I'm receiving carers allowance and income support and just been awarded pip

jeanette78 Community member Posts: 31 Listener
 Hi everyone, could you help please? I've just been awarded pip, only had a text and still awaiting the letter, so don't know what I've been awarded. Do I need to contact the DWP to inform them I've been awarded pip? I'm on Carers allowance for looking after my elderly disabled mother, which is topped up by income support. Thanks.


  • calcotti
    calcotti Community member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    edited July 2023
    Do you live alone or live with only with somebody else claiming a disability benefit? 

    If so you should inform IS and ask them to add a Severe Disability Premium to your IS. 

    This is only applicable if the PIP award includes the Daily Living component and nobody claims a benefit for looking after you.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    calcotti said:

    This is only applicable if the PIP award includes the Daily Living component and somebody claims a benefit for looking after you.
    Typo this should include "doesn't."

    Jeanette, you will also be entitled to the disability premium £39.85/week single person or £56.80/week couples. It should be automatically added but sometimes it isn't so it's worth ringing them to tell them.

    If your PIP includes Enhanced daily living you'll also be entitled to the Enhanced disability premium £19.55/week (single person) or £27.90/week (couples)

  • calcotti
    calcotti Community member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    edited July 2023
    calcotti said:
    This is only applicable if the PIP award includes the Daily Living component and somebody claims a benefit for looking after you.
    Typo this should include "doesn't." 
    Thanks poppy. Corrected.

    (I had forgotten above the other two premiums on IS.)
  • jeanette78
    jeanette78 Community member Posts: 31 Listener
    I'm single and have my elderly disabled mother living with me, who's on pension credit and also receives Attendance allowance. My married Sister who has been caring for me and doesn't work or receive any benefits is going to apply for carers allowance when I receive the award letter.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    I'm single and have my elderly disabled mother living with me, who's on pension credit and also receives Attendance allowance. My married Sister who has been caring for me and doesn't work or receive any benefits is going to apply for carers allowance when I receive the award letter.

    You would be entitled to SDP because your mum claims AA. This will increase your IS by a further £76.40/week. If your sister applies for carers allowance you won't be entitled to the SDP.

    calcotti said:
    calcotti said:
    This is only applicable if the PIP award includes the Daily Living component and somebody claims a benefit for looking after you.
    Typo this should include "doesn't." 
    Thanks poppy. Corrected.

    (I had forgotten above the other two premiums on IS.)

    It's very easily done, i'm terrible for missing words, adding words and even forgetting to add information.
  • jeanette78
    jeanette78 Community member Posts: 31 Listener
    edited July 2023
    Thanks, I'll let DWP know about pip, but I did think that if my sister claimed carers allowance I wouldn't get any extra money. So you just verified it. But she does a lot for me so deserves it.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    You will only lose entitlement to the SDP if she claims carers allowance. You will still be entitled to the disability premium. If awarded Enhanced daily living you'll also be entitled to the EDP.
  • jeanette78
    jeanette78 Community member Posts: 31 Listener
    Poppy, thanks. So just to get it right, (sorry if I'm being a pain) if my sister will get carers allowance,  I can't apply for severe disability premium. But i can still get disability premium? 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    Poppy, thanks. So just to get it right, (sorry if I'm being a pain) if my sister will get carers allowance,  I can't apply for severe disability premium. But i can still get disability premium? 
    Correct. As well as the Enhanced Disability Premium but you only qualify for this if your PIP includes Enhanced daily living. 
  • jeanette78
    jeanette78 Community member Posts: 31 Listener
    Poppy, I just rang  the DWP (was on hold 55 minutes!!) And was told I had enhanced  daily living but lower mobility. So pleased as I thought they'd only give me the lower amount, as I was very anxious on the phone. So next I will have my sister claim carers allowance for looking after me, and ring DWP tomorrow to explain I now have pip.  Thank you all for the help, I'm very relieved and pleased 😊 
  • calcotti
    calcotti Community member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    edited July 2023
    Does your sister already claim any benefits? You need to check your entitlement before suggesting she claim CA. (For example, she if claims UC with LCWRA and then claimed CA she wouldn’t get any extra money but would still prevent you getting SPD.)
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    calcotti said:
    Does your sister already claim any benefits? You need to check your entitlement before suggesting she claim CA. (For example, she if claims UC with LCWRA and then claimed CA she wouldn’t get any extra money but would still prevent you getting SPD.)

    I didn't give that advice because of this comment here.
    My married Sister who has been caring for me and doesn't work or receive any benefits

  • jeanette78
    jeanette78 Community member Posts: 31 Listener
    Yes, my sister is married but doesn't claim any benefits or work, it's only her husbands wages going in.
  • calcotti
    calcotti Community member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    edited July 2023
    Yes, my sister is married but doesn't claim any benefits or work, it's only her husbands wages going in.
    Apologies, I missed that earlier in the thread. 

    Getting CA will mean she gets Class 1 NI credits. She can backdate the CA to start from the date the PIP award starts from.

    If she is comfortable online it is easy to apply for CA online.

    If she can’t do that she will need to ring CA to send them out a paper form for her to complete and return.

    I suggest she waits before submitting a claim until you have the PIP decision letter confirming the start date.

     (It may be worth her getting a State Pension forecast.)
  • jeanette78
    jeanette78 Community member Posts: 31 Listener
    Calcotti, thanks, we'll do it online after I receive the decision letter. I was very pleased and surprised to get it, 😀 
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,906 Championing
    @jeanette78 Congratulations on getting your award! :) 
  • jeanette78
    jeanette78 Community member Posts: 31 Listener
    Hannah_Scope, thanks, I was very surprised as I thought they'd say no, as even though i needed it, they can be very unhelpful, but i had a very nice telephone assessor who put me at ease.
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,906 Championing
    @jeanette78 Glad to hear you had a nice telephone assessor :) I always say you have to treat yourself now. Going with a nice slice of cake is the best way.
  • jeanette78
    jeanette78 Community member Posts: 31 Listener
    Hi, just a quick question, as I'm currently getting carers allowance for my elderly disabled mother, which is topped up with a small amount of income support. will they stop that? I do what I can for her and my sister does the rest.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,054 Championing
    Providing you still care for her for at least 35 hours per week then both benefits will continue. The disability premiums will increase your Income Support amount. They are not separate benefits.