My PIP process 2023

Jack121 Online Community Member Posts: 21 Contributor
edited March 2023 in PIP, DLA, ADP and AA
Hello all, 

I’ve been reading through so many comments on here about PIP and the process. 
I just want to share my experience, which is mostly positive. 

I applied on the phone to DWP PIP helpline new claims on 18th December 2022. 
A form was sent out in the post and sent it back with: 
Letter from my GP
Letter from Physiotherapist 
Letter from Psychologist
Repeat prescriptions
Photographic evidence 
8 Week Daily Diary 

I sent the form and all evidence (signed for) on 16th January 2023. 
I received a text, stating they had received the information. 
They wrote to me and I was offered a consultation, on the 17th February 2023.
however I called them and asked for a Male heath professional and for it to be recorded. Unfortunately my time and date had to be rescheduled to fit my requirements. 

I had my consultation/assessment on 27th February 2023. 
He was very professional, kind and understanding to my situation. The call lasted for 1hr 48mins.

I received a text from DWP on the 28th, stating they had received the report. 
On Friday 3rd March 2023, I received a text stating I’ve been awarded PIP. 

I just wanted to share my process to all, especially all those who worry, like I did about the process. 
Just be honest, open and share with the Health Professionals everything. 
They do want to help those in need. 

Good luck everyone and relax. 

Jack x 



  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    Thank you for sharing your story with us @Jack121 :)
  • MC242
    MC242 Online Community Member Posts: 28 Connected
    Thats brilliant news, im just waiting on my decision my process stsrted in January an so far has been pretty quick
  • Jack121
    Jack121 Online Community Member Posts: 21 Contributor
    MC242 said:
    Thats brilliant news, im just waiting on my decision my process stsrted in January an so far has been pretty quick
    That's what I thought, it's been super quick... When did you have your assessment? Are you going to ask for a copy of your report? I asked for the report and received it the next day. The DWP went with the Health Assessment which was great. Good luck pal :)
  • MC242
    MC242 Online Community Member Posts: 28 Connected
    I had my phone assessment on the 21st of Feb. Rang DWP today an asked about a copy of my report an they said they don’t normally send a copy until a desicion has been made but she said the report recommends standard rate for both but depends what the decision maker decides. Thank you
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    MC242 said:
    she said the report recommends standard rate for both but depends what the decision maker decides. Thank you

    They should not have said anything to you because it's not their place to do that. I don't know how she knew that because the points in the report are not added. They are recommendations only, when you receive the report you have to add up the points using the PIP descriptors. I can't see a call centre advisor doing that.
  • Jack121
    Jack121 Online Community Member Posts: 21 Contributor
    MC242 said:
    Thats brilliant news, im just waiting on my decision my process stsrted in January an so far has been pretty quick
    You’ll possibly hear something this week… I think we’re a week apart from assessments and they’ve definitely increased the times of processing new applications from what I’ve read on here. 
    If you haven’t, I’d call again (speak to someone more helpful) for the report 
  • MC242
    MC242 Online Community Member Posts: 28 Connected
    Jack121 said:
    MC242 said:
    Thats brilliant news, im just waiting on my decision my process stsrted in January an so far has been pretty quick
    You’ll possibly hear something this week… I think we’re a week apart from assessments and they’ve definitely increased the times of processing new applications from what I’ve read on here. 
    If you haven’t, I’d call again (speak to someone more helpful) for the report 
    I hope so my anxiety has been going through the roof. I didn’t think they were allowed to say anything either but the woman said she can tell me what the reccomendation was from the assessor on the report. 
  • coffeetable
    coffeetable Online Community Member Posts: 61 Contributor
    Jack121 said:
    Hello all, 

    I’ve been reading through so many comments on here about PIP and the process. 
    I just want to share my experience, which is mostly positive. 

    I applied on the phone to DWP PIP helpline new claims on 18th December 2022. 
    A form was sent out in the post and sent it back with: 
    Letter from my GP
    Letter from Physiotherapist 
    Letter from Psychologist
    Repeat prescriptions
    Photographic evidence 
    8 Week Daily Diary 

    I sent the form and all evidence (signed for) on 16th January 2023. 
    I received a text, stating they had received the information. 
    They wrote to me and I was offered a consultation, on the 17th February 2023.
    however I called them and asked for a Male heath professional and for it to be recorded. Unfortunately my time and date had to be rescheduled to fit my requirements. 

    I had my consultation/assessment on 27th February 2023. 
    He was very professional, kind and understanding to my situation. The call lasted for 1hr 48mins.

    I received a text from DWP on the 28th, stating they had received the report. 
    On Friday 3rd March 2023, I received a text stating I’ve been awarded PIP. 

    I just wanted to share my process to all, especially all those who worry, like I did about the process. 
    Just be honest, open and share with the Health Professionals everything. 
    They do want to help those in need. 

    Good luck everyone and relax. 

    Jack x 

    Firstly, Congratulations Jack. Secondly, I was repeatedly told in this forum that a GP letter would not work when something comes to evidence. Only anecdotal evidence is needed, but it looks like magic worked in your case. My GP said it would not issue me a letter because they wouldn't know whether I can cook or not or how these conditions affect my daily activities. Say in my case, I have arthritis, if I don't provide a GP letter or any type of evidence how does the tribunal believe that I have these conditions? Still, I couldn't come to terms with how the system works. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    Firstly, Congratulations Jack. Secondly, I was repeatedly told in this forum that a GP letter would not work when something comes to evidence. Only anecdotal evidence is needed,
    It’s correct that a GP letter isn’t the best evidence to send. In this case a GP letter wasn’t the only evidence they sent to support their claim. 

    I totally agree with your GP the reason why they refused to write you a letter because they don’t spend any time with you to know exactly how your conditions affect you.

    Indeed it is true that you don’t really need medical evidence for a successful PIP award. 

    The only person that really knows how your conditions affect you is yourself. Your real world incidents of exactly what happened the last time you attempted each descriptor that applies. This is what the Tribunal will want. 

    I achieved 2 paper based assessments in 2021 for 2 separate PIP reviews based on mostly anecdotal evidence. For one review the only medical evidence sent was a OT report and a repeat prescription list. 
  • Jack121
    Jack121 Online Community Member Posts: 21 Contributor

    Hi Coffeetable, 
    I used the attached template and wrote to my GP. I then made an appointment to see him and I discussed all the areas on the form. He filled it in and sent it back to me a week later. 
    I’ve seen the same GP for the past 10 years and he knows I was very fit and healthy until the accident last year. 
    Now I’m unable to walk more than 5 steps with crutches and need someone with me to do the most basic of tasks like washing. 

    I’m sure your GP will support you if you explained everything face to face with them. 

    Good luck 😊 

  • coffeetable
    coffeetable Online Community Member Posts: 61 Contributor
    Jack121 said:

    Hi Coffeetable, 
    I used the attached template and wrote to my GP. I then made an appointment to see him and I discussed all the areas on the form. He filled it in and sent it back to me a week later. 
    I’ve seen the same GP for the past 10 years and he knows I was very fit and healthy until the accident last year. 
    Now I’m unable to walk more than 5 steps with crutches and need someone with me to do the most basic of tasks like washing. 

    I’m sure your GP will support you if you explained everything face to face with them. 

    Good luck 😊 

    Jack121 said:

    Hi Coffeetable, 
    I used the attached template and wrote to my GP. I then made an appointment to see him and I discussed all the areas on the form. He filled it in and sent it back to me a week later. 
    I’ve seen the same GP for the past 10 years and he knows I was very fit and healthy until the accident last year. 
    Now I’m unable to walk more than 5 steps with crutches and need someone with me to do the most basic of tasks like washing. 

    I’m sure your GP will support you if you explained everything face to face with them. 

    Good luck 😊 

    Thank you Jack for the template. This is the exact template I took from the Internet and changed the Red font areas for my particular case and went to the GP Reception. The Team leader who is responsible for private letters looked at me from top to bottom in a weird way and said this letter is way too big and the doctor has no time to spend to fill these 3 pages and sent me away. After amending the letter to one page requesting to confirm my conditions say in my case-Arthritis, Anxiety and Left Hearing Impairment. Despite changing the letter according to her advice, the doctor denied giving the letter citing my Jan 2021 X-Ray report which is too old to cite calling as mild arthritis and that would not affect my day-to-day activities. It's 2023 and my conditions might have changed, but they don't want to buy the argument.

    I'm with my GP for the past 18 years but the downside is I don't see the same doctor every time. Finally, after seeing the doctor today the request came to an end they would not even confirm my conditions let alone the daily activities. 

    My CAB rep little upset that the GP denied the letter and now she wants me to apply to the tribunal without the letter.
  • coffeetable
    coffeetable Online Community Member Posts: 61 Contributor
    Thanks, Poppy123456. But my CAB Rep insist on getting the letter, so I put a complaint at my GP Practice today to consider my (To whom so ever it may concern) letter request. Fingers crossed, if they deny it again I'm left with no choice but to go without it. 

    I know Poppy would argue that a GP letter is not needed, but I just try, who knows, the system doesn't work the same every time.
  • Jack121
    Jack121 Online Community Member Posts: 21 Contributor
    Jack121 said:

    Hi Coffeetable, 
    I used the attached template and wrote to my GP. I then made an appointment to see him and I discussed all the areas on the form. He filled it in and sent it back to me a week later. 
    I’ve seen the same GP for the past 10 years and he knows I was very fit and healthy until the accident last year. 
    Now I’m unable to walk more than 5 steps with crutches and need someone with me to do the most basic of tasks like washing. 

    I’m sure your GP will support you if you explained everything face to face with them. 

    Good luck 😊 

    Jack121 said:

    Hi Coffeetable, 
    I used the attached template and wrote to my GP. I then made an appointment to see him and I discussed all the areas on the form. He filled it in and sent it back to me a week later. 
    I’ve seen the same GP for the past 10 years and he knows I was very fit and healthy until the accident last year. 
    Now I’m unable to walk more than 5 steps with crutches and need someone with me to do the most basic of tasks like washing. 

    I’m sure your GP will support you if you explained everything face to face with them. 

    Good luck 😊 

    Thank you Jack for the template. This is the exact template I took from the Internet and changed the Red font areas for my particular case and went to the GP Reception. The Team leader who is responsible for private letters looked at me from top to bottom in a weird way and said this letter is way too big and the doctor has no time to spend to fill these 3 pages and sent me away. After amending the letter to one page requesting to confirm my conditions say in my case-Arthritis, Anxiety and Left Hearing Impairment. Despite changing the letter according to her advice, the doctor denied giving the letter citing my Jan 2021 X-Ray report which is too old to cite calling as mild arthritis and that would not affect my day-to-day activities. It's 2023 and my conditions might have changed, but they don't want to buy the argument.

    I'm with my GP for the past 18 years but the downside is I don't see the same doctor every time. Finally, after seeing the doctor today the request came to an end they would not even confirm my conditions let alone the daily activities. 

    My CAB rep little upset that the GP denied the letter and now she wants me to apply to the tribunal without the letter.
    Your GP surgery sounds unhelpful.
    I hope you get the best support from the CAB.
    Stay positive 😊

  • coffeetable
    coffeetable Online Community Member Posts: 61 Contributor
    Jack, I really feel sorry for the accident, I hope you recover from it quickly and back to happy days and thank you for your support.
  • Jack121
    Jack121 Online Community Member Posts: 21 Contributor
    Jack, I really feel sorry for the accident, I hope you recover from it quickly and back to happy days and thank you for your support.
    Thank you 😊
    Sadly, the accident has left me paralysed from the waist down. So no recovery is expected. 
    I’m now trying to learn how to live some type of “normal” life. Staying positive 😊
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    Thanks, Poppy123456. But my CAB Rep insist on getting the letter, so I put a complaint at my GP Practice today to consider my (To whom so ever it may concern) letter request. Fingers crossed, if they deny it again I'm left with no choice but to go without it. 

    I know Poppy would argue that a GP letter is not needed, but I just try, who knows, the system doesn't work the same every time.
    The first thing I would be doing here is finding someone else for advice.
    I honestly can’t understand that template because it’s all based on hearsay. 
  • MC242
    MC242 Online Community Member Posts: 28 Connected
    Just an update for people had a call today i’ve been awarded and about how i wanted the back payment, not sure on the rates yet i need to call back tomorrow but so glad the process is over. I can’t complain too much though as i put my claim in on the 11th Jan so it’s taken 2 months
  • Jack121
    Jack121 Online Community Member Posts: 21 Contributor
    MC242 said:
    Just an update for people had a call today i’ve been awarded and about how i wanted the back payment, not sure on the rates yet i need to call back tomorrow but so glad the process is over. I can’t complain too much though as i put my claim in on the 11th Jan so it’s taken 2 months
    Congratulations!!! Great news! 
    Same here, my Back Payment landed yesterday. It’s such an insanely quick turnaround.
  • coffeetable
    coffeetable Online Community Member Posts: 61 Contributor
    edited March 2023
    Last try failed. Dr would not issue me letter. I'm going for appeal without the letter. As Poppy advised I'm looking for someone else for help as Rep.
  • MC242
    MC242 Online Community Member Posts: 28 Connected
    Jack121 said:
    MC242 said:
    Just an update for people had a call today i’ve been awarded and about how i wanted the back payment, not sure on the rates yet i need to call back tomorrow but so glad the process is over. I can’t complain too much though as i put my claim in on the 11th Jan so it’s taken 2 months
    Congratulations!!! Great news! 
    Same here, my Back Payment landed yesterday. It’s such an insanely quick turnaround.
    Thank you it’s a such a relief. How long did you wait for your back payment?