Hi, my name is roglin55! Waiting to hear from PIP



  • roglin55
    roglin55 Community member Posts: 103 Contributor
    I had the assesors report back and that was fair recommended standard daily living standard mobility. But the case manager wanted more info off my doctor  which is fine but just because someone doesn't go to the doctors every minute of the day doesn't mean they are not  in pain  im just looking through my mr report now ready to send in
  • roglin55
    roglin55 Community member Posts: 103 Contributor
    Just heard back after reconsideration. Been turned down again it’s really draining I give up I’ll leave it for now I have not got the strength in me atm in time to fight. 
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Community member Posts: 16,394 Championing
    I'm sorry your Mandatory Reconsideration hasn't changed your award. Unfortunately any success with this is only about 23%, but the success rate with a PIP tribunal is 68%; something to think about. 
    I would give this all a break for a few days, then see how you feel. I know this has all been a lengthy process for you so far, & you must be feeling rather fed up, but hope you don't actually give up :)
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,905 Championing
    Hello @roglin55

    I'm so sorry it was turned down again. I agree with chiarieds to give it a few days and then see how you feel. We are here to support in any way we can <3