pip online appeal tracker

fayet27 Online Community Member Posts: 30 Contributor
Hi. I’ve had no issues so far with the online pip appeal tracker page but today I’ve logged in and my appeal has completely disappeared… has this happened to anyone else ? Thanks in advance 


  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,538 Championing
    Oh dear that sounds a bit worrying @fayet27, hopefully it's just a technical glitch. I'm afraid I can't answer your question directly as I don't have experience of using the tracker. 

    Have you tried to get in touch to find out what's happened, or have you heard anything since it disappeared?
  • fayet27
    fayet27 Online Community Member Posts: 30 Contributor
    @Alex_Scope I haven’t heard anything & trying to get onto the live webchat is a nightmare, I’ve tried since 8am and it just comes up “no agents available” i do know they are open 8/2 so I’ll keep trying but I’m guessing I’ll not have much luck until Monday! When I checked last time it said I had a couple of documents to read which stated that my appeal had been adjourned as there wasn’t enough time but that was 10/05 … absolutely nothing since. 😞 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,393 Championing
    Did you request a paper based hearing?
  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,538 Championing
    Okay @fayet27, thanks for explaining, do keep trying if you can today!

    Can I ask if you've sent in any evidence to help with your appeal since you first submitted it?
  • fayet27
    fayet27 Online Community Member Posts: 30 Contributor
    @poppy123456 yeah I did … please tell me it goes off the tracker once it’s been heard, then at least that way I can put my mind at ease. 
  • fayet27
    fayet27 Online Community Member Posts: 30 Contributor
    @Alex_Scope yeah I’ve sent in quite a bit, well enough to show what problems I have daily, they’ve never mentioned anything about not having enough or that they needed extra, it was just that they didn’t have enough time to go through the papers because all of the other oral appeals ran late until 5:20pm. That’s all the adjournment notice says. 
  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,538 Championing
    That's okay @fayet27, and the adjournment notice, was that back on the 10th May 2023?

    Can I check if you are having a paper-based hearing?
  • fayet27
    fayet27 Online Community Member Posts: 30 Contributor
    @Alex_Scope yeah 10th may 2023 .. it also said it would be heard at the next available date.  
    Yeah I asked for paper based. I know they have low success rates but it’s what I was most comfortable with and I’m satisfied with the evidence I have sent in which explains everything, in detail. 
    I might just have to ring them first thing on Monday, I’m more worried they’ve completely lost my appeal! 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,393 Championing
    Then the decision could have been made. The tracker may update with the decision at some point. Were you aware that paper based hearings have a very low success rate? I'm not saying that this means you've been refused.
  • Alex_Alumni
    Alex_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,538 Championing
    Thanks for explaining that all, it's very helpful :) Let's hope a decision has been made for you @fayet27 we'll be keeping our fingers crossed! 
  • fayet27
    fayet27 Online Community Member Posts: 30 Contributor
    @poppy123456 that would be good, I’ll keep my fingers crossed.. yeah, I’ve read that, especially on here.. it’s just what I was most comfortable with & I’ve sent in as much detailed information and evidence that I could… as long as they haven’t lost it I’ll be happy! But I’m hoping they’ve made a decision like you’ve said. 
  • FloridaDino
    FloridaDino Online Community Member Posts: 38 Connected
    I was wondering if the tracker was having issues today. I’m on week 29 of waiting for my Tribunal appeal so log in every day to check. Today I couldn’t even get into the screen to check it, so was hoping this was a technical glitch. Annoying as I have extra documents to upload. Can you still log into the screen? Is it just your appeal that’s vanished?
  • fayet27
    fayet27 Online Community Member Posts: 30 Contributor
    Hi @FloridaDino must be something up with it then. So, sometimes it’s saying error 400 : bad request and then other times it’s saying notreal.com which is weird. Then when I can finally log in, it’s completely disappeared! No reference numbers, no appeal, no documents!! It’s had me so confused all day! … hoping by Monday I can speak to someone & see what’s happening. Hope you’re well! 
  • FloridaDino
    FloridaDino Online Community Member Posts: 38 Connected
    Definitely a technical glitch then. I’ve tried 3 browsers, it didn’t work on any. I also got the notreal thing on one of them, another said my appeals hadn’t yet been submitted! (They were 7 months ago, and I’ve had lots of interactions since). I would say don’t worry, maybe it’s weekend maintenance? Doesn’t seem specific to yourself though, which hopefully is reassuring. Your post reassured me!
  • fayet27
    fayet27 Online Community Member Posts: 30 Contributor
    @FloridaDino omg I’m so relieved! I put mine in, in December… hopefully not much longer for us now.. & let’s hope it is just technicals. No more worrying 😃 thanks so much for messaging, glad it’s not just me who thought something was up. 
  • Catlsk
    Catlsk Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    Yeah, don't stress about the online portal being all kinds of dumb atm. I've had it in the past where tracking my appeal there were various kinds of errors that made me worry but I quickly learnt that whenever stuff like this goes down always best to just give them a call to ask them about it and they'll be able to reassure you that everything is fine.
  • fayet27
    fayet27 Online Community Member Posts: 30 Contributor
    @Catlsk thank you. Not worrying now but did get a shock at first thinking all that information & my documents would be gone! I’m going to call them tomorrow, just to make sure 😊 
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,922 Championing
    Glad to hear you are not worried now @fayet27. Please feel free to let us know how the call goes tomorrow - got my fingers crossed for you  :)
  • fayet27
    fayet27 Online Community Member Posts: 30 Contributor
    @L_Volunteer thank you! I will definitely let you know 
  • fayet27
    fayet27 Online Community Member Posts: 30 Contributor
    Hi everyone. Spoke to a lovely lady who said that appeal tracker is undergoing updates & maintenance and would be down for a while.. that my appeal obviously is still on their system & she told me not to worry & it’s ready to be listed.