite stressed. I have been suffering from persistent back and pelvic pain and fatigue for over ten years, which has gradually got worse over time. I am also dyslexic and have what I think is expressive language disorder and slow…