Hi, my name is Janoula! PIP renewal



  • Janoula
    Janoula Online Community Member Posts: 21 Listener
    I know you can claim PIP and work, as I did until I simply could no longer.
  • Janoula
    Janoula Online Community Member Posts: 21 Listener
    I am a little confused. Had PIP awarded think it was 7 years ago looking back on papers. Had a telephone interview re renewal sent in well over a year ago. Now I see that on my medical records it says 'pip report allocated to.....' Why do they send a report to GP, how does it affect my renewal? How does the GP know exactly how far I can walk, or what I need help for in home? Is this looking like I am going to have to fight for my pip even though my scoliosis gets worse month on month, and also I sent lots of copies of letters from consultants etc anyway? This is a very distressing time, no matter what people say, I have a friend who worked for DWP years ago and she assures me they try to take it off you, even she had to appeal and she had lost her job at DWP due to it ! Constantly stressed, daren't even pay anyone to do anything for me now in case I have to try to sell something to get help
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,453 Championing
    They may have contacted your GP as part of the safe guarding process if they had concerns with your health conditions. I've never known them actually send the PIP assessment report to any GP. What exactly did they send? Was it a form for your GP to fill out? It's rare for them to contact anyone but it can happen.
  • Janoula
    Janoula Online Community Member Posts: 21 Listener
    It says Capital Report allocated to Dr..... When I rang them today, as I still can't access the recording with the passwords they send, I asked. They said some get a double check, routine and ad hoc, just to make sure they have the details. I am not convinced ! I perhaps should not have asked friend before, because I just feel so stressed that they can't possibly understand a lifetime condition I had diagnosed since 23 years old, but got worse and worse til eventually I claimed in my very late fifties. The doctors I spoke to today, on a pre arranged phone call surgery requested for another matter, could not see any report just the comment.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,453 Championing
    I have no idea what that could be sorry. I see you've now had your assessment so all you can do now is wait for the decision, this can take yp to 12 weeks once the assessment report was returned to DWP. I realise the wait is very stressful, you're not alone in thinking this but try to focus on something else while you wait.