My PIP journey So far.. which is actually good (so far)ar



  • Hannahmarie1234
    Hannahmarie1234 Online Community Member Posts: 90 Contributor
    Aww I'm so sorry to hear this . 😢  so they have gone against the report  I'm gutted for you .  That's what is worrying me .x
  • roglin55
    roglin55 Online Community Member Posts: 103 Contributor
    I will  read letter see what's been rejected then phone in for reconsideration  if that goes  against me I'll appeal 
  • EveD
    EveD Online Community Member Posts: 40 Contributor
    @roglin55 am really sorry to hear that. Ás  Hannahmarie1234  says its worrying that they haven't taken into consideration the points on your assememt recommendation. 
    I think you only have a certain amount of time to ask for an MR so make sure you do so in time. Try not to stress over it too much in the meantime.. keep us updated still please xx 
  • roglin55
    roglin55 Online Community Member Posts: 103 Contributor
    I cant do anything till the 16th as im away they sent letter on 1st I hooe that gives me enough time I thought you got 30 days
  • roglin55
    roglin55 Online Community Member Posts: 103 Contributor
  • EveD
    EveD Online Community Member Posts: 40 Contributor
    Hannahmarie1234 I haven't heard anything yet. A worrying few weeks.Have you not received a letter yet to say they have all evidence? I keep checking my emails each day to see if either you or roglin55 have left a comment xx 
  • EveD
    EveD Online Community Member Posts: 40 Contributor
    @roglin55 I think it is 30 days so yea you should be OK.  Xx
  • roglin55
    roglin55 Online Community Member Posts: 103 Contributor
    Letter sent 1st September  am away till 16th. Hope  I've enough time to put in reconsideration  I thought it was 30 days
  • roglin55
    roglin55 Online Community Member Posts: 103 Contributor
    Phew that's good news they said I could phone  I will write everything down first all my bullet points ill keep you all posted 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    roglin55 said:
    I've just phoned this morning I was not awarded pip my letter is in the post but im away till 16th im gutted but will read letter when I get home and in for reconsideration
    In a previous comment you said the report recommended 8 points for daily living and mobility. It’s quite rare for them to go against it, though it can happen. Are you sure you added the points correctly? 

    Once you get home you can request the MR which you should put in writing stating where and why you think you should have scored those points. 
  • Hannahmarie1234
    Hannahmarie1234 Online Community Member Posts: 90 Contributor
    @EveD Yes I had a letter telling me they have all the information they need to make a decision but nothing else yet x
  • Hannahmarie1234
    Hannahmarie1234 Online Community Member Posts: 90 Contributor
    @EveD yea me to every morning 🌄 feel sick then if nothing comes through by 20 past 8 🙄
  • roglin55
    roglin55 Online Community Member Posts: 103 Contributor
    Yes I've added them up correctly  
  • roglin55
    roglin55 Online Community Member Posts: 103 Contributor
    They also recommended review in 18 months incase of any improvement
  • roglin55
    roglin55 Online Community Member Posts: 103 Contributor
    Do many people get their  descion overturned after a reconsideration 
  • Hannahmarie1234
    Hannahmarie1234 Online Community Member Posts: 90 Contributor
    I don't know its my first claim sorry 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    roglin55 said:
    Do many people get their  descion overturned after a reconsideration 
    The success rate of MRs is only about 23% so it’s quite low. Hopefully you’ll be one of those. 

    Much more chance at Tribunal stage where it jumps to 70%+ providing you either appear in person, or have a telephone/video hearing. 
  • EveD
    EveD Online Community Member Posts: 40 Contributor
    Morning all.. A shocked but happy bunny today,  despite the last few days being rough ones for me. 
    I checked my phone as normal as I do,  to see a notification to say a nice 4 figure sum has been paid in by dwp. 
    To say I'm shocked is an understatement. I know there has been some cases where the money,  if it goes up has been backdated to the date they received the form in but its seems rare ish for a review. They received my review form 30th September 22 so a couple of weeks shy of a year ago
    My phone assessment was less than a month ago. 
    So as I've not had a letter to  confirm it, but it would seem,  with some quick calculations that they paid mobility enhanced,  plus the extra care from standard to enhanced from the last year.  It's the only figures that really add up. So now I just need the elusive letter to confirm officially.  
    Am so happy. X
  • Hannahmarie1234
    Hannahmarie1234 Online Community Member Posts: 90 Contributor
    @EveD ahhh I'm so happy for you  now relax and treat yourself to something nice you deserve it  👏  Well done xx
  • roglin55
    roglin55 Online Community Member Posts: 103 Contributor
    Congrats eve I will be doing first steps to reconsider once home in 10 days time if fail that I'll appeal the medical assessment  recommended standard care standard mobility so I will be fighting for it  if sussesful from reconsider is it still back dated from day I applied  if not that at tribunal