Hi, my name is phila67! a bit confused over lcwra



  • phila67
    phila67 Online Community Member Posts: 24 Listener
    There’s only me and my mum at home she’s house bound and on oxygen so question should I apply for ESA or stay on uc thanks I applied for Iidb it’s a 12 week wait which its 12 weeks next Thurs thanks 
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    phila67 said:
    Also my mum has lost 69 pound a week off her pension credit because I moved in with her she was told if I have a disability she can get it back 
    is lcwra classed as a disability thanks 
    No, it isn’t classified as a disability benefit. 

    If you get awarded PIP Daily Living then your mum will be able to her Severe Disability Premium back.
  • phila67
    phila67 Online Community Member Posts: 24 Listener
    Also I applied for iidb which is a 12 week waiting time which 12 weeks is next Thurs 
    also should I try claim esa or stay on uc thanks 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    edited February 2023
    phila67 said:
    Also I applied for iidb which is a 12 week waiting time which 12 weeks is next Thurs 
    also should I try claim esa or stay on uc thanks 

    To be entitled to New style ESA payments you will have needed to have the correct NI contributions in tax years 2020/21 and 2021/22. If you haven't worked at any point in those years you won't be entitled to any payments. If you do claim it then it will be deducted in full from any UC entitlement.

    For your IIDB timescales are only ever a guide, just because you've been told 12 weeks, it doesn't mean a decision will be made within that time. All you can do is wait.
  • phila67
    phila67 Online Community Member Posts: 24 Listener
    I’ve been self employed roughly 4 years my accountant does my books I’ll check my gateway login 
    thanks for all of your help 
    is there not a app for scope as I have to login each time I recieved a email thank you all again 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    edited February 2023
    Scope do not have an app. If you don't share your device you can tick the box "stay logged in" and this will save logging in each time.

    If there's entitlement to New style ESA then you should claim it, although it's deducted from your UC. New style ESA isn't means tested so savings/capital and pensions of up to £85 per week are all ignored, including IIDB.

    If you're awarded IIDB it will be deducted in full from your UC.
  • phila67
    phila67 Online Community Member Posts: 24 Listener
    edited June 2023
    Hello sorry not been here for a while I applied for pip on the 03/03/2023 had a phone assessment on the 7/6/23 recieved a text on the 18/06/23 saying there looking at my claim phoned up yesterday 28/06/23 with more medical proof was told I’ve been awarded high rates on both my first payment will be on the 21/07/23 for £691 also said I’d recieve back pay of £1307.96 which I did but it Dosent seem to add up I thought it was backdated to the day you made the claim ie 03/03/23 any one help thank you 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    It's paid from the date you rang to start your claim providing you had those difficulties for at least 3 months at that time. If you did then you will need to contact PIP to ask them why you only received that amount.
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    edited June 2023
    What date does your decision letter say the award starts from?
    When did your health conditions start?
    If you haven’t had the decision letter yet you should wait until you have received it before contacting them. 
  • flour
    flour Online Community Member Posts: 96 Empowering
    edited June 2023

    Congratulations on getting PIP! That must be a weight off your mind now its sorted out. Your mum can also get her pension credit put back on the higher amount again (and backdated to the day your PIP goes back to).

    Did you file a claim for New Style ESA? If not I would suggest you do this one too, If you already get LCW or LCWRA in your UC then your New Style ESA claim will go through quickly without more questionnaires about your health.

    As you were self employed you have paid your Class 2 NI which means you are entitled to it (you don't get New Style ESA unless you've pain in to the system). If you haven't paid your Class 2 NI you can pay it now (its about £325 for the 2 tax years) and still claim New Style ESA. You would get between £84 - £129 per week on top of your PIP/IIDB.

    Just so you are aware UC, PIP and IIDB don't have a deadline to claim by but New Style ESA does have a cut off point after which you can't claim it.
  • phila67
    phila67 Online Community Member Posts: 24 Listener
    Sorry, I did not get Idb as I lost 20 years my medical records, so when they looked into it, I was Self-employed, but at the time I was employed, so they declined
    it I’ve now got my 20 years of medical history back I thought  ESA was means tested I have not received the award letter for PIP so I don’t know What date of the award started? My condition started in 2015.  So the medical record was missing. It was not on my medical record Thank you so much for your help
  • phila67
    phila67 Online Community Member Posts: 24 Listener
    My phone screen is a bit temperamental from having to speak. Everything doesn’t make sense sometimes.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    phila67 said:
     I thought  ESA was means tested I have not received the award letter for PIP so I don’t know What date of the award started? My condition started in 2015.  So the medical record was missing. It was not on my medical record Thank you so much for your help

    New style ESA isn't means tested. Whether you're entitled to it will depend on your NI contributions in the previous 2 tax years.

    If you claim this as well as UC then there's no financial gain because it's deducted in full from any UC entitlement. If entitled then it's still worth claiming because it's not means tested like UC is.

    For your PIP question then you'll either need to wait for the decision letter to see what it says or you can ring them to ask. Your award will not start from 2015, it will be from the date you first rang to start your claim.
  • phila67
    phila67 Online Community Member Posts: 24 Listener
    I phoned up yesterday to give them more medical evidence as There was very little Medical history, they could see And the lady said it doesn’t matter as you passed for high rate on  On both, she did not say when it was  Awarded from I will ring again tomorrow But my first payment will be the 21st of July, so I shall not paid in arrears. Thank you so much
  • phila67
    phila67 Online Community Member Posts: 24 Listener
    Also, she said I was awarded this for three years
  • phila67
    phila67 Online Community Member Posts: 24 Listener
    Also, can I request a copy of my assessment so I can see how many points scored and on what specific tasks 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    phila67 said:
     my first payment will be the 21st of July, so I shall not paid in arrears.
    PIP is paid 4 weekly in arrears. Unless claiming under special rules because of end of life and then it's paid weekly in advance.

  • phila67
    phila67 Online Community Member Posts: 24 Listener
    Was meant to say, I assume that the first payment is four weeks in arrears
  • phila67
    phila67 Online Community Member Posts: 24 Listener
    £1307.96 divided by £172.75 works out at roughly 7.5 weeks can’t be correct in my opinion 
  • phila67
    phila67 Online Community Member Posts: 24 Listener
    I phoned PIP today they said the payment was to cover from the 1st of May to the 23rd of June. She said the letter states I was not entitled to it before this date.