How is your day going?



  • Zimba
    Zimba Community member Posts: 1,873 Empowering
    Morning all, raining here…I hope we get some dry weather for Easter.

    I totally agree with you where bullies are concerned,  the two ringleaders at work are both women who are the driving force behind the group of people that want this man fired.  It’s school ground mentality and I won’t stand for it, he’s high risk and they know this (which is shocking in its self) but say he’s faking to get a free pass and why should he get special treatment, their lack of emotional intelligence is shocking. He wasn’t good yesterday so they let him finish early thankfully and I know he’s got support at home and MH support.  
    Is your user name after a mustang car by any chance? I once had a red Chevy Camaro was the reason for asking. 

    @chiarieds I’ve taken a look at at those links you posted! what an amazing job they did with Basil and a brilliant rescue centre for dogs, thanks once again 🙂

    Hope you all had a goodish night and have a nice day doing whatever keeps you happy, I am nursing a throat thingy I’ve got going on, so it’s a day of catching up on washing and cleaning the house for me this weekend. 
    Take care everyone.  
  • Zimba
    Zimba Community member Posts: 1,873 Empowering
    @Sandy_123 I had a gas hob before converting to electric and had a  problem where the ignition on the gas hob kept firing so I turned of the electric switch off and used a candle lighter until I got it fixed.. hope you got it working 🤞🏻
  • Teigr
    Teigr Community member Posts: 4,439 Championing
    Morning all.

    Cold and rainy here.
  • Teigr
    Teigr Community member Posts: 4,439 Championing
    Good luck at the doctor's @Beaver79

    Mr Teigr's mum is making a 120 mile round trip today for an appointment that will take less than ten minutes.
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Community member Posts: 14,985 Championing

    It's awful how people would pick on someone who is probably only just about able to work, rather than picking on someone who is able to stand up for themselves (or better yet no one at all!).

    I bet those 2 women would be the first to complain, if he was out of work, that he was "scrounging" or whatever.

    Yes my name is based on the car. :) I love the Camaro as well!! Did you have one in the UK (quite rare I believe) or were you abroad at the time?
  • Zimba
    Zimba Community member Posts: 1,873 Empowering
      In the uk, I also use to have a mint green Chevi had a few British classics too, MGB GT, Spitfier and a lot more others,  at the time I was just really into cars, I have taken photos of my favourites before I sold on, I use to go to classics car events, in my family my nick name was the mechanic 🙂, when I take my car to the garage , I know what they are taking about but you would never guess looking at me. 
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,629 Championing

    Morning all bright and dry here today. I hope yous have a lovely day.
    Im going to babysit this afternoon for my daughter. 

    Hi I hope you’re feeling well today, enjoy doing your potting hope the rain eases for you.

    Good luck at the doctors you must be feeling rubbish.

    Oh that’s a shame your mother in law is having to travel so far for her appointment.

    Hi I hope you’re feeling a bit better within yourself.

    Morning do you have any plans today.


  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 57,263 Championing
    Morning everyone  @Zimba I'm going to change the fuse if not that then I'll have to get it fixed. 
    Good luck @Beaver79

  • Zimba
    Zimba Community member Posts: 1,873 Empowering
    @Lou67 Morning, no plans today, just cleaning and try and do some washing, hard to dry with all this rain. 
     Do you have any plans. 
  • Zimba
    Zimba Community member Posts: 1,873 Empowering
    Please try not to feel guilty, it can be overwhelming with having to go somewhere new and be social. A rest now may mean you will be able to try at another time, it’s important to self care and it is allowed 🙂
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 57,263 Championing
    Morning  @Lou67
     @OnlyAlex I hope you manage to enjoy some of your holiday, sounds amazing. Just take your time and do things at your pace 
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Community member Posts: 14,985 Championing

    @Zimba that sounds like a really cool car history!! I am sort of the opposite, I love cars and driving but I don’t know how they work :D I would like to learn to do my own maintenance but I don’t have anywhere like a garage or driveway to work and also no tools or anywhere to store them. What was your favourite car of all?

    Hi @Lou67 I am not feeling too bad today, thanks, I hope you’re well :blush:

    @OnlyAlex I can understand you feeling guilty after not being able to do stuff, I have done the same thing on holidays, but remember the point of a holiday is to relax and enjoy yourself even if that means just sitting doing nothing except for relaxing. I hope you have a nice time :blush:

  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,629 Championing

    Hi I’m so sorry your struggling I hope after a bit off time on your own you’ll feel a bit better.
    And be able to even sit up on the deck and get a bit off fresh air. 
    Take care Alex. 

    Oh i hope you manage to get some washing dried off inside. Roll on the nice weather. 
    I’m going to my daughters this afternoon to look after my grandkids. 
    The 2 boys will be in their room on their computers so it’ll be me and my granddaughter most off the time. 

    Morning Sandy I hope changing the fuse does the trick 🤞🏾

  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,629 Championing

    Im glad your not to bad today I hope you get out a walk and a drive as I know you enjoy both.
    Im definitely feeling better within myself I had been feeling a bit low regarding my knee but hopefully Wednesday will be the last hospital visit. 
    I’ve been saying that for a few weeks now right enough 😂

  • Zimba
    Zimba Community member Posts: 1,873 Empowering
     I had dark purple 924, it was a load of trouble and felt like I was driving a go cart 😂 but loved the colour. We had a garage at the bottom of the garden my fathering law was a builder at the time so had lots of tools and contacts that I could borrow from, he use to do some of the work if he could on his plant machinery, so I was kinda lucky in I only had to buy the odd tool.
  • Zimba
    Zimba Community member Posts: 1,873 Empowering
    @66Mustang sorry for the double post guys.. 

    I had dark purple 924, it was a load of trouble and felt like I was driving a go cart 😂 but loved the colour. We had a garage at the bottom of the garden my fathering law was a builder at the time so had lots of tools and contacts that I could borrow from, he use to do some of the work if he could on his plant machinery, so I was kinda lucky in I only had to buy the odd tool.

  • Zimba
    Zimba Community member Posts: 1,873 Empowering

    Hope all goes well on Wednesday with your knee appointment.
    Have a lovely time at your Daughters  🙂
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,629 Championing

    Thanks  @Zimba
  • Lou67
    Lou67 Community member Posts: 8,629 Championing

    Oh no I’m so sorry this is what it could be, I hope the results of the tests you have to get done do not confirm this for you. 
    We are all here for you take care and take it easy  ❤️
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 57,263 Championing
    Hi @Beaver79 im so sorry that you have all this worry hopefully your gp  will act  on it. Might be worth making an appointment as it will quicken things