Does anyone else feel guilt for being on benefits?



  • jadeyb
    jadeyb Community member Posts: 15 Connected
    I get you! I too feel guilty and almost disgusted with myself! But I believe this is due to my illness as I too am paranoid and suffer survere depression and anxiety I question myself all day everyday! It’s so draining! I know I’m entitled but at the same time this little voice chips away at me saying I don’t deserve this money I’m no good etc  I haven’t even received a payment yet! So god knows how ill feel then probably worse! But yes I totally get you! 
  • Aimie
    Aimie Community member Posts: 12 Listener
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,906 Championing
    I feel guilty at times. But I know it's there because I need the extra support.
  • Remina
    Remina Community member Posts: 186 Empowering
    I don't, because I know deep down that I literally wouldn't be able to survive without it. My physical symptoms are so debilitating that it's a real struggle just to wake up and find the will to cope on a daily basis. Without the disability benefit I just wouldn't be able to survive, end of story.

    The only negative emotions I feel are a deep anger and resentment toward this constant hate campaign by the mainstream media towards benefit claimants. Today I saw an article in the newspaper with the disgusting headline ''Generation sicknote'' and a whole article full of vile, cruel rhetoric towards people in their 20s-40s who are on disability benefit.. This constant hatred stirred up by the media/government is (I feel) a big reason why so many disabled people feel guilt/shame about being on disability benefit. Not to mention all the small minded, able-bodied people out there who are constantly complaining about the sick and disabled being 'benefit scroungers' and whatever other derogatory terms they use towards us.. The truth is, we are human beings who are sick/disabled and we are just trying to survive! We're not lazy, we're not 'fiddling the system', we're not bad people, we deserve the same compassion, care and respect as anyone else, regardless of whether or not we claim benefits and regardless of whether or not we work! 

    Not to mention - the money we survive on is NOTHING compared to how much money is wasted by this government, for example the website - 'Best for Britain' calculated that this Government “wastefully spent or dubiously allocated” around £99.4bn of taxpayers’ money since 2019, in a recent report that was published. Also, I found out that the 'chief executive' of my local council is paid '£205,897' annually, that works out at almost £4000.00 a week that he is paid. So when government officials are getting extortionate amounts like that and the government is throwing away money on so many different failed projects or giving tonnes of cash to themselves and their cronies, I feel that NO sick/disabled person in the UK should ever feel ashamed for claiming the small, insignificant amount of money that we do to survive on!
  • pipersiren
    pipersiren Community member Posts: 9 Listener
    bbt said:
    I’ve been really struggling with guilt and paranoia these past few months. I claim LCWRA, and have done so for about two years. My guilt around benefits has seriously gotten worse as I have been struggling with ME/CFS for close to a year now and am going through test upon test about it, but to the point;

    I know I’m eligible for these benefits because I wouldn’t receive them if that wasn’t the case, but any time I spend money on a new t-shirt or a takeaway on days I can’t stand long enough to cook, I feel immense guilt. Like I don’t deserve it, or that the DWP will see that I’m buying ‘inessential’ things and remove my benefits; I live in constant fear of my benefits being taken away. My partner has suggested I put in a new claim for ADP as my initial rejected claim a year ago was before I developed ME/CFS, but the idea of having spare income (if I were to be accepted,) when so many don’t makes me feel like such scum. Does anyone else relate? I feel so isolated and confused, I’m completely at the mercy of a government who would rather see me suffer than thrive, who could strip my only source of income away at any moment.

    Yes, I really really relate to how you're feeling. I'm sorry to hear you feel it too because I know how much it eats away at you. But at the same time, I'm glad someone understands <3 I'm sorry that I can't offer any words of wisdom, because it's something I'm battling with intensely at the moment too, but I just wanted to offer some solidarity. Sending love.
  • Dendoo
    Dendoo Community member Posts: 38 Connected

    I sone a google search to ask is it normal to feel ashamed claiming pip, just applied for first time and I feel just bad about it . I know I’m honest and I’ve struggled for years much to the detriment of my mental health .. it was actually them who told me to apply . It took me all my time to ring up and ask for the form and getting help to get it filled it why cant I feel

    Ok about doing it? Now I have to pluck courage up to tell Gp I’ve applied 🤷‍♀️ you know when your that honest you actually feel your in wrong! Wish I wasn’t like this. Smh

  • JammyWhite
    JammyWhite Community member Posts: 44 Listener

    Isn’t it appalling that nobody questions MP’s on £90k salary also receive multiple ‘benefits’ like for housing, expenses and allowances even for things such as stationary and postage, but the portrayal in the media of people who are unwell and on benefits is negative?

  • Dendoo
    Dendoo Community member Posts: 38 Connected

    when you put it like that …… obviously some are wired up a whole lot differently x

  • StodgySquare
    StodgySquare Community member Posts: 26 Connected

    I know how you feel bbt. I haven't claimed anything yet but the fact that it's come to this is frankly humiliating. I guess because I'm neurodivergent unable to take on a neurotypical system or structure I've had to bite the bullet and accept this.

    However, you are completely deserving of any kind of financial support, you haven't brought this upon yourself and can't control it so shouldn't feel guilty at all. We're human beings with wants and needs so we treat ourselves because frankly we deserve it. Life's difficult enough as it is, especially if you're struggling mentally along with other difficulties.

    You're need to live your life, not just survive or even injure it.

    Also our government is beyond infuriating and corrupt at times.

  • Dendoo
    Dendoo Community member Posts: 38 Connected

    so I plucked up

    The courage to apply online for a fit note as advised by the person who filled in my

    Pip form , I was going to add on the fit note I’ve applied for pip too so the gp knows .. so I’m

    All confident ready to do it then I see you have to apply for fit notes during opening hours lol arghhh , what do they ask on these fit notes you apply for online to

    Your GP ? This is all new to me I’m

    Worried sick about it be glad when it’s done I’ve got myself chewed wondering if the GP won’t give me one I don’t know how any of this works ! Talk about been chucked up n at deep end lol x

  • Dendoo
    Dendoo Community member Posts: 38 Connected

    sorry if I’ve jumped on the post my heads all over sorry

  • StodgySquare
    StodgySquare Community member Posts: 26 Connected

    Rock on Dendoo. 🎸🎸🎸

  • Dendoo
    Dendoo Community member Posts: 38 Connected


  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 6,961 Online Community Coordinator

    I'm glad you found that courage @Dendoo I know it's not an easy thing to do, I was all over the place when I applied for PIP and asked for a WCA. But we're all here to support you through it if you need us. 😊

  • Dendoo
    Dendoo Community member Posts: 38 Connected

    thank you albus ❤️ I’m just getting sorted out before I request a fit note got myself all worked up 😔 anxiety’s bad this morning on top of everything else . Will let you know how i get on x

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 6,961 Online Community Coordinator

    Thanks @Dendoo and be gentle with yourself, I remember well how stressful it can all get when you already have bad anxiety. Just take your time. ❤️

  • Dendoo
    Dendoo Community member Posts: 38 Connected

    ty ❤️ I’ve just done it 5 minutes ago . I feel sorry for whoever rings me they are going to get 17 yr of emotion I feel so emotional x

  • Dendoo
    Dendoo Community member Posts: 38 Connected

    I’ve been

    Quite the soilder , I’ve tried to do it all myself not asked for help hid most of it .. and then I’ve hit a big thick brick wall and I can’t hide anymore 🤷‍♀️

  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 6,961 Online Community Coordinator

    It's totally ok to get emotional, it's a big thing and if you've kept it to yourself with no help for so long, emotions are going to start leaking out. I know it's not easy to ask for help, but I'm glad you are. As the very old advert said "It's good to talk" 😉

    We're all here for support if you need us. Or even just for a good ole chinwag in the coffee lounge. 😊

  • Dendoo
    Dendoo Community member Posts: 38 Connected

    thank you ❤️ will find my way around the site later on tonight not really seen much of it but I will make effort . Ty for replying to me ❤️