DM decision

Donboy Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
Hi just wondering if there's anyone on here who has had the DM Go against the assessment report. I suffer with mental health and have severe anxiety and this has worsened waiting for my decision. My report suggests I have 13 points for care component.


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,182 Championing
    As you were advised on a previous thread, it's very rare this happens. There's been very few members post here where a decision maker goes against the report.

    I completely understand how much anxiety it causes when you're waiting but there's nothing more you can do. Please try to focus on something else while you wait for the decision.

  • rebel11
    rebel11 Online Community Member Posts: 1,669 Pioneering
    edited February 2023
    You need to distract yourself, focusing on something which is out of your control, is a waste of energy. Also best to stick to the original thread.
  • livelife87
    livelife87 Online Community Member Posts: 26 Connected
    I completely understand the anxiety related to waiting to hear back after reading the report. I kind of wish I never asked for it as I’m more anxious now than ever before, and I thought I had gone through the hardest part with the assessment. But I can’t stress about it too much otherwise I’d be non-functional so heed everyone’s advice and try to distract yourself with something positive. Good luck!