PIP review, when they’ve received the form and evidence, do they notify?

ChrisSCOPEhtfc94 Community member Posts: 208 Empowering
A PIP review form and a care plan was back to the DWP earlier this week. When they’ve received it all will they send a text message to say they’ve got it fine? I think they should do that for people, just for piece of mind. I could swore a few years ago for a PIP application that a text message was sent when they got everything back fine. 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    They sometimes send a text to say they've received the form. Don't forget this weekend is a bank holiday, which will increase the time it takes for them to receive it. It's not classed as arriving until it's been added to the computer and this can take a couple of weeks and they don't always send a text immediately.
  • ChrisSCOPEhtfc94
    ChrisSCOPEhtfc94 Community member Posts: 208 Empowering

    Hopefully they will do that, the sooner I know they’ve got it the better. We’re not mind readers, we’re not meant to know when they’ve got anything, they should be doing that to put people’s minds at rest.

    Reviews shouldn’t even happen IMO, they’re just asking for the same info that they already know. I’m autistic, you can’t just wave a magic wand and there, it’s gone. It’s a lifelong thing. My circumstances haven’t changed, just the same. Do you think people with a mental disability, like autism, can get a long award of say 8 years? There is a thing called an ongoing award - that’s 10 years. 
  • ChrisSCOPEhtfc94
    ChrisSCOPEhtfc94 Community member Posts: 208 Empowering
    @poppy123456 reviews just bring stress to people that go through them - the DWP know what they’re doing in that regard. 
  • ChrisSCOPEhtfc94
    ChrisSCOPEhtfc94 Community member Posts: 208 Empowering
    @poppy123456 I should think that I won’t go on a long, unbearable road (mandatory reconsideration and tribunal) to get what I know I’m entitled to. What was sent, a convincing care plan and review form, should be enough. They just need to give me a long time award, I’m not going to change. If it was my choice I’d say 8 years. They just need to leave me alone at the end of all this, I shall be looking forward to that.
  • Squeakypips
    Squeakypips Community member Posts: 23 Connected
    In my case, they just
    a) didn't send me any notification that they'd received a letter from my GP
    b) didn't phone , which they said they would
    c) only appear to have read half of it, and disregarded the rest.
    Good luck!
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    In my case, they just
    a) didn't send me any notification that they'd received a letter from my GP

    I'm not aware that they should send anything.
  • ChrisSCOPEhtfc94
    ChrisSCOPEhtfc94 Community member Posts: 208 Empowering
    @Squeakypips it’s not really good enough if they don’t send any notification - if they think we’re mind readers they’re entirely wrong. They can’t just make us assume they’ve received stuff without a notification, for peace of mind they should just do it. 
  • ChrisSCOPEhtfc94
    ChrisSCOPEhtfc94 Community member Posts: 208 Empowering
    edited May 2023
    Got a letter yesterday saying that on their records they still haven’t received the form & care plan yet. That letter is enough to get anybody down even if you knew it was sent back to them.

    A woman from the Citizens Advice in our area came to assist with the filling in on Wednesday 3 May, took the form & a care plan with her & sent the form back & a photocopy of the care plan back the very same day (3 May) first class.

    So it was 9 days ago when she sent everything back - they should have it at their end considering that. Maybe it’s just down to the fact it’s not been logged down yet as received? The Mail Handling Site that mail goes to in Wolverhampton, I know that any mail that goes there is still not classed as received. It has to go to the relevant office from that mail centre. 
  • ChrisSCOPEhtfc94
    ChrisSCOPEhtfc94 Community member Posts: 208 Empowering
    edited May 2023
    That King that I’m not keen on (my opinion) & his bank holiday on the Monday just gone (8 May), maybe that’s played a part in the form and care plan not been logged as received yet. Like I said, both were sent back 9 days ago (Wednesday 3 May) 1st class, so that stuff should be back at their end already, sitting somewhere. 

    Been on the phone to the PIP enquiry line to a female and was told that a text message will come through to me when it’s all logged as received. She did sort of say that bank holiday might be playing a part. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    The letter you received yesterday would have been automatically generated and could have been sent before the forms were received. 

    It’s not unusual to wait up to a couple of weeks to receive post coming from DWP. 

    It doesn’t mean your forms haven’t been received yet. 
  • ChrisSCOPEhtfc94
    ChrisSCOPEhtfc94 Community member Posts: 208 Empowering
    edited May 2023
    @poppy123456 it’s understandable to be worried dealing with stuff like this even though there’s nothing to worry about. 

    I think they’ll receive A LOT of mail to the Mail Handling Site in Wolverhampton, so I guess that plays a part as well in it taking time for stuff to be logged as received.
  • ChrisSCOPEhtfc94
    ChrisSCOPEhtfc94 Community member Posts: 208 Empowering
    I think my things (form & care plan) will be down there already, have that feeling. 9 days since it was all sent back. It’ll just be a pile somewhere with all the other mail waiting to be logged as received. What do we think?
  • ChrisSCOPEhtfc94
    ChrisSCOPEhtfc94 Community member Posts: 208 Empowering
    logging things as received, we do wish they’d do it as quick as we’d like them to but the DWP don’t rush. They have all that mail to get through as well.
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,925 Championing
    Hopefully, they will log this as soon as possible @ChrisSCOPEhtfc94. However, I can hear your concerns - there is a lengthy wait. Would anything help you while you wait?  :)
  • BoredBoredBored
    BoredBoredBored Community member Posts: 12 Listener
    I had my PIP review paperwork around April 2022, I heard nothing until a text in September stating (We still have your PIP form and will be progressing your review as soon as we can).

    Another text November identical to the first and then nothing again until late February 2023 where I received paperwork and texts regarding my video assessment. 9 texts received over the 7 days prior to the video assessment. 4 texts on the day of the assessment even though my appointment was at 10am.

    I was worried at first but because it was going on for so long I had to just forget about it until the assessment time. I had a bad ESA assessment some years back even though I was awarded PIP just a couple of weeks prior the Doctor for the ESA lied throughout.

    So far my PIP assessments have been fair, although my very first one was declined and awarded zero points. This was when the newspapers did articles on the assessors stating they were going to fail the applicant even before they had seen them. Have they improved?

    Sorry to waffle on but cross your fingers and try to put it out of your mind until they send you the assessment dates. Good luck.


  • ChrisSCOPEhtfc94
    ChrisSCOPEhtfc94 Community member Posts: 208 Empowering
    Hopefully, they will log this as soon as possible @ChrisSCOPEhtfc94. However, I can hear your concerns - there is a lengthy wait. Would anything help you while you wait?  :)
    https://forum.scope.org.uk/discussion/105900/wonderful-they-have-my-review-form-and-care-plan-now#latest <—- they’ve received my stuff @L_Volunteer. Follow the link and have a look at that discussion.