Maternity Care for women with CP: The RICH Project

Richard_Scope Posts: 3,708 Cerebral Palsy Network
edited September 2024 in Cerebral Palsy Network

We need two more women to join the study. Can you help?

RICH Study - The University of Nottingham

RIghts and CHoices for women with cerebral palsy: A qualitative studyto understand what works in the provision of their maternity care

 Purpose of the study:

1.      To find out about the reproductive choices and experiencesof women with cerebral palsy, including:

a.     Considering pregnancy

b.    Pregnancy

c.     Giving birth (having the baby)

d.    After childbirth (bringing up the baby)

e.     Loss in pregnancy or childbirth  

2.    Identify the support and barriers in the care ofwomen with CP during pregnancy, childbirth and the postnatal period.

To be involved in the study you need to:

·       identifyas a woman

·       identifyas having CP

·       beage 18 years or over

·       Livein the UK

·       Have the capacity to consent and participate

·       Experiencedpregnancy  (natural or assisted) withinthe last 5 years


Ifyou would like to be involved in this work, please contact the RICH Project:

Dr Sonali Shah, Centrefor Ageing and Rehabilitation Research, School of Medicine, University of Nottingham;Email:                        
