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Hi, my name is bigrobfm! making an application for Attendance Allowance



  • calcotti
    calcotti Community member Posts: 10,010 Disability Gamechanger
    edited February 2023
    Technically, for Pension Credit it's called an Additional Amount for Severe Disability  (the term premium isn't used).
    Information I post is for England unless otherwise stated. Rules may be different in other parts of UK.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 56,055 Disability Gamechanger
    calcotti said:
    Technically, for Pension Credit it's called an Additional Amount for Severe Disability  (the term premium isn't used).

    Thanks. I've never heard of that before, we've always called it SDP.
    I would appreciate it if members wouldn't tag me please. I have all notifcations turned off and wouldn't want a member thinking i'm being rude by not replying.
    If i see a question that i know the answer to i will try my best to help.
  • calcotti
    calcotti Community member Posts: 10,010 Disability Gamechanger
    edited February 2023
    calcotti said:
    Technically, for Pension Credit it's called an Additional Amount for Severe Disability  (the term premium isn't used).
    Thanks. I've never heard of that before, we've always called it SDP.
    Most people do because they match the working age benefits which do refer to premiums. It's just an anomoly in the drafting of the legislation - I've no idea why.
    Information I post is for England unless otherwise stated. Rules may be different in other parts of UK.
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,912 Disability Gamechanger
    That's great @bigrobfm I hope Poppy and Calcotti's answers have helped :)
    Hannah - She / Her

    Online Community Coordinator @ Scope

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  • bigrobfm
    bigrobfm Community member Posts: 16 Connected
    I live alone as a single man, am disabled due to severe asthma and heart problems. I just read the comment from Calcotti regarding free dental treatment, Im with an nhs dentist so will make enquiries when I go for my annual check up! Thank you all.
  • bigrobfm
    bigrobfm Community member Posts: 16 Connected
    thank you all for the advice and concern, the benefits system is a nightmare trying to navigate it and get advice but believe I am more fortunate than a lot of others. Regarding the free dental treatment,I never understood why for the last 3 years of my working life when I was on Universal Credit I was entitled to free NHS dental care but, as soon as I retired and became a pensioner I was no longer entitled and had to pay!
  • bigrobfm
    bigrobfm Community member Posts: 16 Connected
    Good morning everybody, today, Saturday, I received a letter from my council about my housing benefits which I already get but on the printout it states that My application for Attendance Allowance has been successful and will be getting £92:40 per week! The higher rate! This is a total surprise, a very pleasant one! No mention of when they start paying it but hopefully I can find out with a phone call on monday!
  • 2oldcodgers
    2oldcodgers Posts: 743 Connected
    bigrobfm said:
    Good morning everybody, today, Saturday, I received a letter from my council about my housing benefits which I already get but on the printout it states that My application for Attendance Allowance has been successful and will be getting £92:40 per week! The higher rate! This is a total surprise, a very pleasant one! No mention of when they start paying it but hopefully I can find out with a phone call on monday!
    So pleased
    Neither my wife or myself have ever had a case where an application for AA (wife) or DLA/PIP (myself) resulted in any award. Both of us have had to fight tooth and nail for what we were entitled to. 
    You had an excellent result for a first time claim.
  • bigrobfm
    bigrobfm Community member Posts: 16 Connected
    Hello 2oldcodgers, perhaps the difference is that I got experienced help with filling in the appropriate forms. I would’ve gone to Citizens Advice but my local Office is closed to the public,presumably because of covid, same with Age UK, they have been very helpful in the past but were uncontactable this time. My Housing Association told me a out an organisation called Disability Peterborough, I phoned them and they arranged for some to come and sit with me in my home to fill the form in, she even took the form and envelope with her to post it! Brilliant!
  • 2oldcodgers
    2oldcodgers Posts: 743 Connected
    bigrobfm said:
    Hello 2oldcodgers, perhaps the difference is that I got experienced help with filling in the appropriate forms. I would’ve gone to Citizens Advice but my local Office is closed to the public,presumably because of covid, same with Age UK, they have been very helpful in the past but were uncontactable this time. My Housing Association told me a out an organisation called Disability Peterborough, I phoned them and they arranged for some to come and sit with me in my home to fill the form in, she even took the form and envelope with her to post it! Brilliant!
    Hey, that was a result and a half.
    I've never been to any of those places and filled all of the forms for myself and my wife.
    To be honest I had no idea what they wanted me to say as it was all confusing. I pushed on and eventually had a word with the GP who kindly looked at the form and did a 3 page letter identifying the issues for each of the descriptors for PIP and another letter for my wife (AA) saying what help she needs but doesn't get and why.
    That did the trick and she was given  the night and day of AA and I got the enhanced of care and mobility for PIP.
    Up until that point all of the previous DLA claims for me had to go to court to win.
  • bigrobfm
    bigrobfm Community member Posts: 16 Connected
    Hello you 2, thats sounds very traumatic having to go to court to get the help you’re both entitled to! I remember trying to sort all this out for my elderly mother about 10 years ago and concluded the whole system is made difficult deliberately,I also recall going to her doctor to ask for a letter to help apply for some benefit for her, when I went back a couple of days later the receptionist told me “That’ll be £120 please!” I told her I don't want it! I later found out that forms that are obligatory,sickness notes and the like are free, but anything that the doctor isn't obliged to write, they can charge whatever they like!
  • 2oldcodgers
    2oldcodgers Posts: 743 Connected
    bigrobfm said:
    Hello you 2, thats sounds very traumatic having to go to court to get the help you’re both entitled to! I remember trying to sort all this out for my elderly mother about 10 years ago and concluded the whole system is made difficult deliberately,I also recall going to her doctor to ask for a letter to help apply for some benefit for her, when I went back a couple of days later the receptionist told me “That’ll be £120 please!” I told her I don't want it! I later found out that forms that are obligatory,sickness notes and the like are free, but anything that the doctor isn't obliged to write, they can charge whatever they like!
    Yes that is what happened to us, whilst the GP did a brilliant job for both of us I had to pay 2 x £125!! Cheap at the price I thought knowing that without these letters it would have been more of the same - stress, waiting and then arguing in court why we believed that we were entitled.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 56,055 Disability Gamechanger
    A lot of people refer to a Tribunal as a court, it's not and you're not on trial. Some hearings are held in a court building but they're completely different to a court.
    I would appreciate it if members wouldn't tag me please. I have all notifcations turned off and wouldn't want a member thinking i'm being rude by not replying.
    If i see a question that i know the answer to i will try my best to help.
  • 2oldcodgers
    2oldcodgers Posts: 743 Connected
    A lot of people refer to a Tribunal as a court, it's not and you're not on trial. Some hearings are held in a court building but they're completely different to a court.
    It is still treated as a court and comes under the same jurisdiction - Ministry of Justice and operates under the Tribunals, Courts and Enforcement Act 2007 as does the Old Bailey and all other courts - criminal & civil.

  • bigrobfm
    bigrobfm Community member Posts: 16 Connected
    Hello all, just a bit of an update. I am now in receipt of Pension Credit as well as the Attendance Allowance. Today was the big day for my annual visit to my Dentist and I told them I am now in receipt of Pension credit, she told me that is has to be Pension Credit Guarantee! I was taken aback as I thought that Pension Credit was Pension Credit. I have come home to check the letter I was sent and yes I am on PC Guarantee! So this is all going so well! Do you think I should do the Lottery whilst Im on this lucky streak?
  • calcotti
    calcotti Community member Posts: 10,010 Disability Gamechanger
    bigrobfm said:
    .. she told me that is has to be Pension Credit Guarantee! I was taken aback as I thought that Pension Credit was Pension Credit. ..
    It has to be guarantee Pension Credit as advised previosuly
    calcotti said:
    If you then get some guarantee PC you are entitled to free dental care (if you can find an NHS dentist) and full Council Tax Reduction and (if applicable) maximum Housing Benefit.
    PC can also be savings PC which and a few people only get savings PC.

    Information I post is for England unless otherwise stated. Rules may be different in other parts of UK.
  • ShirleyW
    ShirleyW Community member Posts: 355 Pioneering
    Make sure you tell tge Pension Credit people that you are now receiving AA.

    You may be entitled to more Pension Credit because of it.
  • bigrobfm
    bigrobfm Community member Posts: 16 Connected
    I went to my dentist yesterday for my six month checkup and informed them I am now in receipt of Guarantee Pension Credit, voila! I now get free dental treatment !
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